
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Birth of a Celestial (2)

It has been 3 years since the scenarios first started. The humans were now currently at the 15th scenario.

During these times the humans have suffered a lot. They have also grown a lot stronger.

Under the lead of Alden, the human representative, the humans had survived the previous scenarios. Although there were some mishaps and losses among them, it was greatly reduced due to the good leadership of Alden.

After three years of participating in the scenarios, Alden had gathered 3 A grade stories.

The first one was "The Fair King", an A grade story he earned after being chosen as a representative.

The second one was "Celestial's Epitome", an A grade story he gained after accepting the sponsorship of the Celestial Castor.

(Authors note : In case you are confused, A Celestial can make a sponsorship to a certain individual and make them their Epitome. The Epitome can then borrow skills from the Celestial that they are being sponsored from.)

The third story he gained was "Mediator of Fights", an A grade story he gained during the 6th scenario where he mediated the fighting and hatred between his fellow humans.

Right now he only needed one more A grade story to become a Celestial like Castor.

Standing on top of a high wall that surrounded the village which the humans lived, Alden gazed at the deep and long forest outside.

He looked up into the sky where Castor was and asked.

"If I do this alone, I should be able to get my fourth A grade story and become like you too, right?"

[The First Celestial is nodding his head.]

[The First Celestial is worried for you.]

Alden smiled, the Celestial who's sponsoring him really was kind.

"It's alright, these three long years have not been idle. I also trained with the skills you've given me, you know?"

Alden said as he opened his status.

[Human Alden :

Sponsored Celestial : Castor

Stories : The Fair King (A), Celestial's Epitome (A), Mediator of Fights (A)

Skills : Starlight Fire (S), Flaming Body (S), Piercing Stab (C), Sprint (C)]

Starlight fire and Flaming body were skills he received after he accepted to be Castor's Epitome.

Starlight fire allowed him to blast a certain area with fire. The fire is specifically 5% similar with the Star body of the Celestial Castor. Although it is just 5%, it was already enough to instantly melt met.

Flaming body is a skill derived from its name, it allows him to condense not just his body, but also his weapon with a protective fire, which also has 5% similar characteristics of the star body fire which Castor held.

Alden gripped his spear tightly as he gazed from afar. Outside the high walls, you could see hundreds of thousands of wolves rushing towards them.

"It's time.."

He said as he jumped down from the high walls. As someone who had upgraded his stats a lot, this was not an issue.

Inside the walls, the humans prayed deeply in their hearts that they would survive this scenario. They held their weapons inside the gate, preparing to fight just in case Alden failed to gain his fourth A grade story.


[Main Scenario #15 :

Task : Survive the wave of wolves and defeat the disaster called "The Night's Fury".

Time limit : None

Reward : A grade weapon (Will be given to the person with most participation), 500 ~ 2500 coins (Depending on amount of participation)

Failure : Destruction of the human race.]