
Fractured Memories

Neo Bastion, who only knows his name, wanted to piece together his fractured memories, as he journey through the continent of Paizen, Neo will meet many person for different countries, he was also going to meet again some certain persons too.

Wally_Labrador · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Welcome and Goodbye

Because of Neo and Aria destroying their airship, the Azkon Empire's invasion on Redo City was successfully repelled by the Vongordians, and the Azkons are now leaving as a result of their poor morale.

However, the war is not yet over; the Azkon Empire's Operation Penguin Blockade is still in effect; they still have a chance; if they manage to invade the port of Garrera, the path to victory is still in sight.

December, 5, 1420

The northeastern port of Garrera is being approached by a sizable fleet of Azkon airships. They lost the battle of Redo, so they want to focus a significant portion of their resources on attacking Garrera this time.

Fortunately for the Azkon Empire, the Vongordians are still unaware of their Operation Penguin Blockade and had planned a night attack for this mission. They also assigned their strongest general for this invasion.

The Kamilla, the third-largest airship the Azkon empire has built, is positioned in the middle of the fleet. It was built as a gift for General Scarlet Tiara, their strongest general.

The strongest general in the Azkon Empire, General Scarlet Tiara, destroyed Rakatan and Aipol, a powerful fortress cities that protecting Vongord by herself. She has red hair, a red sword on her back that can cause her to use blood magic, and she's dressed in white with a locket around her neck.

Scarlet is on the Kamilla, standing on the top balcony and gazing at the port of Garrera, which she will soon destroy. She is then approached by Major Kaizer Alfredo.

Kaizer bent down in homage and said, "General Scarlet, the soldiers are prepared for deployment."

Scarlet looked at him and said, "Good, we can commence the invasion now; order the ships to start firing toward the port."

Kaizer immediately got to his feet and returned to the cockpit, where he gave the other airships the order to fire their cannons to break the port's defenses.

As the cannons unleashed their destructive power, the deafening sound of explosions filled the air. Scarlet's eyes gleamed with anticipation, knowing that victory was within their grasp. The port's defenses crumbled under the relentless assault, clearing the way for their invasion to proceed unhindered.

As soon as the Azkon airships fire their cannons at the structures in the center of the port, the Vongordians flee. As the airships approach the ground, Scarlet then leaps from the top of the balcony of the Kamilla to the port's street and leads her soldiers to capture the city.

The Vongordian infantries tried to fight back, but they were no match for the Azkon manpower, so the Vongordians decided to hide inside the castle. The castle provided a strategic advantage for the Vongordians, as its fortified walls offered protection against the Azkon relentless assault. However, the Azkon forces were determined to claim victory and began devising a plan to breach the castle's defenses.

The captain of one of the platoons tasked with the invasion of Garrera approach toward Scarlet and said, "General Scarlet, we found a way into the castle."

"Where is it? Captain Luden tell me, quick" General Scarlet leaned forward, she knew the Vongordian dragonriders are coming soon so she wants to capture Garrera immediately.

Captain Luden informed the general, "It's on the underground." He then gestures toward the manhole from which they can enter the castle.

Scarlet walked toward the manhole and said, "Good, I will enter it alone. Tell your soldiers to wait on the front of the castle's door. I will open the door when I get inside."

Captain Luden replied, "Yes, General." Then he gave the order for his men to wait in front of the castle door.

Scarlet crawled into the manhole and started searching for the castle's entrance so she could sneak inside. She was faced with a long stretch of dimly lit tunnels that echoed with the sound of running water. Scarlet cautiously made her way through the maze-like passages while using magic to provide her with light. She kept an eye out for any indication of a hidden door or other passageway that might take her closer to her target.

She finally located the door inside the castle, and when she did, she seized the red sword she was carrying and got ready for combat.

She searched for a stair and quickly climbed it after finding one in the castle's basement. She climbed the stair and found herself on the back of the Vongordian soldiers guarding the castle doors.

Startled by her sudden appearance, the soldiers turned around with their weapons drawn. Without wasting a moment, she starts unleashing the power of her red sword , a legendary weapon passed down through generations of her family. The sword glowed with an otherworldly light as she effortlessly deflected the soldiers' attacks, showcasing her exceptional combat skills. With each swing of her sword, the soldiers grew more and more astonished by her prowess, realizing they were no match for her.

She swiftly and easily dispatched the soldiers after that, but one man stopped her before she could open the castle's door and let her soldiers inside.

A fire wall was conjured up in front of her by the man to stop her from opening the castle's door. Then Scarlet asked the man about his name as she turned to face him.

As he seized the spear that was lying on the ground, the man responded, "Wilton Franzisko."

"I know that name, you're that renowned general of Vongord who killed Major Astelia." Scarlet said

"I know you too, you're Scarlet Tiara right?"

"Oh, how do you know?"

"As soon as I saw the Kamilla and that red sword your holding, I already knew."

Then Wilton ran toward Scarlet and raised his spear, turning it into a blazing one using magic. He then began thrusting it to her direction.

Scarlet swiftly dodged Wilton's fiery spear, her agility allowing her to evade each thrust with ease. As she gracefully maneuvered around him, she prepared to counterattack with her own unique powers, determined to defend herself against his relentless assault.

After dodging Wilton's attacks repeatedly, Scarlet began retaliating. Wilton tried to burn Scarlet by throwing fireballs at her because he couldn't keep up with her speed, but she was simply cutting them with her quick and powerful cuts.

With each deflection, Scarlet's confidence grew, fueling her determination to overpower Wilton. As she continued to evade his fiery onslaught, she strategized her next move, seeking an opening to unleash her own devastating attack.

In a desperate attempt to win the battle, Wilton then threw his spear to the floor inside the castle and started casting a potent spell that could instantly disintegrate Scarlet.

Scarlet takes advantage of the situation to display one of her most powerful traits; her eyes grow red as she fixes her gaze on Wilton. The spell Wilton was casting is then undone as Scarlet and Wilton are teleported to a new location.

Wilton surveyed his surroundings and asked, "Where are we?"

They were teleported into a lake of blood where everything was red, including the moon, the air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint sound of whispers echoing through the crimson landscape. Scarlet's eyes glowed brighter as she explained, "My home, where my powers are at their peak."

"You're home??" Wilton inquired as he looked at her with scared eyes.

"Yes, so welcome.. and goodbye, Wilton."

"Huh, W-wait!!"

After staying on her home for a minute, Scarlet eventually returns to the Castle, but Wilton is no longer with her. She then allows her soldiers to enter the castle by opening the door.

"Captain Luden, I will leave this to you; I will get back to Kamilla to take a rest," she then said to the captain.

"Yes, General!" Captain Luden exclaimed. He saluted sharply, his voice filled with unwavering determination. The Captain's loyalty to his commanding officer was evident in every fiber of his being.

The Azkon Empire eventually took control of the Garrera port after an hour of fighting. There's also a news that General Wilton Franzisko had been discovered dead at the port's entrance, the news reached the entire country, causing shock and unrest among the population. General Franzisko was known for his strategic brilliance and leadership, making his sudden death a significant blow to the nation's military forces.