
Fractured Memories

Neo Bastion, who only knows his name, wanted to piece together his fractured memories, as he journey through the continent of Paizen, Neo will meet many person for different countries, he was also going to meet again some certain persons too.

Wally_Labrador · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Above The Clouds Resides A Dangerous Flame

"Look over there Master!" Scarlet shouted as she point at the horizon.

When Neo turned to gaze in the direction Scarlet was pointing, a huge structure coated in snow was in front of them. The famed Azkon Walls are present. A shadow is thrown over the forest below the walls because they are so tall that they touch the clouds and concealed the sunlight.

Neo noticed the statues in front of the walls' gates as the Kamilla approached them. Neo turned to face Scarlet and enquired as to what the statues resembled. "Hey, Scarlet. What's that?" Neo asked as he point at the statues on the front of the gates beneath them.

Scarlet looked at the statues and said, "It's the king of Azion, and the queen of Kona."

"And also the reason why they are holding each other hands, is not because of design choice. They are holding hands to resemble the Trust Treaty the king of Azion and the queen of Kona both signed." Scarlet added.

"Is the Trust Treaty is the one where the two kingdoms decided to merge into a single new empire?" Neo inquired.

Scarlet gestured to the top of the walls and said, "Yes, they signed the treaty right there, hence why some people called the Azkon Walls, the Walls of Trust."

"I see.."

When the Kamilla finally arrived at the gates, it abruptly rose over them. The gates on the ground are plainly only open to the people on the land. People on the air enter over the top of the walls. Above the clouds.

After a bit of climbing, the Kamilla reaches the top of the walls. They soon come upon a gigantic airship hanging above the walls; it's The Gatekeeper, the Azkon Empire's second biggest airship. It was dubbed Gatekeeper because it is the ship that guards the Azkon Walls' gates. The Gatekeeper is a ship larger than the Kamilla but smaller than the Kraken; the airship is armed with weapons on both sides, making it very different than any other airships.

The Gatekeeper then took a gentle flight toward Kamilla. Unexpectedly, a guy with red hair, dark eyes, and a gray coat arrives on the cockpit's side balcony. The man then waved his hands on Neo and Scarlet's direction.

Neo raised his hand and attempted to wave back to the mysterious man, but Prince Vad suddenly grabbed his hand and prevented him from doing so.


"Don't. Wave. Back." Prince Vad warned to Neo.

"Alright.." Neo responded as he slowly lower his hand.

"What are you doing here Prince Vad?" Scarlet questioned to Prince Vad as she looked at him after Vad's sudden appearance.

"Scarlet... I'm here to help you from that man!" Vad exclaimed.

"What! No, i don't need your help." Scarlet replied.

Neo is concerned because he has no understanding what they are talking about, so he decides to ask Scarlet, "Err. Scarlet, what is going on?"

"Master Neo.. Help me saved Scarlet from that devious man!" Prince Vad requested to Neo after he suddenly grab Neo's hands.

Scarlet sighed and said, "Let me explain first, Master."

"That red haired guy over there are Prince Vad's rival. That guy was a very manipulative guy, and he also proposed to me a while back, and just like Prince Vad over here, he will not also give up in just one simple no. So i assume Prince Vad think that guy will manipulate me to say yes on his proposal.." Scarlet explained.

"Yes! that's why i wanted to help you reject him Scarlet.." Prince Vad said.

"Like i said, i don't need your help.." Scarlet responded.

"But why prevent me from waving back on him?" Neo suddenly asked.

"Because that guy hates the weaks than any other aristocrats on the whole Azkon Empire. He sees them as just slaves for the empire. So if a weak people interacted with him, he would surely set him or her on fire without hesitant.." Prince Vad replied.

"So he would set me on fire if i waved back on him?" Neo Inquired.

"Yes Master Neo, because you really look like a weak guy.." Prince Vad said.

"And if Neo's hand got set on fire i'm sure a ship will certainly get cut in half." Prince Vad added as he looked at Scarlet.

Scarlet responded with a big grin, "Indeed."

"But.. Master is not weak. So why you thought he will set his hands on fire?" Scarlet asked to Prince Vad.

"Do you not remember Scarlet? If you can't used magic, your declared as a weakling.." Prince Vad responded.

"Wait a minute. When did you find out Master can't used magic?" Scarlet questioned to Prince Vad.

"Yesterday. When i make him fight those ten guards i saw no magic was used." Prince Vad answered to Scarlet's question.

"But Master could've just been hiding his magic when he fought them. So what make you so sure about Master can't really used magic.." Scarlet said.

"Remember Scarlet, i knew everything.." Prince Vad spoke.

"I see.. You asked the stars yesterday?" Scarlet asked.

"Yep!" Prince Vad replied.

"So, Master Neo, can you please don't interact with that guy, don't look at his eyes, wait no, just don't look at him. I don't want the Gatekeeper to get destroyed." Prince Vad requested.

"Alright.." Neo responded.

"Hey Prince Vad i got one last question.." Scarlet asked.

"What is it darling??" Prince Vad inquired as he looked at Scarlet with a happy face.

"Why the hell you keep calling Master, Master Neo?" Scarlet asked.

"After seeing his abilities yesterday, i also wanna be his student." Prince Vad replied.

"Oh, if it isn't General Scarlet Tiara.." a mysterious voice came from the direction of the Gatekeeper.

Scarlet and Vad turned their head toward the direction of the voice to see who it was. It's the red haired guy they talking about.

"Ziphon.." Prince Vad said as he stared at the guy standing on the balcony on the side of the Gatekeeper's cockpit.

Ziphon Giddea. The captain of the Gatekeeper. His also the captain of the every soldiers guarding the Azkon Walls.

"Oh i didn't know you're also here Prince Vad.." Ziphon said after seeing Prince Vad with Scarlet.

Ziphon then observed the balcony where Scarlet, Vad, and Neo was standing. Ziphon then saw Neo, looking on the floor, he then looked at him for a while, looking for any fire on Neo's body. But he saw nothing.

"Weak.." Ziphon mumbled to himself.

"Hey you!" Ziphon shouted while looking at Neo.

Neo then looked at Ziphon in response after hearing him shout.

Ziphon then fired a small fireball using his eyes toward Neo's direction. But Neo managed to notice the small fireball coming to his direction, so Neo just evade the fire very easily. After Neo evades the incoming small fireball, it then hit the floor of the Kamilla's balcony, setting the floor on fire.

"Crap!" Prince Vad exclaimed after realizing what did just happen.

Prince Vad then used his magic to extinguish the flames on the floor, by lowering the temperature on their feet. While Prince Vad was extinguishing the flames he then looked at Scarlet and said, "Scarlet! don't do anything that will get you in trouble!"

"Don't worry Prince Vad i will not." Scarlet replied.

"Now Ziphon.. Can you please give us a pass to enter the walls. Since we got a meeting on the capital.." Scarlet requested to Ziphon as she smile, trying to keep her composure.
