

Ryu an orphan in sunagakure has set his sights on KazeKage. Watch his rise

Ryyuuuuu · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Chunin Exams2

Year 62

A few years go by. The third ninja war is still ongoing. The village is completed and it's once again time for the Sand to host the Chunin Exams.

Ryu: So is everyone in agreement.

Elder: Is this too early to open the borders? The village has just been officially finished.

Rasa: Same goes for me. The battle between the four villages has escalated to a point anything could cause a battle.

Ryu: I agree. But the Daimyo is ready for his income to come in. We've kinda drained his Treasury.

No one spoke as they rolled their eye's.

Pakura: What do you mean we. It's obviously you. Making so many greenhouses and the grand way you wanted the five facilities to be. The academy has a chakra metal room for the students to practice Ninjutsu. What other village is willing to do such a thing. The amount of metals you bought for swords, puppets and research is beyond the previous village by at least five times.

The others all nodded as they agreed. Only she would dare to talk to Ryu like this.

Ryu: What I did is to ensure that everyone is well taken care of. But it is time to open up the ports the merchants are getting restless about the sea salt and freshwater. Besides this year is time for us to host the Chunin exams again. We can use this to completely show off the new hidden sand to the world. The entertainment district will also gain money and the taxes will stabilize everything so that the Daimyo doesn't go broke.

Everyone nodded as Ryu said.

Ryu: Then this is good. I'll announce the stop on killing mist ninja and send invites to the various ninja villages. I'll also send escorts to make sure they make it to the new Village.

Rasa: What about those that don't come?

Ryu: Then they just miss out. Once they hear and see the greatness of it they'll regret it. For nominations who do we have. My three students are Chunin and Hina is special jonin.

Pakura/Rasa: So are mine.

Sasori: I nominate my team. A boy in my team named Baki is exceptional. Although not a puppet master. His sword and wind jutsu along with his smarts are great. The other two although not as strong as him aren't that far off.

Ryus eye's flashed hearing the name as he said.

Ryu: Well your team can have time off to train for the upcoming event and I'll see if the other acting jonin sensei want to send their students. I'll also send a letter to the Daimyo.

Three Days Later

The news about the border of the land of wind opening spread. A new map of the land of wind and the ninja world as a whole also got released. The map itself shook everyone to it's core. More precisely the land of winds part. A lake cut through the sand named Lake Ryu.

There is also the small rivers as one is named after each of the previous Kage and one after the current Daimyo. The new location of the village and the capital and other towns. This completely made the world shake as a whole. The sand or rather the Kazekage had reshaped his entire land into a better one.

The various villages sent people to check its authenticity. After those people came back they spoke of the lake and how fish swam inside it. One even saw a shark swimming. Then another three days passed and another news spread along with invitations. Despite the war still ongoing the sand wanted to host the Chunin exams.

Konoha, Hokage office

Hiruzen: Do we have anyone to participate.

Koharu: we have two teams available. Asumas team and Tsunades team. We can also ask and see if others from other teams want to team up.

Hiruzen: Hopefully they can make it to the finals.

Danzo: Why

Hiruzen: I wish to ask for an alliance for him to deal with Iwa. That way we can focus on Kumo and Kiri. Save ninja and resources. I feel if we didn't have the Uzumaki our losses would be worse.

The three also agreed with this statement.

Danzo: But will he agree?

Hiruzen: It's hard to say. That's why I wish to go in person and ask.

Conversations about the Chunin exams happened in every village. Each village wondering what the new sand village would look like. Many Daimyo and rich people planned to take the trip. The war also seemed to stop for a while. Meanwhile

Suna, Meeting Room

Everyone is looking at Ryu weirdly. Reason being is they had no place to stage the second round. Ryu had destroyed the demon desert.

Ryu: Hahaha how was I supposed to know that was the demon desert.

Pakura: You didn't see the signs

Ryu: It was sandy

Deadpan expressions all around looked at him. Ryu then said

Ryu: Alright how about this. I'll round up some beast around the land of wind and then make some traps inside a new demon desert.

Rasa: What kind of traps?

Ryu: Quick sand, lightning rain, flame tornadoes. Ooh I can even make a pool of magma and a

Pakura: That's too much. Are you trying to kill them all.

Ryu: it's supposed to be dangerous right.

Sasori: But not deadly. They go in there its certain death if you're the one setting the traps.

Ryu: Alright ill keep things to a minimum and only get a few beast.

Elder: Good then we can start discussing what kind of questions we'll ask on the first exam.

One Month Later

Tsunade: A forest. These trees have an abundance of chakra inside.

SandNin: That's right. This forest wraps around the entire village for ten miles. Lord fourth created it himself

Tsunade: He. He can use wood style?

The SandNin nodded with a sense of pride as he continued to escort the leaf ninja through the forest. This is the same reaction of many who came for the Chunin exam. Then they saw the huge wooden wall. The large doors at the entrance of the village. The SandNin handed them a bamboo board.

SandNin: This is a map of the village itself. Paper and plastic are not things we use in Suna anymore. So aside from money, banknotes or paper bombs you won't see any paper. This map shows the entire village. You all will be staying in residential area B block A. The test site for the first exam is here in the Central area where the Academy is.

Tsunade: Can I visit this Medical Research Facility

SandNin: It's not impossible. You'd need permission from Lord Kazekage after giving a proper reason.

Asuma: Whats the entertainment area?

SandNin: Its where the hotels, restaurants, movie theaters and plays are at. Also remember the sensei are to meet tomorrow morning to register your students.

Sarutobi: We'll be there.

SandNinja: Also here is a list of basic rules and prices for things. Please enjoy your stay at the hidden sand village.

With that he left with a body flicker. Each sensei stared at the map and then the village in amazement.

Tsunade: Lets go to our residence and settle down first.

Kazekage building roof

Ryu: So what villages have come?

Sasori: Konoha sent 21 individuals, Kumo 18, Iwa 15, Kiri 15, Grass, rock and river each sent 6 while the rain sent none. Taki sent 12.

Ryu: well this is surprising. I originally thought Kiri wouldn't send anyone. Well it doesn't matter. I'll leave you and your anbu in charge of making sure nothing happens.

Sasori: Yes elder brother.

Sasori in Hiruko left as Ryu looked over the village.

Ryu: With our 27 students that would make 126 contestants for this Chunin exam. Tsunade, A, Fuguki and the new four tails Jinchuriki. After this the war will no doubt heat up.

Next Day, Kazekage Office

Ryu: Welcome to the sand village guest from afar. I know some of you may have questions about certain things and so I'll tell you now. It's best not to ask me of anything. I will not allow you entry into any of the facilities aside. The academy of course you are free to roam as long as you don't disturb the classes. Unless you're an ally of course.

Fuguki: What class shall the Genin take the test in.

Ryu: They'll take it in class 4G. It's merely a written exam with a twist.

There really isn't a twist as he merely copied off of the future Konoha test set by Ibiki.

A: will they skip directly to the second test.

Ryu: Yes they will. From the time the first test ends. Ninja will escort them to the outskirts of demon desert. They will have a weeks time to get the second scroll and then take it to the central tower. Unlike other test the ninja won't be killed for opening the scrolls early. They'll only be eliminated.

Tsunade: Are you forbidding killing?

Ryu: No. If your Genin wish to kill each other then. It's fine. My Genin have been given orders not to kill indiscriminately.

IwaNin: Then the third exam will be held in the entertainment area.

Ryu: Yes it will be held in the entertainment area.. I've made the stadium special to showcase the mind of a ninja in battle.