
Chunin Exams3

After speaking with them further on the details of the exam. Ryu gave them the slips to give to the Genin. And then they all left. Some went to the academy, some went to the entertainment area and some simply went back to their place of residence. Only one person stayed behind.

Ryu: You want to see the Medical Research Facility don't you?

Tsunade: If it's alright with you then I would really like to see this place.

Ryu: That's fine. I'll show you around myself.

After arriving Ryu said

Ryu: The facility although large only has four floors. Each floor is dedicated to a different medical research. The first is Poison.

Tsunade: Poison isn't A form a medicine

Ryu: not conventional medicine. But there are certain poisons that can indeed heal. Besides its more for giving our medical ninja more ways to kill. After all a medic should know how to save a life and take one if necessary. Or at least make it seem as if you've taken one

Tsunade: Giving someone a false death isn't easy. Especially with poison.

Ryu: There are risk. But that's also why we research.

Tsunade: Chiyo must be the leader of this floor.

Ryu: No she runs the entire facility. However my disciple Hina is training to take over the facility.

Tsunade: Isn't she the one with Katsuya as a Summon?

Ryu: That's right. This here is the second floor. Its purpose is to find natural cures and uses. Plant's and the innards of animals are the main research material. They test the reaction that certain things have towards disease, Poison, or even injuries.

Tsunade: people have been doing this for a long time.

Ryu: Indeed I actually got the inspiration for this from the Nara clans herb book. For instance this medicine here. Can stop the side effects of the Akamitchi red pill.

Tsunade: What!

Ryu: That's right. Aunt chiyo made it but discarded it since no one in suna is a Akamitchi.

Tsunade looked at the pill in amazement as they continued on to the third floor.

Ryu: the third floor researches ways to fix things on a cellular level. For example the incurable disease that Ameyuri Ringo died of is a cellular problem. And there are all types. We call it cancer. There's breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and many more. We are still studying it. Nothing as of yet has been found to treat it though.

Tsunade: This is amazing. Your research here could save a lot of lives. Why not publicize this place to draw in people.

Ryu: Isn't that what the Chunin exams is for. A stage to let the entire world know.

Tsunade finally understood.

Tsunade: The world thinks you're trying to flaunt your power but really you're out to find talents.

Ryu: That's right. Despite this huge space not many are here and the new generation hasn't graduated yet. Thus I can only pull talents who are interested but don't have the funds or the resources. I even hope that you can come here and do research. Of course any and all research you do can indeed be shared with Konoha.

Tsunade looked shocked as they arrived at the fourth floor

Tsunade: This place is completely empty.

Ryu: Indeed. This place involves using chakra to heal.

Tsunade: that's already done.

Ryu: no. What if we found a way to add fire chakra to mystic palm and burn the poison out of a person. Or wind chakra to mend and stitch inner wounds without having to cut someone open. Yin and yang chakra to directly heal a broken cracked or fractured bone. This is the goal of this floor. Sadly no one has been interested in it so I teach these things at the school and hopefully some ideas are found in the new generation

Tsunade: I'll think about it

Ryu: Ok. You can stay for as long as you like.

With that Ryu left as Tsunade continued to look around. Sasori appeared wearing Hiruko.

Sasori: Should I leave someone to watch over her.

Ryu: It's fine. She understands the importance of the facility more than others. Besides as a medic ninja herself this place is something she dreams of. Come on follow me.

Sasori: He won't last long will he?

Ryu: Two years at the most. Those years of not sleeping finally got to him. No it's been got to him he simply pushed on.

The two walked into medium sized home. Entering the house the maids bowed and made way. Entering the backyard they saw Bunpaku in a rocking chair. Beside him Aunt chiyo and Ebizo talked about old times. Ryu took and hung up his Kazekage hat and Sasori took off Hiruko. He would only come out in the presence of family.

Chiyo: Oh you two are here. Shouldn't you be taking care of the Chunin exams?

Ryu: I've finished for today and I left a clone there in case someone comes. I came today to talk to Shukaku.

Bunpaku: You wish to speak with him.

Ryu: That's right I don't plan to seal him. I wish to ask him if he can make himself smaller. If not then I only want him to remember the map so that he doesn't flood or stop the lake or river water.

Chiyo: You're not planning to find a new Jinchuriki?

Ebizo: I've seen plushies of Shukaku and the other tailed beast. Along with stickers and even posters. Is this you trying to make people less scared.

Ryu: Indeed. After what uncle said about Shukaku previously I realized that we owe him for sealing him or attacking him. If he can make himself smaller he can move freely inside the village. If not I made a home for him outside the village. I hope he can become a guardian of the village.

Chiyo: This can possibly work with you in power but in the future.

Ebizo: That's why he made the Scabbards. Not everyone will think the same and no one wants war in suna anymore

Bunpaku: Alright

Ryu placed his hand on Bunpakus shoulder. The two closed their eyes as Bunpaku pulled Ryu into the seal space. Opening his eye's the huge body of Shukaku could be seen free of any restrictions.

Shukaku: You expect me to trust your words. How do I know that you just don't want to use me as a Summon.

Ryu: with my strength a Summon of any type is useless.

Shukaku: For you but what about others?

Ryu: Indeed that is a risk. So to at least make sure that doesn't happen a few things need to happen. One is you're gonna need a protection detail. Not for monitoring but to ensure someone doesn't use you. Like a Uchiha or someone with a powerful genjutsu. If they used you to attack the village then that would simply make the villagers fear you and I as Kazekage will have to quill that fear.


Ryu: Second is you're going to have to give people less of a reason to fear you. To that I say you can teach a class.

Shukaku: Teach. You expect me to teach a bunch of kids.

Ryu: Yes and I think history is the best choice. Your knowledge of the past if you can make it fun will draw in kids even more. Third is that you become a symbol of the village itself. No the land of wind as a whole. A Guardian or protector. I also won't ask you to face wars outside of the land of wind or against the other tailed beast.

Shukaku: And if I disagree?

Ryu: Then like I said you can leave just don't mess with the lake or rivers.

Shukaku looked at Ryu as Ryu looked at him. Then both Ryu and Bunpaku got sent out of the seal space.

Ryu: That went better than I thought.

Bunpaku: Agreed. He's usually more grumpy.

Ryu: Its probably my looks

All: Narcissist.

Three Days Later

In a secret room Ryu and the jonin watched the scene as Rasa with a stern attitude spoke of the tenth question. Person after person passed.

A: What exactly is the tenth question?

Ryu: There is none. Its all intimidation. The purpose is to get rid of those who can be easily intimidated. So long as they lack the will to move forward regardless of the outcome then they'll leave.

Tsunade: Then why make the entire team leave as well.

Ryu: If one is scared then it will spell doom for the other two immediately. If all members of the team are not in sync then the chance of survival is low.

Fuguki: It test the ability to gain and share information without being caught along with the heart to continue with the task.

Ryu: But I must say it worked splendidly. So many people actually got eliminated. From over 100 to 57. It got rid of less than half of the contestants. Death desert will reduce this number even more.

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