
Forgotten Kingdoms Volume I

Welcome to Forgotten Kingdoms a VR game where MC explores the unknown kingdoms of the past. Things are more than they seem as MC quickly discovers as he ventures into the game world during the beta test version of the game. The events unfolding turn into a reality that will change everything.

Mat_D · Jogos
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5 Chs


Reywd looked around. He was in a bed. Not his bed nor was it his room. He was disoriented and very confused. 'Is this some kind of intro to the game?' Reywd thought. He was in a dusty medieval style hostel from what he could tell. He checked his inventory. 'God damnit...Where's the fucking interface...Why cant I check my stats...Just my fucking luck I've glitched out and found a bug already....How do I even log out if I can't even interact with the interface....Jesus they cant be seriously thinking this game is ready for launch.' Reywd realized he was naked. 'Am I...' He quickly grabbed some clothes folded at the foot of the bed. 'The interactions are so realistic. They definitely nailed it for realism I'll give them that...Though slightly invasive....Thank God they didn't load us all in the same room...That would have been awkward.' Reywd realized "The group! They must be close by." Clothed and slightly confused he set out to make sense of the situation and regroup with his party members.

Outside of the room was a hallway with windows on both ends and lined with doors on either side the only break in the corridor lead to the staircase winding downwards into a hall that was laid out as a tavern candles lined the hall walls and the floor was filled with tables and benches and the far wall from the entrance was a bar there was only a few windows where the candles weren't as well as some kind of game on the other walls. "Leaving already?" A voice came the bar. "Excuse me sorry you wouldnt happen to know if I came in with anyone else?" Reywd asked the bar keep. "Sorry Lad my shift just started. The lady Vern has gone home the night but if your looking to stay another night you'll have to pay her in the morning she said if you hadnt left by nightfall to charge ya but if your leaving now I'll let it slide." The bar keep held out his hand waiting for payment. "No that's alright I guess I'll be leaving then I'd like to speak to lady Vern though before I go any chance you could point me in her direction?" "Depends... what's it you would like to speak to her about?" The large man started to shift as if he was irritated. 'Man they did a great job of the AI the npc is super realistic' Reywd thought. "Just some inquiries and information I'm kind of lost and I was hoping she might clear a few things up for me." "Oh well if that's all I'll surely be able to rectify that for ya and if not I'll send you to her. So what's the matter?" "Well I'm looking for my companions for one. Secondly I'm not sure where I am exactly, I know that this place is called Avalon but otherwise I'm a miss and I'm in need of relevant information." "Again I don't know anything about your arrival but I do know that Avalon is used to foreign nations coming and going it's a land of might and magic which attracts all kinds. Seeing as we are intruders here ourselves our arrival here caused a bit of ruckus but that was centuries ago...I'm a native so is the lady but I'm sure she wouldn't mind filling you in. As for your friends I can tell you, you are our only guest at the moment so they haven't stayed with us. The lady resides up the hill path across the grove in the old farm stead. It's not far but she'll be going to bed shortly so you best hurry and announce yourself loudly when you arrive."

Reywd left the 'Old hill tavern and keep' he recognized that the script was different but somehow he understood its markings. More unanswered questions. He followed the hill path to its mount. It dipped into a grove and an old farm stead was visible in the sunset. untitled farm land...'The lady must be a widow.' Reywd thought. As he arrived the sun was nearly passed the horizon and the clouds started to lose the pink orange glow. "HELLO!" He bellowed. "Holy Divine have mercy!" Came the reply. "What do you want? I'm not interested in a suitor if you've come with hope and a dowry I'm afraid my childbearing days are over and I've no interest in company." "I'm sorry to have bothered you but I'm quite lost. Your bar keep said that you would have some information about the group I arrived with and the country we are in? I didnt have the payment to stay longer or I'd have troubled you in the morning but my companions it seems haven't stayed with you I'm confused and lost to say the least." "Oh is that all I'm sorry lad most fellows come through see the plot of untilled land and have a mind to take it. As for companions I'm afraid you came here alone. I can tell you are new here many lost folk end up here or pass through here from time to time...I'll tell you what I tell them all head for the center, the Capitol Camelot, the wise immortal should have some answers if he is in court. You may be able to obtain an audience with him if your lucky he will surely give you answers for he seems all knowing." "Camelot? Seriously? How cliche..." "No need to be ungrateful...You asked me! Be gone you wretch I've nothing else for you!" The woman slammed her household closed shaking the porch way. 'I guess I'm on my own now.' Reywd realized.