
Forgotten Kingdoms Volume I

Welcome to Forgotten Kingdoms a VR game where MC explores the unknown kingdoms of the past. Things are more than they seem as MC quickly discovers as he ventures into the game world during the beta test version of the game. The events unfolding turn into a reality that will change everything.

Mat_D · Games
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4..3...2..1 The first Portal opened and players swarmed. "Wait you dummy!" Lind yelled "What's the rush once everyone is in the players sticking back are probably in the same boat as us looking to party up. Let them go, we can head the platform once the crowd disappears." "But what if we fall behind!" Reywd pleaded "Oh your one of those players, that makes sense...You really are a meathead. It's just a game enjoy it. Familiarizing yourself with the world around you is more important than rushing at the start that's where you find the little tricks that help you speed run if you really wanna do it right. Every game has a loop hole you just have to find it." "Spoken like a true mage." A voice interrupted "The name is Ni and I'll be your ninja for todays group." Ni exuded his arrogance "Well I guess we found our assasin..." "I think I liked Chad better." Lind retorted 'Ni joined the group'

"Ni the Ninja...Super original." Lind said with sarcasm "Lind isnt much better eh princess zelk? What's your name supposed to be anyways Tietor?" Ni questioned "Oh my usual tag was taken." "Fair enough. You two have any useful skills?" Ni grinned devilishly.

Reywd, Ni and Lind all took pause to look at their stats, skills and abilities. Reywd took note. Level 1, Warrior, Tank class. Skills listed Beserk rage. Abilities included; medium armor, two hand melee weapons, throwing axes, poison resistance, minor rune and glyph use, low magic resistance. "Pretty typical brutish abilities by the look of it." Reywd observed. "It seems I've got some pretty basic spells unlocked; Haste, fireball, barrier, and a targeted heal with a large cool down." Lind reported. "I've got some basic skills as well...I get an advantage if I get a sneak attack or number advantage fighting in a group I have a teleport that acts like a blink if I get the final hit and I seem to have a drain spell that requires a short charge time." Ni revealed his set of skills. "Seems potent enough for the time being hopefully it's not too brutal to grind to level two." Lind cheerfully sighed "We should head for the portal if we are all set." Reywd stated. Everyone agreed.

The group turned to the portal. 'Avalon' the name depicted above the portal entrance. "Well I guess that answers that question Lind." Reywd pointed out the portals indication "Yea each portal must be a different area I guess...Not super immersive really having to come back here everytime we complete an area...the content must be massive to break it up like this which is pretty exciting though." Lind hypothesized "You guys think to much common let's get going I wanna test out the combat system!" Ni ran towards the portal "Wait up!" The group rushed to follow.

Ni jumped back first into the portal turning mid air to grin and wink at his group before being enveloped and disappearing out of sight. After a moment Reywd and Lind only a step behind followed through as they gave chase to keep the pace.

The white space left them enveloped in utter darkness they seemed to be moving at the speed of light but only nothingness surrounded them. As soon as the group grasped the pitch of the blackness Reywd woke up. "Holy shit....I...Oh god I'm...I think im gonna be sick..." Reywd immediately vomited. "Well that's a very realistic although unnecessary feature...Ni? Lind? Hey...Helllooooo? Where the hell are you guys?"