
Forged In Darkness

**Prologue: The Rise of a New Era** In a realm where magic intertwines with adventure, individuals are bestowed with extraordinary powers to combat the forces of darkness. Among them, one man stood out, his name echoing through the annals of history: Williams Hunter. Renowned for his valor and unwavering spirit, he emerged as the epitome of courage, earning the title of the greatest knight the world had ever known. However, the tranquility was shattered when Emrys, the Demon Lord reigning from the depths of the underworld, unleashed the flames of war upon the land. Embracing his duty, Williams, with his stalwart companions, marched forth to confront the encroaching darkness. Alas, fate proved merciless, claiming their lives amidst the chaos of battle. With Williams' fall, a pall of despair descended upon the realm, leaving its denizens bereft of both guardian and hope. Yet, amidst the ashes of tragedy, a flicker of promise lingered on the horizon. In the aftermath of the conflict, Williams' widow, burdened with the legacy of his sacrifice, bore a son, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded by turmoil. Tragically, she departed this realm shortly after bringing forth new life, leaving the child orphaned and alone. Fate, however, had ordained a guardian for the young heir. His grandfather, embracing the mantle of protector, raised the boy with tender care, nurturing within him the seeds of destiny. As the world descended into chaos, demons prowled the land, claiming innocent lives with impunity. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. A fellowship of kindred spirits united, embarking on a noble endeavor to establish a sanctuary of knowledge and valor—a school where the flame of courage would be kindled anew. Here, the young and the passionate would be honed into formidable knights, destined to rise and restore hope to a world besieged by darkness. Thus begins the saga of a new era, where the legacy of Williams Hunter lives on, and the promise of redemption beckons forth a new generation of heroes.

Jeremy2bry_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Blood And Magic

Sanguis: So you still remember me Regulus!

Regulus: What do you want?!

Sanguis: Are you that clueless? *laughs* The kid

Regulus: Liam? Why?

Sanguis: Ohh, so that's the brat's name... Liam. Well I'm here to kill thats all, the rest of you are not needed.

Regulus: And you think is going to that easy?

Sanguis: Of course not! That's why this is here *shows the artifact*

Mystica: No... "Veilweaver's Embrace"

Magnus: Then Liam is done for. *afraid*

Sheila: Mystica? What is that?

Mystica: Veilweaver's Embrace.... it is used to trap a selected target and in the veil, the target is not able to use their magic or ability. Also it can't be penetrated or destroyed from the outside. The only way to bring it down is to use the artifact or destroyed it.

Brianna: Meaning, Liam is powerless! *shocked and afraid*

Mystica: Yes.

Regulus: That doesn't matter, we'll still save him!

Elena: We have to!

Dylan: Mystica? If the target is powerless in the veil, doesn't that mean the other five students are able to use their magic or ability!

Mystica: *realisation* yes! You right Dylan.

Magnus: That is still not enough, look at them! They are all terrified. Class D Students.

[Back in the veil]

Liam: *internally* Demons are all around it? But I can't get out. Wait!

Liam: Hey! You come.

Class D student: W...why?

Liam: I need you for something.

"The girl gets to Liam and he takes her hand"

Girl: What are you doing? "Terrified"

"Liam puts her hand through the veil, and suddenly a demon from the outside strikes"


Liam: I see, are okay?

Girl: ... *Terrified*

Liam: What power do you possess?

Girl: L....lightning magic

Liam: Can you please show me? Just a spark would be fine.

"She shows Liam"

Liam*Thoughts*: Meaning I'm the only one here powerless.

Liam: Thank you!

Thoughts: But why? Why leave them with their magic or ability? Wait! This are all Class D Students, that explains why they are so terrified. So if I'm the target here, they know how strong I am even without my magic or ability. Meaning to be able to defeat me, these guys are my problem. And looks like Sir Galen and the rest can't get it as well. So the demons outside are keeping these guys from getting out and the the knights from getting in. But Mystica, can bring this down! Unless,.... the veil can't be brought down with their magic. That means, the demons in the way are there to make sure they don't have to work on the veil.

Liam: Very clever. *smirks*

"Sanguis appears with his three top minions"

Sanguis: What are you smile about, you brat? *annoyed*

Liam: You must have planned this for a long time. Attacking when the third years had graduated and second years in Zone 8 having their final exams. Very impressive for a demon *impressed*

Sanguis: Shut up? I should have allowed my minions to kill you that night.

Liam: Oh really? At least you have another chance.

Sanguis: You will die today bastard! .....

"While Sanguis was talking Liam looked towards where the knights were gathered, to locate Brianna"

Liam: *internally* Bingo!

"Brianna's eyes landed on Liam's"

Brianna: *internally* why is he looking at me like that? Is he trying to tell me something? *confused*

"Brianna suddenly realized what Liam's eyes were saying"

Brianna: I have to try.

"Brianna was trying to get into Liam's head to communicate. She struggled due to the veil but she eventually did it"

[Talking in their heads]

Brianna: Liam?

Liam: Good, you were able to do it!

Brianna: Yes, can...

Liam: No time to talk much Brianna, the veil is still trying to pusg you out. Now listen.....

"Liam started telling Brianna what she should do"

Brianna: Are you sure you can last Liam?

Liam: Of course! Now go!...and Brianna?

Brianna: Yes?

Liam: Don't die.

Brianna: ...you too.

[Back to Sanguis]

Liam: Hey! For a demon who is dying today, you are really talking too much!

Sanguis: You still have the nerves to talk?*laughs annoyingly*

Liam: Hey! I need your sword!

Boy: No! This is mine.

Liam: I'm aware, but if you don't give it to me we all are going to die.

Boy: ....a...alright fine. * hands over the sword*

Liam: Thank you!

Thoughts: This sword might not last for that long but it will be alright

Sanguis: If you think you defeat three X grade demons without your ability and magic you are mistaken! Your physical abilities might be impressive but you will die

Liam: *smirks* there's only one way to find! By the way, your name?

Sanguis:.... bastard! Sanguis, the 6th strongest demon in this realm.

Liam: Sanguis, ... well Sanguis, you are dying today!

Thoughts: So these are all X grade blood demons.

[Outside the veil]

Brianna: Liam wants us to attack a specific place till we are able to get close to the veil. He will make sure he guides the others to us. And Mystica, he said he needs you to try your best to make his ability and magic come back, don't worry about destroying the veil, Liam will do it himself.

Regulus: He will die! *concerned and furious*

Magnus: I would have been with you on this one Regulus but His plan is the only way.

Sir Galen: True Regulus.

Regulus: Mystica, can you do what he is saying?

Mystica: I will try my best!

Regulus: Well then, ATTACK!!!!!!

"As Liam stood poised, the air around him crackled with tension. The three blood demons, towering over him with menacing grins, emanated an aura of malevolence that seemed to suffocate the very space they occupied. Yet, Liam remained undaunted, his eyes gleaming with determination as he prepared to face his adversaries"

Boy: Is really going to fight all those demons by himself?

Girl: Y...yes

"With a swift motion, the first blood demon lunged forward, its claws slashing through the air with lethal precision. Liam's reflexes kicked into overdrive as he sidestepped the attack, his movements fluid and calculated."

Liam: Damn! You are really fast.

"With a deft flick of his borrowed sword, he countered, the blade slicing through the demon's thick hide with a satisfying hiss."

Liam: But try to keep up! *intensity*

"Meanwhile, within the confines of the veil, the other students watched in awe and trepidation as Liam battled against insurmountable odds. Each clash of metal echoed through the stifling atmosphere, a testament to the sheer intensity of the confrontation unfolding before them"

Liam: Huh? Don't worry there's more to go around

"As the second blood demon joined the fray, Liam found himself locked in a deadly dance of blades and bloodlust. His senses honed to a razor's edge, he anticipated every strike, every feint, responding with a precision that bordered on the supernatural. Each blow he delivered was met with a roar of defiance, the very essence of his being aflame with an unquenchable thirst for victory."

Liam: *panting*

Yet, for every adversary he vanquished, another seemed to take its place, a relentless tide of darkness threatening to overwhelm him. Sweat beaded on Liam's brow as he fought with unwavering resolve, his muscles straining against the weight of his impending fate."

Brianna: Liam is really doing it.

"Amidst the chaos, Sanguis watched with a cold detachment, his eyes gleaming with malice as he observed the unfolding spectacle. To him, Liam was but a mere pawn in a game of cosmic proportions, a fleeting obstacle to be discarded at his leisure"

Sanguis: Bastard! If you even able to defeat them, I myself will still kill you

"As the fight went on, Liam refused to yield, his spirit unbroken despite the odds stacked against him. With every strike, every parry, he forged ahead, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows."

Liam: This is really exhausting *panting*

"Just then, in a flurry of steel and sinew, Liam delivered the final blow, his sword cleaving through the last of his adversaries with a resounding clang. The blood demons, vanquished and defeated, crumbled into dust, their malevolent presence dissipating into the ether."

Liam: *falls on one knee*

"As silence descended in the veil, Liam was victorious, his chest heaving with exertion yet his spirit unbroken"

Liam: Hey! *pointing at Sanguis* you next!

Thoughts: They are still fights those demons? How many are there? Well, guess I have to hold on for a while. *stands up*

"As the battle raged outside the veil, the clash of steel and the crackling of magic filled the air, a symphony of chaos and determination echoing across the battlefield."

"Regulus, his celestial magic ablaze with divine fury, unleashed torrents of celestial energy upon the blood demons, each beam of light piercing through the darkness with righteous vengeance. Sir Galen, wreathed in flames of his own creation, stood like a sentinel of fire, his inferno engulfing the enemy in a blazing inferno."

Regulus: You attacked the wrong academy! *furious*

Sir Galen: BURN!!!!!

"Meanwhile, Magnus, his mastery over the winds unmatched, conjured tempests of cyclones to sweep away their adversaries, while Mystica, her eyes alight with arcane knowledge, channeled the very essence of witchcraft to unravel the veil's sinister hold."

Mystica: A little bit closer!

"Ember, her icy powers crystalline and pure, formed glaciers of frost to encase their foes in a prison of frozen despair, while the students, each wielding their own unique abilities, fought with valor and determination against the tide of darkness."

Ember: You all disgust me

"Brianna, her healing powers bolstered by her prowess with the sword, carved through the ranks of the blood demons with unparalleled grace and skill, while Sheila, her mastery over ice and water, danced amidst the chaos, her every movement a symphony of elemental fury."

Brianna: We will forge victorious again

"Dylan, his steel magic gleaming like a beacon of defiance, stood resolute against the onslaught, his blade a testament to his unwavering resolve, while Max, his enhancement magic surging with raw power, unleashed devastating blows upon their foes."

Dylan: Hey! Don't run I'm only trying to play

"Charles, his control over time bending the very fabric of reality itself, wove threads of temporal distortion to confound their enemies, while Luke, his spatial manipulation unrivaled, carved pathways through the battlefield with surgical precision."

Charles: Feels the power of a future King!

"As they fought, inch by inch, they neared the veil, their determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. But even as victory seemed within reach, the blood demons surged forth with renewed ferocity, their ranks seemingly endless in their relentless pursuit."

Regulus: We're almost there! *shouted above the din of battle*. Protect Mystica at all costs! She's our only hope!"

"Sir Galen nodded grimly, his flames burning ever brighter as he forged a path forward, his gaze never wavering from their objective."

Sir Galen: We'll hold the line, no matter what!

"As the knights and students pressed on, their resolve unyielding, Mystica's hands danced with arcane energy, her every incantation a desperate plea for salvation. Sweat beaded on her brow as she focused, her concentration a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness."

"And as the blood demons closed in, their feral cries filling the air with dread, Mystica's efforts bore fruit, a glimmer of light amidst the encroaching shadows. With a triumphant cry, she unleashed a surge of mystical energy, the veil quivering as its hold began to unravel."

Ember: They just keep coming!

Regulus: Then we'll just keep killing them.

[Back in the veil]

Liam: *trying to get up* You know, you really strong but you will die. I will this place your last site.

Thoughts: Finally, they've reached and Mystica is working as well.

Liam: *whispering* hey! I will distract the demon and you run to where the knights are. You will be abke to get out from there safely.

Boy: What about you?

Liam: *smirks* I will make it out! So get ready

Students: Sure

Liam: Hey! Ugly! Get over here!

"Liam strikes Sanguis but Sanguis was able to catch him by the neck and drop him flat on the ground"

Liam: *screams in pain*

Sanguis: You think you can defeat me like this? *laughs*

Liam: Tsk! RUN!!

"The students run straight to the knights for safety"

Magnus: You made it!

Liam: Now that they are gone, let's really fight now Sanguis!

Sanguis: It is your wish to die isn't it?

"Sanguis punches liam countlessly as Liam was still on the ground"

Ember: All ice manipulators join me to freeze all the demons at once!

"All ice manipulators lined with Ember and together they released a powerful ice tsunami on the demons"

Sir Galen: Now fire users! Let's heat them up!

"With the lead of the Sir Galen, all fire users also released a powerful blast to destroy the frozen demons"

Regulus: Good job everyone! We won once more


Sir Galen: It is not over yet! Liam is still in there and we can't help

Magnus: Mystica hurry!

Mystica: I'm trying my best here!

"Liam was still trying his best in the veul but without his ability and magic, Sanguis was too strong for him"

Mystica: In the threads of time, I call upon thee, bind the essence of magic, let it be free.

By the light of the moon and the stars above, let Liam's ability shine with unwavering love.

From the depths of the earth to the heavens high, let his magic soar, LET IT DEFY!!

"As those words were spoken by Mystica, Liam felt his powers being restored"

Regulus: Did it work?

Mystica: Only one way to fine out *exhausted*

Sanguis: You think you are strong enough to defeat me!!! *punching Liam furiously*. You are as weak as your grandfather!

Liam: *pissed* You still have to nerves to talk trash?

"As Sanguis looks into Liam's eyes, he realized Liam's red eyes became brighter. Liam's power completely restored now. Flames of fury intertwined with the boundless energies of infinity and the darkness he once lived in. In a crescendo of defiance, his power erupted, illuminating the veil with a blazing tempest of magic."

Liam: Now, Let's really fight Sanguis! *intensity in his eyes*