
Forged In Darkness

**Prologue: The Rise of a New Era** In a realm where magic intertwines with adventure, individuals are bestowed with extraordinary powers to combat the forces of darkness. Among them, one man stood out, his name echoing through the annals of history: Williams Hunter. Renowned for his valor and unwavering spirit, he emerged as the epitome of courage, earning the title of the greatest knight the world had ever known. However, the tranquility was shattered when Emrys, the Demon Lord reigning from the depths of the underworld, unleashed the flames of war upon the land. Embracing his duty, Williams, with his stalwart companions, marched forth to confront the encroaching darkness. Alas, fate proved merciless, claiming their lives amidst the chaos of battle. With Williams' fall, a pall of despair descended upon the realm, leaving its denizens bereft of both guardian and hope. Yet, amidst the ashes of tragedy, a flicker of promise lingered on the horizon. In the aftermath of the conflict, Williams' widow, burdened with the legacy of his sacrifice, bore a son, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded by turmoil. Tragically, she departed this realm shortly after bringing forth new life, leaving the child orphaned and alone. Fate, however, had ordained a guardian for the young heir. His grandfather, embracing the mantle of protector, raised the boy with tender care, nurturing within him the seeds of destiny. As the world descended into chaos, demons prowled the land, claiming innocent lives with impunity. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. A fellowship of kindred spirits united, embarking on a noble endeavor to establish a sanctuary of knowledge and valor—a school where the flame of courage would be kindled anew. Here, the young and the passionate would be honed into formidable knights, destined to rise and restore hope to a world besieged by darkness. Thus begins the saga of a new era, where the legacy of Williams Hunter lives on, and the promise of redemption beckons forth a new generation of heroes.

Jeremy2bry_1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Liam Vs. Sanguis

"In the swirling depths of the veil, where shadows danced with flickering flames, Liam faced off against Sanguis, the sixth strongest demon in the realm. Liam's eyes blazed with an unyielding fire, his fury simmering just beneath the surface as he prepared to confront the embodiment of darkness before him. Sanguis, cloaked in an aura of malevolence, exuded a sinister presence which tried to send shivers down Liam's spine, but Liam not even moved to yield to the terror that threatened to consume him"

Liam: Do you really think that will do something? How pathetic!

"With a primal roar, Liam unleashed torrents of fire that engulfed the battlefield, casting an eerie glow upon the twisted landscape of the veil. The flames crackled with an intensity matched only by Liam's seething rage, each flicker a testament to the inferno raging within his soul. But Sanguis, undeterred by the blaze that surrounded him, summoned tendrils of blood that writhed and coiled with deadly precision. Each tendril pulsated with malevolent energy, hungering for the taste of Liam's essence, a testament to the demon's insatiable thirst for dominance."

Sanguis: Don't you dare think I will loss to you, brat!

"The clash of elemental forces echoed through the veil, a symphony of chaos and destruction that reverberated with the weight of destiny. Flames clashed against blood in a primal dance of elemental fury, casting twisted shadows that danced and writhed with unholy glee. Liam moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, his movements fluid and calculated as he danced through the tempest of darkness. Each strike carried the weight of his fury, each surge of power a testament to his unwavering resolve. But Sanguis was a formidable adversary, his laughter echoing through the veil like the tolling of a funeral bell. With each strike, he matched Liam blow for blow, his blood manipulation twisting and contorting with unnatural grace."

Sheila: That demon is really strong!

Mystica: But Liam is not showing any form for weakness.

Regulus"Thoughts": He really has gotten strong! If I decided to fight him instead of Liam, I would've lost? *frustrated*

"The veil trembled beneath the force of their conflict, its very fabric strained to the breaking point by the sheer magnitude of their battle. Flames licked at the darkness, casting twisted shadows that danced and twisted with unholy glee, while blood surged and pulsed with a primal hunger that defied all reason. Liam's rage burned like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path as he fought with the ferocity of a cornered beast. Each strike, each surge of power, was a testament to his indomitable will, a defiance against the darkness that threatened to consume him. But Sanguis was relentless, his attacks unrelenting as he sought to crush Liam beneath the weight of his malevolence. With each blow, he tested Liam's resolve, pushing him to the brink of despair."

Sanguis"Thoughts": This kid is really strong but I can't loss now

Sanguis: So I will kill YOU!!!

"Liam refused to yield, his spirit unbroken despite the odds stacked against him. With every strike, every surge of power, he fought with unwavering determination, his flames burning brighter with each passing moment."

Liam: Hey! This will be your resting place *grins*

"And as the battle reached its climax, Liam's fury reached its peak. With a primal scream that echoed through the veil, he unleashed his power, casting aside the darkness that sought to consume him and emerging triumphant from the crucible of their conflict."

Sanguis: *pain* please have mercy. Please!!

Liam: Huh?! *laughs* Mercy? The audacity of such a plea falls on deaf ears you piece of shit!, drowned in the anguish of generations scarred by your vile deeds. You, who snuffed out the light of my grandfather's life with callous disregard, and you still have the nerves to ask for clemency?*pissed* You and your ilk, bathed in the blood of innocence, dare to speak of mercy? Know this: since that very day, I lost myself. And so, there is no sanctuary for monsters like you. Mercy is reserved for the deserving, and you, Sanguis, are beyond redemption. Killing you now is no big. Say hi to those who couldn't make it to paradise for me!

Sanguis: Don't think you will get away with this! You've killed Terramor and if you kill now, meaning you've killed two demons of The Infernal Pantheon of Oblivion. And Lord Emrys will send the rest to kill you!

Liam: Oh really! Let them come, you kill them with my bear hands!

"With a focused intensity, Liam summoned forth a torrent of scorching flames, channeling his merged magic into a searing inferno. The fire blast surged towards Sanguis, engulfing him in its relentless fury, reducing the once formidable demon to nothingness."

Sheila: Is over.

Brianna: Yeah

Liam: Now how do I bring down this veil? Huh? *veil starts to disappear* Well that's


Dylan: Hey Liam, another demon killed *laughs*

Liam: Yep! And by what the demon said there are more to come.

Mystica: Looks like Sanguis told him

Regulus: And now we have to tell him what he has actually gotten himself into

Magnus: Exactly

Galen: It won't change anything though, he will still go on fight them all.

Regulus: That's something we can't stop

Mystica: But he has to know about them

Ember: He will

"The fight was finally over, some brave souls were lost, some injured but they were still victorious. It took time for them to repair the damages in the Academy. Since the City and the academy were attacked, the higher ups were curious to know the reason for these attacks."

[In the room of the higher ups]

Supreme Paladin Aveline: Magnus, do you have any idea why demons are now targeting Grandeur City and the Academy?

Magnus: Well Supreme Paladin, my comrades and I believe the reason is because of a student.

Archduke Darien: Oh really, but why do you think that?

Magnus: With the first attack, we were unsure why they attacked. However, last month's assault was orchestrated by one of our long-time enemy: Sanguis the Bloodhound, 6th rank of the Infernal Pantheon of Oblivion. His aim was to kill Liam Hunter, a second-year student.

Lord Protector Galadrian: Hunter?!

Magnus: Yes, Lord Galadrian. He is the son of the Great Williams Hunter, although not everyone is aware of this despite the obvious last names.

Lady Regent Isadora: Well, now it makes sense. They want to eliminate him before he reaches his father's level.

Grand Inquisitor Vaelin: But are you sure he is really the Great Knight's son?

Magnus: Certainly, Grand Vaelin. And Lady Isadora, from what I have witnessed in battle, he has surpassed Great Williams.

Chancellor Eleanora: And this is only a second year. Well, Magnus, he is under your mentorship.

Magnus: Emm, Galen and Regulus have already taken on that role, Chancellor.

Chancellor Eleanora: Alright, but make sure he is aware of the threat posed by The Infernal Pantheon of Oblivion.

Magnus: Understood.

High Magistrate Aurelius: You may leave now.

Magnus: Thank you.

Baroness Celestia: And Magnus?

Magnus: Yes, Baroness?

Baroness Celestia: Keep up the good work.

Magnus: I will. *walks out*. Phew! Now that went well.

[Back in the library of the Academy]

Dylan: You know, it's quite surprising. It's been 1 year since we enrolled here.

Sheila: Yeah, and a month since the Academy was attacked.

Brianna: Yet we made it out of all that. And we are victorious as well, right Liam?

Liam: Hm?! Yeah yeah we did

Dylan: Bro, you've been zoning out a lot lately.

Sheila: Yeah Liam, you okay?

Brianna: You know you can talk to us Liam

Liam: Yeah I'm good, thanks for your concerns

Dylan: Alright, well I'm hurry. What we eating people? Start talking!

Liam"Thoughts": Even if I'm to tell you guys, you won't be for any help. I need Mystica, she will have the answers I need.

[At night in Mystica's underground place]

Mystica: Well, we all are here

Regulus: Liam?

Mystica: He'll be here soon

Liam: Hey everyone!

Mystica: Whoa! I didn't even hear you walk in

Liam: Because I didn't walk in, I teleported

Mystica: How?

Liam: Shadow!

Mystica: Oh alright

Liam: Emm, why are they here?

Dylan: Heyyy!

Brianna: Come on Liam, come sit!

Sheila: Please hurry, we've been waiting for you.

Ember: Yes, please hurry and sit

Liam: To have all 9 of us here like this, what might be the matter.

Magnus: It's about the Infernal Pantheon of Oblivion.

Liam: I see, I've had that on my mind for while now.

Brianna: What is that?

Galen: We about to tell you, to be sincere, this is something which only concerns Liam but we believe the three may be the one's to help him in the future.

Dylan: Then this must be very important

Sheila: Yes Dylan!

Regulus: Enough! Now let's begin.