
Forbidden Love: My Crush Becomes My Stepmother

Reyes never dreamed that his crush, who was still flirting with him in his dreams in the morning, would become his stepmother at night. Watching this woman he wanted to seduce appear in front of him without a care in the world, he desperately tried to suppress those impermissible desires in his heart. That was until one day, this woman sat on his lap like she did in her dream, cupped his face, and looked at him with a pair of cool and drunken eyes. She said, "Are you the one I'm looking for?" Reyes' heart, which had been broken into pieces, suddenly revived. -- Toya became the fiancée of Butler Wilson because of an internal family feud, and with a mandate from her old father, she sought an heir to the family estate while under the protection of the Wilson family. But her fiance's son seemed to be looking at her with increasing inappropriateness; previously, he looked at her like a puppy yearning to be petted by its owner, but now, he seemed like a wolf who wanted to swallow her up at any moment. As she was pinned down in the car and panting from the exhaustion of sex, she wondered in a trance that if she had chosen him in the first place, wouldn't she have avoided having to listen to him address her with such a shameful name during sex? After the death of the Madison family's ruler, several heirs fought over the family's arms business for several years, and no one really got a hold of the inheritance, yet the market had begun to function properly, and they became increasingly suspicious that their sister Toya was behind it. They were about to investigate when they were invited to the house by the new arms dealer. The new arms dealer was a very handsome young man who sat lazily in his chair as he looked down on them like a king sitting on his throne and overlooking everyone. "I hear you guys are investigating me?" The few people were shocked. Wasn't he Reyes, their sister's stepson?

Mountain Springs · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Stay Here

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The three of them sat around the dining table.

If it was any other time, Reyes would definitely not sit down and finish his meal with such an ugly expression.

But today, he sat on his chair without saying a word. Apart from looking at Toya from time to time, he didn't do anything out of line.

Reyes numbly spooned spoonful after spoonful of soup.

He no longer cared about the taste of the soup in his mouth. He only knew that he was at the dining table and his mission was to eat.

No one spoke, but every sound of the utensils knocking was amplified in his ears, making him feel very vexed.

The three of them ate their own food. After the engagement, Butler and Toya didn't have any intimate interactions. They didn't even make eye contact.

The two of them were like students who were forced to eat at the same table because there was no space for them to eat in the cafeteria. They were distant to the naked eye.

Except Reyes couldn't see the distance between them. All he knew was that the woman he loved was going to be his stepmother.

This was the first time Toya was here, but she wasn't nervous at all. Her demeanor was very calm, giving others the feeling that she was the hostess of the house.

Butler spoke up. "How's things at home?"

This was obviously not a question for Reyes.

But Reyes immediately pricked up his ears.

Toya put down her knife and fork and replied briefly, "It's messy."

Butler nodded. "Then you can stay here."

Toya didn't refuse. "Thank you."

Reyes felt a hole in his chest. It was filled with cold air that was freezing his bones.

Living here? Not going home?

"Reyes, Toya will be staying at home for the time being. Get along well with her and don't lose your temper." Reyes's bad temper had always worried Butler.

Reyes finally responded. "That's a little inappropriate, isn't it?"

Weren't they not married yet? Were they going to live together just because they were engaged?

His messy thoughts made him, who never obeyed the rules, suddenly learn to use them to suppress others.

Toya should be embarrassed. After all, wasn't Reyes implying that she was shameless to stay at her fiancé's house before getting married?

However, she was used to being arrogant. Hence, she did not feel embarrassed at all. "If it doesn't conform to the rules, why don't we hold the wedding earlier? That way, it will be legitimate."

Reyes was speechless.

His expression darkened even more.

He didn't understand what was so good about an old man like Butler. Was there a need for her to rush into marriage?

Was she interested in the Wilson family's assets?

In fact, she was just a girl from an ordinary family who had chosen to marry Butler because of money?

She couldn't possibly be attracted to Butler's old face, could she?

Although this old man was indeed very handsome, and he looked like he was in his thirties when he was in his forties, he was still much older than her. When they stood together, they looked more like father and daughter than husband and wife.

Butler gave Reyes a disapproving look. "There are only two masters in the house, Reyes and I. There are no rules. You may do as you please."

Toya nodded.

Reyes wanted to ask where Toya would live, but he held back.

Since they were engaged, she was definitely going to live with Butler.

She would sleep in his father's bed.

They might even do something intimate…

Just like what he did to her in his dream.

Reyes clenched his fists.

His eyes were red, like a wounded cub's.

He could not stay here any longer. He stood up silently and strode back to his room.

Toya and Butler looked at his back in confusion.

Butler apologized, "This child has been spoiled by me. He gets angry whenever I lecture him."

Toya looked thoughtful. "He probably just doesn't like me very much."

She asked, "Where do I live?"

The butler replied, "The guest room next to Young Master Reyes's room is clean. The rest need to be cleaned."

The butler did not expect Reyes to have such a huge reaction. He seemed to be especially against the prospective hostess. He had originally thought that students from the same school would have a lot in common and it would be easy for them to get along.

Even though Toya received the "hate" signal, she remained calm. "That one will do."

"If Reyes makes things difficult for you, just tell the butler. Cleaning the room isn't difficult."

Toya nodded.

"How is the old gentleman?" asked Butler.

"Not so good, or I wouldn't be here."

Balter said nothing more.

After dinner, Toya was led to her room by the butler.

She only brought a black suitcase with her, which contained important things.

Her father said that her brothers were impatient and weren't suitable to inherit his assets, so he left the most important things to her.

Actually, she wasn't suitable either, but she knew her limits. At least she wouldn't mess around.

The assets that her father had left behind were dangerous. If she was not careful, she might get herself killed. Hence, she wanted to find someone who could digest this treasure and bear the danger of the treasure. If she handed it to him, she would be able to retreat successfully.

She hoped that person wouldn't make her wait too long.