

"What is this place?"Brianna weakly asked again.

"You---you are in the hospital"said Amy.

"Hospital?"Brianna widened her eyes in shock.

"Calm down baby. You fainted and was taken here by a good samaritan.He left for an appointment not too long ago."replied Amy.

"Don't tell my Grandma about this.You mustn't let her know.I don't want her to die prematurely. "She's all that i've got now"said a weak Brianna.'

"What about your nephew Dave? Isn't he also family?"Amy asked.

"Dave--Dave?"Brianna muttered.

"Yes! Your energetic Dave"said Ameliana.

Contrary to Amy's expectations,Brianna began to sob. Amy was alarmed. Did she say something wrong? Why was Brianna sobbing?

"Don't cry! This is no cause for crying"Amy consoled.

"Ameliana---grandma's all i really have now. Dave---he's--he's gone"Brianna said in a whisper.

"Gone? Did he travel again without telling you his whereabouts? That boy is sure naughty but don't worry he'll be fine."said Amy not getting the point at all.

"If he really traveled,that would be good but,he will never really return"Brianna whispered again.

"What do you mean Brianna?"Amy was alarmed.

"Dave--my baby Dave is gone. I remember his warm blood on my legs.How his eyes gradually dimmed."Brianna said with tears flowing from her eyes.

Amy was shocked at this truth she did not want to believe.

"You mean he's--"Amy covered her mouth and opened her eyes wide in shock.

"How? Where?"she asked still not wanting to believe. The Dave she knew would never cause troubles that would result in his death. There must be a mistake somewhere.

"I was with Grandma. I no longer have a job---i got a call and from the caller's speaking manner i thought Dave must have caused trouble again. So---i told him not to----touch him. The meeting place was at--at --at a res--restaurant.But--when i entered i found it was empty."Brianna struggled to explain.

"Empty"Amy asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes"Brianna replied.

"What restaurant?"Amy asked again.

"Avile's Ice Fever"Brianna replied.

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