
Flying High, Soaring Through the Sky

In the universe are an uncountable amount of planets, billions of which are habitable. In a far away galaxy, one could find such a habitable planet named Thanthwe. It was a rather odd planet where the complete surface was an enormous ocean and giant platforms floated high above in the sky. Thantwe was inhabited by many species, enormous sea creatures roamed the ocean, great beasts ruled most of the floating platforms and birds the size of planes soared through the sky. But of all the species inhabiting Thanthwe there is one special species. One species that managed to evolve into a perfect species for this world, a species called the Phiko. The Phiko were winged humanoids and one of the most intelligent beings on this planet. The males had a red skin colour, ranging from bright red all the way to nearly black, with big leathery black wings attached to their back. While the females had a variety of blue and green colours with gorgeous, white feathered wings. If they were to appear on Earth the males would be seen as demons while the females would be seen as angels. A young boy, judging by the looks around the age of 6, was playing with some wooden dolls his father had made for him in the front of their house. The dolls were quite well made, they were slightly rough but one could see the amount of care the father had when making these dolls, shaping them like soldiers of their army. The boy, even though his father had told him numerous times he couldn't, dreamt of one day joining the military, helping them destroy the Ebux platform that was eyeing Nustria. Unfortunately for him, it would always stay a dream, farmers couldn't join the military as they had to take care of the food of the entire platform. So he played with his soldier dolls whenever he could, pretending to be a soldier in the army of the lord. He ran around in their fields with the dolls, holding a random stick he found in his other hand and slashing the air in front of him as if he were in battle.

darkaxe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

My Scythe May Be Small, But Can Still Make You Crawl

"Why does dying take so long?" Jaimy thought, feeling as if he had been laying there for hours already. He struggled to open his eyes only to see a field, halfway harvested while the other half had wheat ready to harvest sprouting out of it.

"They… didn't kill me?" he realised. As his thoughts grew clearer he saw the commander's sword still lying on the dirt slightly further. He picked the sword up and started to run to his house only to see it burning with two burned corpses lying just outside the doorway.

Jaimy fell to his knees upon seeing this, pure hatred for the Ebuxians filling every part of his body.

Looking around he saw one of the soldiers was still standing near the house to check if anyone else would come for them, hoping to be able to discover more rebels. As Jaimy saw him he sneaked around the fields, making use of his rather dark skin and his small figure to escape notice of the soldier.

The second Jaimy got behind the soldier he launched himself forward, flying low to the ground as fast as he could and holding the sword out in front of him.

The soldier, hearing a noise behind him, turned around to see what was going on, surprise clearly visible on his face.

"How? you should have been dead?" He shouted while unsheathing his blade to parry Jaimy's thrust. Unfortunately the soldier was just slightly too slow and only managed to just barely change the trajectory of the sword slightly to avoid a lethal wound.

The soldiers eyes instantly turned red with rage, as a proud soldier of the Ebuxian army, he couldn't handle being wounded like that by a simple kid that should have been dead. The Ebuxians were, after all, a people that had a strong foundation as warriors. With a beast platform and three Phiko ruled platforms close to them they had been in a constant state of war for over a century already.

He swung his blade at Jaimy's neck, wanting to finish this quickly, however, Jaimy quickly raised his own sword to block the strike. The strength of the soldier being vastly superior to Jaimy's own strength still caused him to fly five meters before being able to steady himself on the dirt.

The soldier didn't wait though, and chased after Jaimy with a flurry of blows, choosing speed above accuracy on his strike.

Blocking a couple of those strikes caused Jaimy to lose his grip on his sword, without anything to deflect the blows he was quickly hit many times. Luckily, the strikes hitting him were very inaccurate and only slightly wounded him.

Jaimy, using the little strength he had left, kicked off from the ground and started flying away, towards the small shack at the side of the house that somehow managed to evade the flames.

Without pausing he flew straight through the slightly opened door, using his small figure to slip through the small opening.

His mind raced faster than ever before, searching for something he could use as a weapon, when his eyes suddenly fell on two small scythes, the handles were around the length of a normal hatchet, though slightly curved with a big, curved blade sticking out from the top.

(img: http://prntscr.com/lvmlmz tho without the holes at the top)

His father had made these for him to use when working in the field when he was younger, his strength hadn't been high enough to use a normal scythe back then.

He grabbed one of the small scythes in each hand and turned around just in time to see the soldier open the door further, the opening in it too small for the grown man to be able to pass through like jaimy had done.

He instantly saw Jaimy with the two small scythes in his hands and chuckled at the sight.

"You want to defeat a trained soldier of Ebuxia with those two toys? Prepare to see what a real weapon does to toys like that."

He rushed forward and as soon as Jaimy got close to his attack range he started swinging his blade, using the time it took for the blade to reach his front to close the distance and fully place Jaimy in his attack range.


Jaimy ducked just in time, letting the Ebuxian soldier's blade pass over him and into a support beam next to him.

As he got back up he slashed the scythe in his right hand deep in the upper leg of the soldier with all his strength. Adrenaline fuling his blow with more power than Jaimy had ever thought he could muster, making the blade of the scythe go out the other side of the soldier's leg.

The soldier, losing the support of one of his legs, fell to his knee, however, he did manage to get his sword out of the support beam and slash it at Jaimy as he fell down.


Jaimy hadn't expected this sudden attack, thinking the sword was too deep in the support beam to get it out with only a single hand. A long red line suddenly appeared on Jaimy's chest, blood slowly leaking out. Fortunately he had noticed the movement of the soldiers arm in time to be able to move slightly backwards.

Jaimy switched his second scythe to his right hand as he charged back at the soldier, using the support beams of the shed as cover as often as possible so the soldier couldn't hit him.

As he closed in on the back of the soldier, the man suddenly thrust his blade backwards.


Jaimy used his small scythe to parry the blow and using the momentum from the two blades hitting each other he slashed down, cutting a long part of the soldier's wing off and sliding back behind a support beam.

"AAAAAAAAH" The soldier cried out in anger as he was given a second crippling wound by the little brat. He pulled out the small scythe that was still stick in his left upper leg, causing blood to rush out even faster than it already did. He didn't care anymore about this, realising his wounds were already big enough to not be able to survive this fight.

All he wanted right now was to take the damn brat with him as he died. Losing to an 8 year old kid was already shameful enough, if he couldn't even manage to take the bastard with him he would be laughed at by everyone he knew, and his family would probably have to move away to escape the laughter of everyone else.

He Threw the small scythe in a spinning motion at Jaimy. They weren't far enough apart for Jaimy to be able to dodge this one.


The scythe hit Jaimy right in his face, fortunately the side that hit him was the hilt of the scythe and not the blade, if not he couldn't have possibly survived a blow like that.

Jaimy picked up the small scythe again, now with two weapons in his hands he managed to get himself more courage as he ran to the soldier, preparing to block the blade with one of his scythes and killing him with the other.



Jaimy managed to complete his plan almost perfectly, blocking the soldier's blade with his left scythe while cutting deep into the back of the soldier's neck.

The soldier's eyes suddenly lost their light as realised he would die, the only thing he still had time for was to let loose a single tear from his right eye before falling on the dirty wooden floor of the shack.

8 year old beating the crap out of a soldier, you go Jaimy

darkaxecreators' thoughts