
Flying High, Soaring Through the Sky

In the universe are an uncountable amount of planets, billions of which are habitable. In a far away galaxy, one could find such a habitable planet named Thanthwe. It was a rather odd planet where the complete surface was an enormous ocean and giant platforms floated high above in the sky. Thantwe was inhabited by many species, enormous sea creatures roamed the ocean, great beasts ruled most of the floating platforms and birds the size of planes soared through the sky. But of all the species inhabiting Thanthwe there is one special species. One species that managed to evolve into a perfect species for this world, a species called the Phiko. The Phiko were winged humanoids and one of the most intelligent beings on this planet. The males had a red skin colour, ranging from bright red all the way to nearly black, with big leathery black wings attached to their back. While the females had a variety of blue and green colours with gorgeous, white feathered wings. If they were to appear on Earth the males would be seen as demons while the females would be seen as angels. A young boy, judging by the looks around the age of 6, was playing with some wooden dolls his father had made for him in the front of their house. The dolls were quite well made, they were slightly rough but one could see the amount of care the father had when making these dolls, shaping them like soldiers of their army. The boy, even though his father had told him numerous times he couldn't, dreamt of one day joining the military, helping them destroy the Ebux platform that was eyeing Nustria. Unfortunately for him, it would always stay a dream, farmers couldn't join the military as they had to take care of the food of the entire platform. So he played with his soldier dolls whenever he could, pretending to be a soldier in the army of the lord. He ran around in their fields with the dolls, holding a random stick he found in his other hand and slashing the air in front of him as if he were in battle.

darkaxe · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Boy I Shall Bring, Long Live the King

As adrenaline left Jaimy's body, he fell down exhausted. Every fiber in his body screaming at him that he had overexerted himself during this fight.

He grabbed to his chest only to remember the gaping wound in it. As he removed his hand from his chest again it was completely covered in sticky, dark red blood.

He looked around the shack in search for some long piece of cloth to bandage it up, however, he couldn't find anything that seemed even remotely useful for this. The entire shack was filled with only tools for farming and he doubted he could bandage a wound using a bucket…

Only then did he notice the long black cape the soldier was wearing. He quickly ripped off a large piece of it and tried to bandage his chest using it.

"Hmmm, if i'm going on this path i seriously need to get better at bandaging up my own wounds…" he muttered to himself as he looked upon his own work. The wound was covered but he doubted it would stay like that for too long.

He ripped off the rest of the soldier's cape just in case he needed more of it in the nearby future and slowly walked to the door of the shack. Even though he was exhausted and every movement hurt every fiber of his being, he had to get out of here.

The soldier's allies would probably get worried about their comrade sooner or later and come searching for him, if Jaimy was still here when they got here he would have no way to get out of there alive.

Jaimy carefully poked his head out of the shack door slowly to look around for any movement, looking around carefully for a short while and not seeing anything he decided to try and make a run for it. His best option would be to run to the small forest he always trained in secretly.

However, on his way there he was suddenly picked up by a figure in dark clothes with a covered up face. Jaimy tried to struggle but didn't have the strength nor the energy to resist this person as they flew towards the outskirts of the platform.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Jaimy shouted in panic, however, the newcomer refused to give any form of reply and just kept flying further. They were flying so low to the ground Jaimy could practically see every single grain of dirt they passed by.

As they flew like this Jaimy started to slowly fall asleep, he tried to keep his eyes open but after that fight and with the loss of so much blood his efforts to stay awake failed after around half an hour of flying.

"Sleep tight, little one", a soft voice whispered right after he fell asleep.


Jaimy opened his eyes and looked around. He found himself on a bed made from straw in a small, rectangular room. The only light in it coming from a torch hanging on the wall. As he tried to get up from the straw bed he felt a huge sting on his chest.

"Right, that happened." He said to himself. Looking down at the wound he was surprised by fresh bandages on his chest, this time not so roughly applied as he had done himself but instead they looked to be placed there by a professional medic.

He tried to get up a second time, this time much slower using mostly his legs so he didn't have to move anything near his wounded chest. Once he managed to get up he looked around the room again.

The only things inside the room were the bed, the torch, a big, wooden door and a small table with some food on it, which he promptly ignored as he wasn't really hungry right now. The walls seemed to be made of pure rock as if they were in a cave. At the same time they looked way too straight to not be man-made.

Turning around he headed to the door, only to find his weakened, sore muscles couldn't muster up enough strength to open it. Left with no other option he just started banging on the door until someone opened it.

"Oh, you're awake. We were worried when we found you, that wound on your chest could have easily killed you if I hadn't gotten you here in time." The person that opened the door said. A voice that was strangely familiar but Jaimy couldn't recall where he'd heard it before.

He looked up at the face of the speaker only to see it was the person who had picked him up and brought him here, or atleast, wearing the same full body covering clothing so he couldn't really tell anything about them. The only thing he knew for sure was that it was a female due to the big, white feathered wings folded on her back.

"Come with me, i'm sure you're quite disorientated right now, we'll tell you everything you want to know when we get to the office." She said, turning around and starting to walk away.

With no clues to where he was he didn't really have much of a choice and just followed the woman while looking around.

They were currently walking across a large circular room, completely made up of the same stone that made his small rectangular bedroom. In the center of this room was a hole in the floor where light came from. He couldn't see anything through the hole to see what was beneath it as they were too far away and all he could see was a small, cylindrical shaped tunnel leading down.

At the other side of the circular room they passed through a big doorway to arrive inside a huge room filled with bookshelves at the side and a long table at the center.

At the head of the table sat an old man with two other men on either side of him. As soon as she entered the door the woman guiding him bowed deeply as she greeted the man.

"Your Majesty. I have brought the boy as instructed," she said, her voice filled with a deep respect.

The old man at the head of the table nodded as he stood up. He walked around the table and leaned against it once he got to the other side.

"Young man, I'm sorry about your family, the Ebuxians have caused our nation too much suffering already. If you want I can give you an opportunity to help our cause and get back our nation from those warmongers. We are what is these days called 'The Rebellion', I am its leader, known as Black Wing. However, I used to be known under another name. Before the Ebuxians came here people called me Adrian the Fourth, King of Nustria."

sorry for the slightly late chapter

only just got home from vising my great-grandma in the hospital

darkaxecreators' thoughts