
Flower of Ruins

Let's talk about the FL Transmigrated - ✔ ( Bai Hua: hmm.. well I died and woke up in this body...) Healing cheat - ✔ (Bai hua: I had been born with that since the begining...) Fall in Love - ✔ ( Bai Hua: He said he love me too) Married - ✔ (Bai Hua: Shouldn't had done that) Heartbreak - ✔ (Bai Hua: Nope.. * picking up pieces of her heart on the floor and wipe tears*) Abandoned by her husband - ✔ (Bai Hua: Who need him anyway. * sat at a corner*) Pregnant - ✔ ( Bai Hua: No comment on that..) Weak - ✔ ( Bai Hua: I'm only a girl...) Homeless - ✔ (Bai Hua: Well.. I burnt the house) - Now, where would she work? Working as a doctor? that's not possible as it will only reduce her health. Waitress? It's dangerous! She is a girl and there is lots of lecherous men. Furthermore she is pregnant. One day, Bai Hua was suddenly kidnapped and forced to work in a brothel. Instead of trying to escape, she laugh it off and threatened the owner. Her breathtaking beauty had captured many people's gaze. She become famous as the first beauty in the country and the 'entertainer '. After five years, it seem that the fate love to play round with her as the husband that had left without reason suddenly come back. An unusual reunion of a husband and wife at that. Afterward, there suddenly come row of rows of people that wanted to kill her. This left the lazy Bai Hua speechless: '...... ' - ❤ Published: 26 January 2019 End: ? Disclaimer: Pictures are not mine WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!

MissHua · História
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 1: Met again

The night sky was full with brilliance, the stars sparkle brilliantly, yet a masked man stood in sorrow as he look at the remaining ashes that was once belonged to a house. A house where he would be home with a smile on his face, was no longer there.

His face was ashen underneath his intimidating blood red mask. The hands on his side clenched tightly. The house was where he and his wife had lived. it had been almost half a year since he had be away from home. Never once crossed in his mind that once he was finally back, the only thing that would be greeting him was the remaining ashes and the eerie silence. Even though, he had tried very hard, he thought that with him leaving, everything would be fine. There was no home for him anymore.

His home was by the side of the woman he loved. Wherever she was, it would be his home.

He couldn't see the girl's smiles or hear her laughter anymore or could he witness her lazy but cute demeanor.

A man came forward and cupped his fists in front of the sorrowful man,

" Master, we haven't find anything except for the burnt clothes and the remaining of the charred furniture. I'm afraid-"

The masked man raised his hand, a signal for him to stop, cutting the man from completing his sentences. The man, who was one of his subordinate respectfully retreat into the darkness once again. The masked man stared silently toward the ashes. clear droplets of water suddenly appeared at the corner of his eyes. He had never cried since he was a little child, but now his heart ached so much. It ached so damn bad, he didn't know what to do in this type of situation. He closed his eyes, the tears disappearing down his cheeks. He swung his hand to the side and walked away with half of his heart stayed with the girl he loved.

' I shouldn't had left her..."


Five years later,

The big city was known for its hustle and bustle of people. However, as the sky was falling into the night, lesser people could be seen on the road as more people retreated home to be with their family. The lanterns lighted up everywhere became the source of light for the people. It were beautiful to look at.

At the middle of the road, stand a man in black robe with a blood red mask on his face. Despite the presence of a mask, his handsome features couldn't be concealed. Simply being in his presence, one would not be able to ignore the noble felt around him and the domineering and compelling aura around him. It made one to be afraid to be close to such person, yet at the same time, it attracting others to him, the type of person who seemed to be ignorant of the danger lurking.

His head was raised, looking at the magnificent starry night sky, stars scattered in the sky like a rare landscape painting by a master. It was full with twinkling stars. This brought him memories. A small laughter escaped his thin lips, as a priceless reaction of a certain girl when he compared the scenery to a master's painting appeared in his mind. but soon, sorrow passed through because the past was merely memories.

' She really loved stars. I remember that today is our wedding anniversary.'

He coldly laugh at the inside. She was not here anymore and he was the one to blame, he shouldn't had left. He had promised her but he broke the promise.

He was lost in his thought again. For the past years, he had learnt to appreciate the starts in the sky. The stars was so far away but they shone brilliantly and very beautiful in the lonely sky. No wonder she loved them so much.

She recalled the way her usually lazy eyes twinkle in fascination every time they watched the starry sky together. The smile on her beautiful face was breathtaking as he told him various stories, broadening his field of view.

He snapped back into reality when a main in red suddenly approached him from behind. He patted the masked man's back and forcefully pulled or could I say dragged him along with him.

" Jin Feng, what do you think you are doing?" The masked man asked as he recognized the person who dared to treat him this way due to his high sense as a martial artist.

"Tian Yu! Just come with me! You have been behaving oddly God know how long!" The man in red, named as Jin Feng commented. He didn't know why but every years of the same day, this close friend of his would come out ti the street and started staring at the night sky. Had he gone nut in the head?

If only Tian Yu knew what Jin Feng had been thinking in his minds, he would surely beat the crap out of Jin Feng. But well thanks for Jin Feng's rarely wise thought of not voicing it out loud, he was safe at least for now...

Tian Yu simply let himself to be dragged around by Jin Feng. Honestly, he could escape anytime if he wanted to and Jin Feng couldn't even match with him as their cultivation levels was different. He didn't even bother to say anything, at this point, he simply went along with everything.

Jin Feng truly felt frustrated. Ever since Tian Yu came back five years ago, he had drastically changed. Though, Tian Yu was cold since he was still a child but he wanted the old-less-colder Tian Yu back! God was so unfair! Wuwu~ Yet... he wondered if Tian Yu's temper had changed. despite how cold Tian Yu appeared to be but him as a childhood friend knew that Tian Yu's temper was bad.

After some time, they finally stopped in front of a magnificent red building. There was lots of people there. Everyone was busy seeking the pleasure that the wanted. The girls were waving their handkerchief and interested men were walking toward the premise.

'Red Flower Brothel'

The sign on the front gate read as. This place was located in the red-light district and as a famous brothel in the capital, it was normal for it to be bustling with people as the night arrived.

Tian Yu looked at Jin Feng with a murderous gaze, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Hehehe, Tian Yu... It's been a long time since we spent our time together and you haven't even had any fun! Lose up a little!" Jin Feng replied while rubbing the back of his neck out of guilt. Who wouldn't know the infamous young master of the Jin Family- Jin Feng was known for his flirtatious behavior and his frequent visit to the brothel. He was a playboy- at least he acted such way, but one would never knew the fact that Jin Feng was still a virgin! Despite being in his mid 20, he was quite innocent about the affair between men and women. He loved women, beautiful women but simply as eyes candies for him and maybe... for him to fondle a bit.

Tian Yu knew about Jin Feng's loves for beauties but why did he even need to visit a brothel? He should find a girl to spent a lifetime with, just like him who had found his woman.

His mind started to wander again. Jin Feng heaved a sigh, " Just join us for our brotherly friendships, okay? Even though you don't want to have beauties but there is still good wine to enjoy."

Tian Yu thought about it for a moment. He didn't reply anything but he still hadn't move either. Hence, Jin Feng grinned and pulled him inside. Tian Yu's ears twitched with irritations as the loud voices of people inside got louder.

" Xiao Fang! Where the fudge are you?!" Jin Feng hollered near the stairs leading to the private box upstairs. Tian Yu sighed, he forgot that he still had another devil as his best-friend.

Immediately, came a man in dark blue and sliver lining at the end of his robe walking down the stairs. His face was carved perfectly with a devilish smile. As he arrived right in front of them, he laughed. His laughter had a natural sound of evil in his tone.

"Well you see, us three monkeys were finally here together. " Xiao Fang said with a smirk on his face. Tian Yu's face darkened and so was Jin Feng's. Jin Feng's brows naturally furrowed as a respond to his words. ' Monkeys you say?'

Jin Feng opened his mouth to retort but before he could utter a word, he had been cut by a high pitched voice of a woman.

In front of them appeared a woman that was old enough to be their aunt. Not to mention that these men were near the end of the age twenty. She was the madam of the brothel. You see, that meant, she was the boss of the brothel.

She talked while waving her handkerchief, " Yu Wangye, Lord Jin and Lord Xiao, it's a huge blessing for us to have the three of you here." They nodded as a sign of acknowledgement to her greeting.

" What would be the service, your highness and the young lords seeking?" The madam asked politely, knowing the wrong moves might bring bad luck. It was Yu Wangye, she was talking to, adding with the fact that Sir Xiao was well known for being a vicious man who like experimenting, well if you count torturing was the same with experiment then. It was bad luck indeed! It might bring in the huge income to be able to serve the rarely seen guests and she loved money but she would prefer more to keep her head and the girls' head intact please.

"Ust show us my regular room and I heard, the brothel received a famous flower lately, bring the lady to perform for us." Jin Feng ordered and the madam guided them there.

The three of them sat on the stools in front of the table. There was a screen divider dividing the space of a bed behind them and a huge stage sat in front of them. Tian Yu filled his cup with wine and started drinking. Afterward, the madam appeared after some time with girls behind of her. they curtsied and walked up to the stage with their back facing them.

" The main dancer today is our best flower, she just came from the Silver Flower Brothel last week. Hope the guests enjoy and immerse in pleasure!" The madam laughed and walked out after receiving their permission.

There were two girls who sat at each side of Jin Feng. They accompanied Jin Feng while slightly playing with their fingers and brushing their soft chests onto Jin Feng's hands from time to time while they watched the show. Tian Yu indifferently drank the wine with a slightly dazed look in his eyes while twirling the cup in his hand.

Soon, the music started, it was melodious and was pleasing to the ears of the listener. The girls all turn around and danced in circle with a girl dancing while covering her face in the middle of the circle. Their movement were very clear and graceful but at the same time alluring. Their clothes showed their bare shoulders and clung to their curves well.

The girl in the middle was clearly the main dancer as she had different set of clothes and was leading the movement of the dances beautifully. She removed her long sleeves that was covering her face away from her face and move her hands upward gracefully. Her enchanting beautiful face and fluid movements were able to enchant the men watching, worthy of being the best girl of the brothel. She was a breathtaking beauty, a beauty that could cause downfall of a country. Her face was dolled up and there were red spider lilies flowers drawn at the corner of her eyes. Moreover, she had an unique pair of eyes, which were gold in color.

Jin Feng was practically drooled over her. ' Fuck to all beauties he had ever saw! They couldn.t even compare to the beauty in front of him. Truly an eye candy.'

Xiao Fang's signature devilish smile deepened on his face, even though she was truly a beauty but she was only a prostitute after all. he couldn't care less about her as her forehead was empty. What truly excite him was the pair of eyes that was unique in color...

Tian Yu raised his eyes to look at the direction his friends were looking at and immediately his whole body froze. His heart beat rapidly and his grip on the cup tightened. Excitement filled his body but at the same time he was shocked... He found her.

His little wife, that had be gone over the years. He felt the longing and sadness overwhelming his heart.

" Hua'er" He muttered the name with a broken voice. It attracted the attention of other people around him. The girl was startled at the familiar name and voice, she brought her eyes over toward the source of the voice. Their eyes met for a moment and for a split second she revealed a shocked expression and sadness in her eyes.

It was inly for a split second though and was gone in a blink of an eye. She continued her dances and smiled at Tian Yu.

' Look like we meet again.'

It took me almost two hours to rewrite and rephrase this.

Istg, it was hellish for me. Anyway, thank you for the support! Stay safe during this pandemic!

MissHuacreators' thoughts