
Fleet Admiral Patriarch.

Su Jin, driven from the Divine Realm by his bitter rival, sought refuge on Modern Earth, where he lived nine mortal incarnations. Throughout his time in the mortal realm, he absorbed knowledge and power, meticulously plotting his revenge and amassing resources for his eventual return to the Divine Realm. Armed with the secrets of the Divine Realm and the technological marvels of Modern Earth, Su Jin embarked on a relentless quest to plunge the entire Divine Realm into eternal conflict. With his cunning mind and formidable arsenal, he aimed to sow chaos and discord among the divine beings, igniting a war that would endure for eternity, reshaping the very fabric of existence itself. Su Jin, having lived through myriad incarnations, finds himself detached from the concerns of the world, yet he takes solace in the simplicity and wonders of Modern Earth. However, his existence is not without its challenges, as he grapples with the affliction of Multiple Incarnation Personality Disorder. At times, his prime personality struggles to maintain control over the divergent personas that vie for dominance within him, causing him to deviate from his primary goal. Initially akin to the Upper Divinity Entities, who viewed mortals as insignificant beings beneath their notice, Su Jin's time on Earth has granted him a newfound appreciation for humanity. He has witnessed their beauty, resilience, ingenuity, and capacity for joy, marveling at how they are beloved by the Heavenly Laws despite their simplicity. Deep within him stirs a desire to protect that simple joy, to experience it firsthand, and to defend it even at the cost of his own existence. For this purity and simplicity, he is willing to wage war against the Divinity itself, seeking to shatter the oppressive structures that threaten to extinguish the mortal's cherished moments of happiness. # ACTION # SYSTEM # OVERPOWERED # VILLAIN # ISEKAI # ANTIHERO # KINGDOMBUILDING # THESTRONGACTINGWEAK # XIANXIA

WoodenPaw · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


With a rousing confidence, the new recruits, roughly 2200 strong, surged out of the gate in a loose formation, taking their place ahead of the moat. Commander Fang, with grim determination, observed them from his position atop the Western Gate Wall. These weren't the seasoned veterans he craved, but they were all he had for now.

"You've trained for this," Fang's voice boomed across the battlefield, gruff yet steady. "Today, you are the shield, the first line against the coming onslaught. Every beast you cut down buys precious seconds for our families behind these walls!"

"Listen well, defenders of Serene Jade!" Fang continued, his eyes narrowing. "These are no mindless beasts! They are Spirit Beasts, driven by an insatiable hunger and cunning survival instincts. They will not batter mindlessly against our walls."

The recruits, arranged in groups of fifty, nodded grimly, their training playing out in their minds.

"They will exploit weaknesses, any vulnerability in our defenses," Fang pressed on, his jaw tightening. "And if they find a way to breach these walls..." His voice trailed off for a moment, letting the unspoken consequence hang heavy in the air.

The recruits tensed, their grips tightening on their weapons.

"Our walls offer protection, but they won't hold forever, especially against their strongest beasts!" Fang's voice resonated with urgency. "We must meet them head-on, identify their leaders, and cut them down before they reach our defenses!"

"Tonight, you are more than soldiers; you are the living embodiment of Serene Jade's defiance against the encroaching darkness!" His voice rose in fervor. "Look to your left and right. These comrades beside you are not just fellow warriors – they are your family, bound by a shared purpose that transcends bloodlines!"

A murmur of understanding rippled through the ranks. Fang could see the resolve hardening in their young faces.

"Fear is natural, even for the bravest hearts," he acknowledged, his voice softening slightly. "Channel that fear into righteous anger, into an unyielding determination to protect what's most precious. Trust in each other, watch each other's backs, and let your blades sing in unison!" He raised a hand, his voice ringing with command. "For tonight, we stand as one – an unbreakable shield against the tide of savagery that seeks to drown our home in blood and ruin!"

"Remember your training, fight with discipline, but most importantly," Fang's gaze swept across the sea of faces, "fight with trust. Trust your fellow soldiers, watch each other's backs. As one, a single blade against the storm!"

However, the next thing he did was unexpected. "ARCHERS!!" His command was directed at the veteran archers who stayed behind and still outside of the walls. A hush fell over the battlefield as Fang's unexpected command echoed. The veteran archers, their bows at the ready, exchanged puzzled glances before turning their gaze toward their commander atop the walls.

With no other words exchanged a murmur of understanding rippled through the veteran archers, and one by one, they began to retreat, their footsteps echoing against the stone as they made their way back within the safety of the city's defenses.

After a long, rousing speech that had bolstered the confidence of the new recruits, everyone was shocked and puzzled by Commander Fang's unexpected command to call off the veteran archers and command them to retreat within the safety of the city's defenses. Why would he leave the inexperienced recruits to face the raw savagery alone? Were they considered expendable? The murmurs of confusion rippled through the ranks as they tried to make sense of the commander's decision.

A tremor of doubt rippled through the ranks of the new recruits. Their formation, once tight, loosened slightly. Whispers broke out, laced with confusion and a hint of fear. Were they truly meant to stand alone against the onslaught? They looked towards Fang, seeking answers in his stoic expression, but his face remained unreadable.

Everyone's eyes were on Commander Fang as he remained emotionless. He took a deep breath, as if a deep decision had been reached within him. His right hand slowly reached to his chest, to the strap on his silver armor as he unbuckled his family heirloom sword on his back.

He gripped the sword tightly, looking at it like an old friend. With sudden resolve, he drew the sword. The clanging of the sword against its scabbard was loud enough for everyone to hear. He threw away the scabbard as he looked at the horizon.

With his other left hand, he gripped the new short silver sword issued to every soldier and drew it too, but unlike his heirloom sword, it did not sound majestic at all. Commander Fang chuckled at the simple-looking silver sword.

He turned and smiled at Su Jin, as if saying, "Look what you have done." And then, in a move that stunned everyone, Commander Fang leaped from the top of the wall. Up high, flew with the help of his cultivation base, and landed like a heroic figure in front of every new recruit, to be the first in the vanguard.

He locked eyes with each recruit, his gaze piercing through their uncertainty. The tremor of doubt that had threatened to consume them moments ago vanished, replaced by a surge of emotion that defied description. Tears welled in some eyes, but they wiped it away. Tonight, they would not be sacrificial lambs; they would rise as heroes, they would fight tooth and nail to see the sunrise, fighting until the break of dawn.

A unified roar erupted from their ranks, a primal declaration that echoed off the city walls and stirred the hearts of even the most battle-hardened warriors. In that moment, Fang transcended his role as commander; he became a symbol of unwavering defiance, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

"What an idiot!" Su Jin commented sarcastically, but his eyes held a deep respect for Commander Fang.

Meanwhile, The veterans of Serene Jade City moved with purposeful strides, their silver armor glinting under the moon's pale glow as they sprinted to aid the surrounded survivors of Serpent Valley Fort. Their mission was clear, their determination resolute – to save the retreating survivors to the safety of Serene Jade City walls.

But as they drew near, the true extent of the chaos unfolded before them. The survivors were surrounded by a swirling pack of fur and teeth, sharp claws, and snapping jaws that threatened to crush them entirely. Their weapons flashed in the darkness, their movements growing increasingly hopeless as they fought to hold back the tide of beasts.

It was a scene of utter bloodshed, a cacophony of growls, and the sickening sound of tearing flesh as soldiers sacrificed themselves to protect the citizens. Such chaos would have rattled the nerves of lesser warriors. But these were the battle-hardened veterans of Serene Jade City, warriors who had stared death in the face and emerged victorious time and time again.

With a silent nod of acknowledgment, the veterans quickened their pace, their eyes narrowing behind their silver helmets. Drawing closer to the embattled survivors, they raised their voices in a unified chant, a primal call that echoed across the blood-soaked battlefield.


Each shout was accompanied by the resounding clang of their blades striking their armor, a rhythmic beat that cut through the chaos of battle. It was a rallying cry, a challenge to the savage beasts that dared to threaten the safety of Serene Jade City and its people.

The effect was immediate. The beasts turned their attention towards the approaching warriors, their glowing eyes fixed upon the source of the thunderous noise. But the veterans stood firm, their chant growing louder as they prepared to meet the enemy head-on. 

Suddenly encountering a group of fully armored figures, their faces concealed by silver helmets, stumped the Serpent Valley survivors. However, they wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to escape as they broke through the encirclement of beasts and hurried towards the protection offered by the silver-clad warriors.

With their swords raised high, the silver-armored veterans swung their first strikes. The oversized jackals and coyotes snarled fearlessly, opening their jaws wide to bite down on the very blades aimed at them, intending to snap and shatter them under their steely jaws. 

But these veterans were prepared for such a scenario. In any other situation, they would have sought to protect their weapons, but not today, not now. They had brought two extra swords precisely for this reason – they were ready to sacrifice their weapons to withstand the first strike until all the survivors of Serpent Valley were safely under their protection.


With a loud, unified strike, the silver-armored veterans' silver swords met no resistance at all. Their dimly glowing swords, infused with their cultivation base, sliced through flesh and bone as if it were smoke. Blood was sprayed out in a single, giant spill as a large chunk of the beasts died in the blink of an eye. Shock rippled through all three sides - veterans, survivors, and even the beasts. None had expected such a swift and decisive outcome.

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