
Fleet Admiral Patriarch.

Su Jin, driven from the Divine Realm by his bitter rival, sought refuge on Modern Earth, where he lived nine mortal incarnations. Throughout his time in the mortal realm, he absorbed knowledge and power, meticulously plotting his revenge and amassing resources for his eventual return to the Divine Realm. Armed with the secrets of the Divine Realm and the technological marvels of Modern Earth, Su Jin embarked on a relentless quest to plunge the entire Divine Realm into eternal conflict. With his cunning mind and formidable arsenal, he aimed to sow chaos and discord among the divine beings, igniting a war that would endure for eternity, reshaping the very fabric of existence itself. Su Jin, having lived through myriad incarnations, finds himself detached from the concerns of the world, yet he takes solace in the simplicity and wonders of Modern Earth. However, his existence is not without its challenges, as he grapples with the affliction of Multiple Incarnation Personality Disorder. At times, his prime personality struggles to maintain control over the divergent personas that vie for dominance within him, causing him to deviate from his primary goal. Initially akin to the Upper Divinity Entities, who viewed mortals as insignificant beings beneath their notice, Su Jin's time on Earth has granted him a newfound appreciation for humanity. He has witnessed their beauty, resilience, ingenuity, and capacity for joy, marveling at how they are beloved by the Heavenly Laws despite their simplicity. Deep within him stirs a desire to protect that simple joy, to experience it firsthand, and to defend it even at the cost of his own existence. For this purity and simplicity, he is willing to wage war against the Divinity itself, seeking to shatter the oppressive structures that threaten to extinguish the mortal's cherished moments of happiness. # ACTION # SYSTEM # OVERPOWERED # VILLAIN # ISEKAI # ANTIHERO # KINGDOMBUILDING # THESTRONGACTINGWEAK # XIANXIA

WoodenPaw · Eastern
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25 Chs


For a heartbeat, the world seemed to stand still. Shock, raw and unadulterated, flooded the veterans' faces as they stared at the severed limbs and lifeless forms of the beasts. Time itself seemed to slow down, elongating the moment into eternity. 

This wasn't the brutal engagement they had envisioned; it was a grotesque butchery, accomplished with an almost effortless grace. Their weapons, the short silver sword they bought as expendable, now gleamed with a newfound power, a power that defied their understanding and filled them with a mixture of awe and unease.


Despite the human's unexpected display of power, the Spirit Beasts weren't ones to shy away from a little bloodshed. A guttural chorus erupted from the pack, a cacophony of growls, snarls, and a long, mournful howl that echoed across the blood-soaked battlefield. Hunger and fury burned in their eyes, their predatory instincts urging them forward. They wouldn't give up their prey so easily, not after chasing them all the way from Serpent Valley to this final stand.

With renewed ferocity, the beasts surged forward, a relentless tide of fur and fangs determined to overwhelm the humans and claim their prize. Amidst the chaos, a voice rang out, weary yet filled with gratitude.

"Blessings upon you, mighty heroes! For saving us!" It was the Elder of Serpent Valley Fort's forces, his tired eyes shining with relief as he addressed the faceless silver warriors who had formed a protective circle around the survivors. 

Inside the silver circle of safety, he took a deep, hopeful breath after seeing every surviving soul of Serpent Valley inside the safety of the silver circle. These silver-armored warriors were now akin to gods who had descended to save them from certain doom.

His voice faltered, a question flickering in his eyes. "Forgive my curiosity, but to which esteemed sect do we owe this debt of thanks?"

Suddenly, a booming laugh erupted from within the ranks of the silver-clad warriors, the sound muffled by the helmet yet unmistakably mocking in its tone. The Elder's brow furrowed in confusion, unsure if he had inadvertently made a rude comment or offended these saviors in some way.

"Spare my manners, Senior!" the Elder pleaded, dropping to his wounded knees in a sincere kowtow, sacrificing his pride in that moment. "I am Lin Tian, an Elder of Serpent Valley Fort. Thanks again for saving the last of us. We pledge our eternal servitude to you!"

There was a moment of silence, punctuated only by the snarls and howls of the beasts that surrounded them. Then, the mocking voice echoed once more, laced with sardonic amusement.

"Oh, really? You promise?"

Lin Tian's brow furrowed deeper, his confusion evident. "Huh?" he murmured, unable to comprehend the meaning behind the warrior's words. Was this senior mocking him, toying with his gratitude and desperation? He wanted to believe it, but at the same time, he could not fathom why.

"You didn't answer," the voice persisted. "You promise? You give your word?"

Swallowing his pride, Lin Tian nodded firmly. "Yes, I, Lin Tian, under the heavens, take the oath of–"

Before he could finish, the silver-armored warrior removed his helmet, revealing a wide, smug face that Lin Tian recognized instantly. His eyes widened, and a torrent of emotions washed over him – disbelief, relief, and an overwhelming sense of joy.

"You bastard!" Lin Tian cursed, tears spilling from his eyes as he lunged forward, embracing the man in silver armor. The silver-armored warrior, too, found himself unable to hold back his tears as they shared a deep, brotherly hug amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

"It's been too long, old friend," the man in silver armor whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I never thought I'd see your face again."

"Nor I yours, Wu Lei" Lin Tian choked out, his voice wavering with emotion.

The two friends hugged like there was no tomorrow. 

But even as they held each other close, the reality of their situation came crashing back with brutal force. The beasts continued their relentless assault, their snarls and growls a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded them.

"We must go," Wu Let said, his voice urgent. "There will be time for catching up later. Right now, we need to get you to safety. Where is Patriarch Lin?" 

"I am here, young one." A short old muscular man with one bleeding wounded eye revealed himself. An empty quiver was still strapped to his back.

"Patriarch!" Wu Lei gave a courteous martial salute. Patriarch Lin was shorter than most men.

"You have extra, right? Give me two." Patriarch Lin pointed at the short silver sword.

"Yes." Wu Lei didn't hesitate at all and quickly gave his two backup silver swords to Patriarch Lin.

Patriarch Lin wasted no breath, drawing both swords. With a mighty roar, "HA!" he launched himself out of the silver circle, diving headlong into the swarming beasts like a hawk into a field of mice.

Wu Lei, caught off guard, cried out, "WHAT?" He whirled on Lin Tian, his voice laced with frustration. "Why did you let him go?!"

Lin Tian, a deep sadness clouding his eyes, replied, "How do you stop a father who has lost his son? He walks a path of vengeance, blinded by grief. He won't rest until every beast here falls, or he does." His voice cracked, revealing the weight of shared loss. "Our young master, Lin Feng, is gone."

Despite the war raging around them, grief couldn't cloud their judgment. Lin Tian understood this, but Wu Lei, his eyes burning with newfound confidence after witnessing the power of the short blades, was convinced. He believed their silver armor held another hidden power, waiting to be unleashed. This belief fueled a daring plan within him.

"Third Squad! Follow my lead!" Wu Lei roared, his voice echoing with fervent belief.

Elder Lin Tian, his face etched with concern, cried out, "Hold, Wu Lei! NO!!" But his words were lost in the chaos. Wu Lei, alongside five other warriors, broke out of the protective circle, as they followed Wu Lei and dived into the sea of beasts. 

Elder Lin Tian, his body racked with pain, watched in despair. His injuries were too severe to join the fray, and protecting the remaining villagers outweighed his personal desire to fight. He felt a pang of guilt at his perceived selfishness, yet he knew his duty lay with his people.

Patriarch Lin, armed with the dual short silver sword, was swinging like a madman, transformed into a whirlwind of steel. His twin blades, short and seemingly simple, carved a deadly path, as he kept chopping off the legs of these oversized beasts, any beast who came closer to bite off found his jaws sliced off, his head flying. Patriarch Lin was in great grief but even in his grief, he could not stop himself from getting shocked by the sharpness, toughness, and power of these two simple short thick silver swords.

Wu Lei with fervor and confidence in his new silver armor found no such deadly resistance as he reached Patriarch Lin's position. "SENIOR! PLEASE FALLBACK!!" 

"GET AWAY FROM ME! YOUNG ONE! MY BLADE HAVE NO EYES TODAY!" Patriarch Lin roared as he chopped off two more legs taking advantage of his short stature. He kept diving under these beasts and targeting their legs and then underbellies. 

Though confident in his armor's protection, Wu Lei didn't want to gamble with the Patriarch's life. With a swift gesture, he directed the Third Squad. They cleaved a path through the horde like a heated blade through butter, surrounding the raging Patriarch.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Patriarch Lin's eyes had murder in them as he yelled and tried to break the encirclement.


Seeing no other option, Wu Lei acted swiftly. He struck the back of the Patriarch's head, rendering him unconscious. 

"YOU!..." Patriarch Lin immediately lost his consciousness. Gently, like cradling a child, Wu Lei hefted the elder warrior onto his shoulder and led the squad on a bloody path back to the safety of the silver circle. 

"Patriarch!" Seeing the bloodied body of Patriarch Elder Lin Tian screamed out but Wu Lei nodded, assuring him that Patriarch Lin was safe and unharmed. Lin Tian sighed a relief finding the Patriarch Lin was safe. He knew that they were not out of danger yet and that their survival depended on their ability to act swiftly and decisively.

Together, they rallied the survivors, urging them to follow as they fought their way through the throng of beasts. The man in silver armor led the way, his sword flashing in the moonlight as he cut a path through the bestial ranks.

Inside the silver circle, Lin Tian and the other survivors followed, their hearts filled with renewed hope as they pressed on toward the safety of Serene Jade City. And as they fought, side by side once more, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, as friends and comrades in arms.

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