
Flashes Twin

This is a Fanfiction about being reborn as the Flashes Twin. It was inspired by a fic with the same premise written by eric69 titled "Reborn as the flashes twin brother" All content creation credit goes to Eric69 ,CW and of coarse DC, except for my own characters . As stated above this is simply a rewrite with a new spin to it. Read at your discretion.

AsuraGodking · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 8

The next morning we all sat at the breakfast table in and awkward manner... Well awkward for me anyway as I knew what happened last night was always gonna happen. But for the rest of the family it was a harrowing experience to see such things happening in their own home.

The silence at the table was almost palpable as all you could hear was the cutlery as everyone tried to eat their breakfast. I could see the look on Henry's face as he was still trying to reason out exactly what happened yesterday and failing by the looks of it. Henry finally looked up ready to break the silence.

"What happened yesterday must have been some freak accident..... I have no way of explaining it to you kids but" as Henry put his arm around Nora "We want you kids to know that we'll always be here for you, and will protect you at every instance. You can't let what happened affect you. Nothing tragic happened and we're all still alive and well. The most important thing is that our family stays together. So wipe those glum looks off your faces and enjoy your mother's breakfast. " As he finished his speech he putt on a big smile and started tickling us.

I had an involuntary laugh at his antics and while he could fool Barry, I could see the helplessness and fear in his eyes. From his point of view he could have lost everything he held dear in one night. With absolutely no power to stop it....

As Henry finished 'toturing' us Mom finally smiled and turned to the TV remote. "Let's watch some TV to get our minds off things" she then turned on the TV but the channel that was on was sadly the news channel. As Nora was about to change the channel the reporter started her report and put us in an instant trance "There was an unfortunate accident yesterday on Central City Bridge where a couple was derailed on the road leading to a terrible accident. The occupants were renowned scientists Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan of S.T.A.R Labs. Reports indicate that Ms Morgan died on the scene while Mr Wells is now in the hospital with varying injuries. This Melissa Tisdale reporting Live on Central City Morning News "

Everyone sat there as the news switched to another segment. As gloom once more threatened to descend but Nora was quick on the uptake and put on cartoons. You can't go wrong with cartoons right? She thought. After breakfast everyone got ready to head out to work to resume their daily schedules. Nora and Henry made us promise not to bring up what happened yesterday at school. Alex nodded his head and promised to make sure Barry didn't slip up either.

They then went into what would possibly be the longest day ever. As Barry was even less sociable then usual. Not to mention all he wanted to do was talk about especially to Iris. Sadly I don't think I stopped him all that much since we were in separate classes while he and Iris shared multiple.

I got my confirmation when Iris came up to me after school asking if I was OK. I of coarse bled ignorance to everything which I think she was kinda expecting. The rest of the day progressed as our schedules indicated.

When we finally got home I went into Barry's room to talk about it. I knew he would blab about it to more people so better it me lest he be called a mad man. "Hey bro, last night was pretty weird right?"

"Yeah, what was that lightning? You've done quantum physics right? Can you explain it?"

Damn!!! "Uhhmm well not really, what happened yesterday has never been seen. I mean they've been countless sightings of colored lighting and even experiment and hypothesis published on it. But for it to gather in one room like that in such a controlled manner indicates a level of control that couldn't possibly happen in nature. " as I took my seat on his bed and gave him the most plausible explanation I think to give to an 11 year old.

We sat there in silence for about a minute before Barry started shooting questions at me like a machine gun. I tried to answer them as best I could but I knew he wouldn't stop here but at least I had given him information that would negate his questioning of our peers. After spending the rest of the night discussing this I left for my room having satisfied the beast.

As I entered my room and looked around at my make ship lab and all the junk lying around I knew I had to get a batter place. All my short term goals had been reached. My goals now would deviate me entirely from being intricately linked in Barry's life. I had to live a life of my own and not a Barry Adjacent one.