
Flashes Twin

This is a Fanfiction about being reborn as the Flashes Twin. It was inspired by a fic with the same premise written by eric69 titled "Reborn as the flashes twin brother" All content creation credit goes to Eric69 ,CW and of coarse DC, except for my own characters . As stated above this is simply a rewrite with a new spin to it. Read at your discretion.

AsuraGodking · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

Well tomorrows the day. After waiting for so long I'll finally obtain my powers. It been 5 years since the incident. Everyone kinda put what happened behind them chose to look to the future...well almost everyone Barry's convinced himself there's more that meets the eye and has dedicated himself to the goal of proving his theory.

But other than that everything else seems to be going the same. Iris and Barry are still in that unrequited love relationship but best friends nonetheless. To be honest I think Barry's still a virgin. As for myself well.... Hehe.. After that whole ordeal I told my parents I wanted out of elementary school I couldn't stand it anymore. So I've been attending high school ever since. My schedule been changed a bit however.

Since I only attend high school as forced decree by the great Nora Allen I get a lot of privileges as well. I have to attend a mimimum of 3 days every week and can keep my skipping day privileges as long all assignments are handed in on time. I also still have to do pesky thing like readings and oral in class. But this the best deal I could get honestly. I spent the rest of my time writing college exams since I already had the knowledge in various subjects I thought I might as well get the corresponding degrees.

My training at the dojo had also experienced a significant boost. I guess 11 years of training wasn't for naught. My body was also exactly where I wanted it. Chiseled chest and abs. And defined muscles. (think Zac Efron with Thors abs ) I knew the speed force would pack more power into my body but I had to create a container I liked. Didn't wanna be a shrimp like Barry all my life.

All the free time I had had also allowed me to buy my own villa, correction my own secret villa since no one else but me knew about it. Sadly there wasn't much too it so far. It had great facilities yeah but I always had to be there to receive packages for modifications I would be making to the house. But after tomorrow I'd finally have my super speed and renovations wouldn't be such a hassle anymore.

I've also been working on my own personal AI but I realized I don't have the necessary mental computing power to complete the type of AI I had in mind. Simple ones were easy but I had this mental image in my hand of a great friend in my AI system. So after tomorrow's festivities I would be sure to have all the fun my powers would bring.

The next day finally arrived in all its glory as I woke up bright and early as I looked to the cloak it said 4am 14 March 2005. I slowly got of the bed. Everyone should still be asleep right now. So I snuck out the window and jumped into the the back yard.

I quickly sneak over the fence to the front yard and start walking to the road. My every step is bursting with excitement and weighed by 3 inch sneakers. I had bought these in preparation for today. Thick soles.

I then looked down at the clear road and started walking fast then broke into a jog then a full on sprint. As I was sprinting I started to feel it, this power coursing through my very being inching me go faster. So I took a deep breath and felt the lightning immediately shoot through my body as my eyes glowed with blue lightning and then it happened *booom* I was gone running at speeds I never thought I could.

Passing houses and birds as I ran, the wind blowing through my hair. As I saw everything in slow motion I knew this was it. As I went faster and faster pushing myself as far as I could go I began to feel a weird feeling of freedom and friction intertwined as it covered my entire body in a almost warm coat but somehow didn't block out the wind as I still felt it blow through my hair.

I quickly ran up to the roof of an apartment building by the sea so I could watch the sunrise. As I looked over the beautiful sight of a still ocean and rising sun I felt at peace. Then I felt the sea breeze blow and shivered. Then it clicked "Aaah Shit" I was naked. My clothes had either burnt up ot torn off during my power trip "hahaha great story too tell someday"

I think it's time I got back home, before someone reports me for public nudity. I then sped off home to enjoy my friends and family one last time before I left.