
Flames and Roses: Let There Be Spring Again

"I love you, Ru Shi!" he quietly whispered into her from the back. Laughter bubbled inside Ru Shi which she failed to control. Soon, she was laughing hysterically holding on to her stomach. "Love? Haha." She laughed harder as she struggled to repeat his words. "Love." She repeated in a whisper as her eyes chilled down and a cold silence enveloped them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks, Her innocent smile brightens up his weeks. A caring daughter and a great friend, Her wedding he had to attend. Arranged to become someone else's wife, She ended up being bound to him for eternal life. He thought her to be a lamb in distress, Instead, she turned out to be a fiery lioness. For him, she was the synonym of love But all she was a mourning dove. All she wanted was to settle the score, But his love for her was what she couldn't ignore. All of it happened under our noses, For it was the saga of Flames and Roses! @a.m.pearl//Instagram ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join me in this journey of deceit, betrayal, violence, crime, mystery, and most importantly, love. This is the saga of Flames and Roses. TRIGGER WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE THEMES. READ ON YOUR OWN RISK. Join my discord server for discussions, games and more: https://discord.gg/nzwa6W6

AMPearl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Salt and Pepper

After the relationship was agreed upon by both families, the atmosphere had turned joyful inside the Liu Mansion. Well, as much as it could be. The two madams of the two prominent families were elated thinking that their kids were going to get married finally.

Liu Shirong, sported a big smile on his face too even though he didn't express much with his words. It was kind of expected though with him being renowned as a quiet, reserved mysterious person in the social circles.

It was no surprise though because the Liu family was one of the prominent ancestral families of the country which operated in the shadows. They disliked being talked about. That was the reason some people believed that the Liu family didn't hold much power and couldn't stand up to the competition with the other major families of the present time.

On the other hand, Liu Weimin occupied a much neutral stance. He wasn't against the Wang family in any way. In fact, he'd even worked with Senior Wang in a couple of business deals a few years ago. And he had to give it to the Wangs for their stellar reputation even though they weren't an aristocratic family and had just reached the pinnacle because of Senior Wang's efforts solely.

However, being recognized in the business circles doesn't always equate to harmonious family affairs. He was aware of how every family is built upon the foundation of buried secrets. Also, a good family doesn't always mean that everyone has a good personality. Thus, being the overprotective person he was, he decided to keep Wang Shenzhi under scrutiny until he would be satisfied. However, he didn't dare to speak his thoughts out loud in an attempt to not ruin the peace and harmony between the two families.

And then there was Wang Qingshan. He was just like a little robot sitting in a corner quietly, trying his best to be not noticed. Who knows what was going on in his mind?

After the pleasantries were exchanged between the two families, Zhou Xiaohui arranged for the lunch to be served promptly. The spread consisted of a variety of both meat and vegetarian dishes to meet everyone's preference. The heavy meal was complemented by Coconut Tapioca pudding and Tangyuan to celebrate the joyous occasion.

After the hearty lunch and an exchange of small gift baskets, the Liu family stood up to bid goodbye to the Wangs. Both the families reached the door, still engaged in conversation with each other. While the elders talked about future plans and wedding rituals, the youngsters were quiet. Where on one side, Liu Weimin and Wang Qingshan were gazing silently at their parents, Wang Shenzhi tried to grab another chance at a conversation with Liu Rushi.

"Rushi." Wang Shenzhi called out. Liu Rushi was startled as she heard her name but then calmly turned towards her to-be fiance.

"I can call you Rushi now, right? Or do you prefer a nickname?" He joked.

"Heh! Rushi's fine, please." Liu Rushi responded with a smile. She didn't try to imagine what it would be like for a man she'd just known for two or three hours now to call her with a nickname. Her mind convulsed as it tried to avoid the mental picture.

"Then Rushi it is," He said before leaning down towards her ear, "But only for the time being, Darling!" He smirked as he gazed down at her. Liu Rushi nervously fiddled with her fingers, wringing them but didn't respond to Wang Shenzhi's teasing.

"Anyway, give me your mobile number now. Until the day you officially occupy the title of Mrs. Wang Shenzhi, it seems like I will have to satisfy myself with just listening to your musical voice all day." Uttering all those mushy, romantic words in his deep, gruff voice, Wang Shenzhi looked like the Beast from the fairytale 'Beauty and the Beast'. His physical appearance enhanced the illusion in Liu Rushi's mind, making her lips twitch.

"Okay!" On his insistence, the couple exchanged their contact numbers. Wang Shenzhi wanted to hug her before departing, however, Liu Rushi quickly went and stood by her father's side as if she had a sixth sense telling her what was about to happen next.

The Wang family soon bid goodbye to their hosts. Liu Rushi was about to move towards her room when her father stopped her.

"Are you happy with your decision?" Liu Shirong enquired as he held her by her shoulders very lightly.

Liu Rushi looked up towards the middle-aged man she lovingly called 'Baba'. She gazed at him trying to convey her emotions through her eyes; that had always been their thing!

"I am. Wang Shenzhi is the man I've been looking for." She smiled a little before posing one of her own, "Are you happy with my decision?" She asked. As Liu Shirong observed his little girl, the person he'd nurtured to grow up, his eyes became a little misty. In his eyes, she was still the little girl he'd met for the first time. Today, as her marriage alliance was finalized, he was finding it hard to accept the fact that he would no longer occupy the position of 'Number one' man in her life.

"If you're happy, then I'm happy. I just want you to be happy and safe, always. I will always support you in everything you do as long as I'm alive." He replied, pecking her hair.

"Baba!" She admonished as he wrapped her arms around his waist instantly.

Resting her head on his chest, she mumbled, "You know, the thing I'm most scared of is losing someone I love. Nothing can happen to you. You have to be there with me always. I won't have this life any other way."

"I'll be safe. As long as you all are happy and safe, I will keep myself safe. Just stand beside me as my pillar of support, that's all I ask for." That was the most Liu Rushi must've spoken that day.

Even though she was not one for words, she had come to realize that sometimes words of assurance are needed to support one's actions. Like salt and pepper, those two needed each other to compliment and increase the value of anything.