
First doesn’t mean last

It is said that first love is never forgotten, no matter what. Is it true? Chen Mei An, a young woman around 26 years old, came back from England to China with a child, to the country in which she was born. Will she be able to move on from the man who had helped her through her hardest time? Whom she was tied with from her childhood although she had forgotten? A place filled with memories she can never forget... Xiao Lei, spoilt boy from a young age. A renounced playboy in his city. A young man in his 23’s that had became a successful rich man. Ever since he lost his father, he changed. From sleeping with women and changing girlfriends like clothes to being cold with almost everyone. Will he be able to find true love? [Editing chapters at the moment for readers to understand and like the story better :3 ] {This is my first book, so read until the most recent chapters. The writing gets better with time! Thanks in advance.} [Credit to artist for the cover. Edit is by me.]

Moonyani · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Who’s CHin’s president?

"Her husband has left her."

These words kept ringing in Xiao Lie's head. He was in his car while the driving asked where he wanted to go but it didn't reach him.

'Which stupid man would leave such a beautiful wife? Plus she's a good mother as well... So why?'

"...want to go?"

"Sir? Where do you want to go?" The driver repeated.

"To the CHin's company. We need to sign the contract to collaborate." He replied after coming back to his senses as he glanced over at the driver.

-CHin's Industry-

A man walked into the office of the CEO. He didn't look Chinese. He had light skin, dark black silky hair and deep brown eyes.

There was no one at the office. He sighed and took his phone out of his pocket to make a call.

"Hello?" A female voice replied at the other side. It was Mei's.

"Ma'am ... we need you for the contract. You're the president!" He said with a sigh.

"I'm busy. I told you to manage everything, manager Yamoto. Xue'er needs me to go to the school registration today."

"Alright..." he sighed again and hung up the call.

"Ugh... what did I do to deserve this? The president of the XIAO Z will be so mad. He's known to be spoilt and bad-tempered." The man sat on the chair of the president in despair.

Yamato Shuu is a Japanese man that came to China at the age of 7. He came across Chen Rui at high school when he was 17 and Rui was 16. They became close thanks to their interest in business management.

When Rui took over, he made Shuu his assistant and manager. As for Shuu, he was very loyal to him. Hence he decided to assist Rui's wife to help her out with the company management.

Someone knocked on the door.

"The president of the XIAO Z company has come."

"Let him in," Shuu said hesitantly.

Xiao Lei and his assistant walked into the room. Lei looked around for a bit.

The room was quite messy; a lot of piles of documents, dust on the table itself; as if no one uses it.

"It's quite... a mess here," Lei said after inspecting the room carefully.

"The president refuses to come.." Shuu replied with a sigh and put his hand on his forehead.

"So who are you?" he interrogated the male that is in the chair of the CEO as he glared at him.

"I-I'm the manager" he bugged.

"Where's your president?" Lei asked raising an eyebrow.

"She's busy..." he avoided his gaze while answering the male in front of him.

"I'll just wait then. Tell her to come sign the contract," he sat on the sofa that his assistant has cleaned while they were talking.

"Uhm.. I'll call her"

-Meanwhile at Xue's school-

Mei and Xue went to a prestigious school, SS; Silver Spring. It was for the richest people; Xue is the one and only heir of the Chen family so naturally, he would go there.

Rui's parents almost begged Mei to keep him as the heir of the Chen family. Mei, of course, agreed. She didn't want to change her family name either. She loved and still loves Chen Rui. And probably forever will.

Mei and Xue stood in front of a huge building. It had four floors, with a huge land area for kids to play. It also had a park to play soccer, basketball, and more games.

"Welcome." a female came in front of the gate to welcome them with a grin on her face.

"Hello." Mei smiled as she held Xue's hand.

"Mommy, are we going to play after this?" He asked as he looked up at his mother with puppy eyes.

She giggled and nodded.

After registering her son, her phone rang. She picked it up.


"Ma'am please come back!" Shuu whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Are you a spy?" She laughed.

"It's not funny! Please come to the company. The president wants to sign with you. Not me. Just this once. I'm begging you."

"Ok. I'm coming" she hung up the phone and looked at Xue.

"Baby, mommy needs to go work." She said as she kneeled to look at him.

"Can I come, please?" He pleaded cutely.

"Alright." She grinned and walked to her car and drove to her company.

-After 1 hour, at the company-

"So, who's your president? I heard no one really saw her and she's been aboard." Xiao Lei asked Shuu.

"Well. She's the wife of the late president."

"Where's he then?"

As Shuu was going to reply, Mei walked in with her child in her arms.

Xiao Lei was shocked. It was the same woman he saw yesterday at the bar! Although she wore more casual clothes, a black dress only, she was just as beautiful.

"Oh my. Isn't it fate?" He said with a smirk as he got up and pulled her hair behind her ear.

"It's you again." She frowned while glaring at him and backstepped quickly. "Don't you dare touch me."

'Why is this bastard here??'

"Back off from my mommy!" Xue took off Lei's hand off Mei.

"Wow. You're quite strong kid." He chuckled as he stepped back and sat on the sofa again.

'He's cute.' he thought as he looked at him. 'But... he doesn't look like his mother at all. Maybe his dad? He sure is handsome.'

Mei sat in front of him and glared at him.

"Shuu, give me the papers for the contract fast. I'm busy."

Shuu gave the papers and a pen as Mei signed them quickly.

"Don't you want to read the conditions?" Lei asked surprised at how careless she is.

"I trust my manager and I'm sure a big company like yours and mine won't make mistakes." She said with a grin on her rosy lips.

"Right," Lei replied amazed by her wise answer.

'She's very smart as well.' he thought as Mei put the papers in front of him with the pen.

"Sign." She commanded.

He signed and glanced at the female in front of him.

"So, why did your husband leave you?" he said with a smile on his face.

Shuu frowned as he heard that.

"He-!" he glared at Lei as he was gonna talk but got cut off by Mei.

"Shh Manager," Mei glared at him and looked at Lei again as she coughed to clear her throat. "He didn't leave me. He wouldn't dare to," she said as she picked up her son that was asleep on the sofa and walked out.

"Hah. It's no use denying that he divorced you just because you love him." Lei said laughing.

"Mind your own business," she said with a cold voice and firm voice. Then

she turned her back to him and drifted away.

"You touched her sensitive spot, sir." the manager said as he glared at Lei.

"Why?" he asked cluelessly.

"I don't think she wants to talk to you about it. So I won't say it either. Just don't bring this up to her again." he said firmly.

"You might leave."

As Mei walked out all the employees were delighted to see her. They all rushed over and greeted her.

"You're back from England, ma'am?"

"Yes." Mei responded with a soft smile.

"We missed you!"

"I hope you will come work more often."

"Yes please. The office is quite dead after president Chen..." mumbled an employee. Then she gasped realizing what she said.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." Mei smiled and walked away fast.

'That's why I don't come here! They always bring up Rui!.."


Mei heard a soft and familiar voice as she was going to get into the car. She turned around and saw a lady that was standing behind her, smiling brightly yet tears in her eyes. She had curly orange hair along with a pair of grey eyes. It was Rui's childhood friend and good sister, Chen Daiyu.

Mei put Xue in the car and walked towards the woman.

"Hey, Daiyu. It's been a while."

"Where have you been?? I was so worried!" she hugged her tightly.

Mei was surprised, but hugged her back.

"Aiya... don't cry" Mei giggled as she felt tears on her dress.

"I'm sorry... it's just..." she sniffled while wiping her tears off.

They both went to a cafe to talk more freely.

"So. How is life?" Mei asked Daiyu as she was using a tissue to clean up her face.

"Well it's okay. You?"

"Usual. My only reason to live is Chen Xue. If it wasn't for him..."

"Hey sister-in-law, you remember when we first met??" She said laughing.

Mei flushed from how embarrassed she was.

"Don't even mention..." she looked away all red.

-Few years ago at CHin's company-

Mei made lunch for Rui. But he called her to say he couldn't come because of an unexpected meeting.

'This never happened. Rui is so organized.' She thought.

"Oh well, maybe the person he has a meeting with is the one not organized. My hubby is perfect!" she said while preparing to go to his office to deliver the lunch.

-At the company-

As Mei arrived, everyone started acting weirdly...

They either avoided her or tried to keep a long conversation with her. But it didn't work. She just talked with them briefly and walked into Rui's office.

As she entered, she saw a female sitting on his desk. She looks a little shorter than Mei and had black hair with blue eyes. She was wearing a tight dress that showed off her big chest.

"Oh... So this is your unexpected meeting..." Mei glared at Rui boiling with anger as he stood up immediately.

"It's not that..." he rushed to his wife to calm her down but she didn't want to listen.

Then the female came closer to Mei An.

"Brother Rui, is she your wife?" she asked tilting her head.

"Brother?" Mei asked getting a bit embarrassed.

"She's my childhood friend and my God sister. My parents adopted her." Rui said with puppy eyes that were about to tear up. He could take anything but his wife leaving him or being mad.

"I-I'm sorry darling..." she hugged him and pressed her lips against his. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding you."

"I won't ever cheat on you. I swear on my life." He looked into her eyes seriously.

".....you listening?"


Daiyu's voice made Mei come back to reality.


"I have to go now. See you around."


They both stood up and walked on their ways.

After that Mei went to a graveyard. It was around 6 pm. The sun was already setting.

At the graveyard Mei walked towards a corner. There was three graves next to each other.

LI SHI AI (Mei's mother)

LI SUYIN (Mei's father)

CHEN RUI (Mei's husband)

"It's been four years..." She said as a tear drop fell from her eyes while looking at her husband's grave.