
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
213 Chs

Taking A Break And Meeting A Martyr

Entry 20:

Linus Ozias POV:

As a tinker on and on in my lab, I realize I need to get a hobby.

Because most people, on some days, would read a book, surf the web, or look for some good essence challenges on questionable questing.

But then there's me tinkering with world-destroying level tech and realizing that I had yet to step outside for almost a week.

By midnight tomorrow, I'm going to get another tech tree. The excitement is rather palpable for me.

I need some work-life balance, but I'm afraid to step out into Brockton Bay. Because every time I go to that city, I get mugged or assaulted. Or at least attempted to get mugged.

I even consider going to Fugly Bob's for their classic challenge and beating it like every other worm reincarnation.

But then, I must contend with my image if I attempt the challenge because looking like a slob does not help my PR.

"OK, that's enough, dawdling. I need to take a break." I say to myself.

I leave the remaining work to Cyber and Dread as I leave the house with Marcus in tow, following me from a distance.

I headed to the park, which, if you can even call that, as most of the plants are rotting or dead. And the surrounding buildings are essentially dilapidated pieces of junk.

I sit down on the bench as I proceed to Ponder as well as tell myself that I'm going to fix this park when I establish myself further.

It might be a good test for any clean energy technologies I developed.

But as I sit down on the bench. I notice a few people who genuinely intrigue and scare me—the Herbert Family or the family that creates the Queen of Escalation herself, Taylor Herbert.

But right now, she is seemingly still in early middle school. Annette Herbert, Taylor's mother, is still alive, as I can see all of them walking through the park, enjoying some good family time.

I debate whether or not to introduce myself, but then realize it would be pretty creepy to go up and ask.

It would be even weirder if I told them that Annette would die next September due to gang violence, which caused a car crash.

Stuff like this is a stern reminder of what I'm fighting for because everyone's story in this universe is utter and complete shit.

A never-ending tragedy.

It goes on forever and ever across infinite timelines.

So, swallowing my fear, I go up to the family and ask.

" Good afternoon. I would like to know if you know any popular spots in this city because I'm quite new to the city.

Anette is the first to speak, " Ohh, so you are new to the city. Have you just recently moved in?"

"Well, I live a few minutes outside the city, and it's a recent build, only around a couple of weeks old.

Danny then asks, " Well, before we can introduce you to any of the sites, we gotta know your name first."

The outwardness genuinely surprises me because the man essentially shut down after his wife's death and was not even there for Taylor for half the story.

The girl in question is looking at my hair and ears keenly. And to be honest, it reminds me of Midoryia from my hero academia in the way she's analyzing me.

I smile and say, "Well, my name is Linus Ozias, inventor and professional introvert." The last part causes Taylor to chuckle as if saying relatable.

Danny and Annette smile at their daughter's behavior with Danny himself, saying, "Well, then, Mr Ozias, I would like to welcome you to Brockton Bay if it hasn't already done so."

I didn't laugh and say, "It definitely did because I could count on both hands the number of times I've been nearly mugged."

Annette glares at Danny and says, "I'm glad you're alright, Mr. Ozias. And if you are interested in various places, why don't you come with us?"

This causes my eyes to widen slightly as I ask, "Are you sure as I am a stranger? So why would you want me to come with you?"

Even Taylor and Danny seem genuinely surprised that Annette offered this with Taylor herself giving me a suspicious look.

I think my genuine plot armor and appeal are affecting this conversation right now as I respond.

" There's no need to, Mrs Herbert. As. I have only come out to the city to relax after a week-long inventing binge. And I am simply seeking other places to relax."

I shouldn't have said inventing binge because that sets off alarms as they slowly back away, probably thinking I'm a tinker.

"You would be correct in assuming that I am a parahuman. But I am registered with a protectorate, and I just have a high IQ," I try to explain, which seems to calm them down slightly.

"In fact, I even have a registered business. It's referred to as Ozcorp, and it's one of the new businesses in the commercial district."

The reaction to what I say is interesting as the parents groan, but Taylor gets very excited as she barrages me with questions relating to Fate: Grand Order.

" You're the creator of FGO! Then what happens at the end of the temple of time? Where is Solomon, and who is Goetia? Is there going to be any more DLCs added anymore? Servant banners?!"

The questions themselves continue to fly at me as I am left flabbergasted that the main character of the worm universe is addicted to Fate Grand Order.

" What about mash? Is she going to die? Is Rituka ever going to get a girlfriend or boyfriend if he swings that way?" Taylor continues, almost grabbing my head.

Danny and Annette have to practically pull Taylor away from me in order for her to stop asking me questions as I start laughing.

"Ha hahahahahahaha! Alright, it's OK, and honestly, I am happy that someone enjoys my game."

Danny then adds, "Enjoys? She Practically lives off that game along with a friend, Emma. And to be honest, if she weren't so obsessed with it, she'd be obsessed with superhumans."

Taylor then blushes, pulls her hair over her head, and turns around.

Annette then starts laughing at her predicament. While Taylor wishes she could mold into the ground.

It is a genuinely good time. We continue to talk for over an hour, and we do exchange numbers as well as addresses.

However, I do have to limit Taylor to one phone call a day because if I don't, I'm genuinely worried she will keep asking me questions about the future of Fate Grand Order.

But it was funny to learn that Taylor's favorite servant was Ereshkigal while Danny got punished by Anette as saying Scathach got him going. (Wink, Wink)

Luckily, the only one in the family that actually has a phone is Danny. But as I return home, Marcus says in a sarcastic tone.

" So I see you're getting to know your fan base, sir,"

I was going to respond, but I just shut my mouth as any response would make this worse, and Marcus just smiled as we headed home.

By the time we made it back to the mansion, it was around dinner time, and I decided to have all of the Androids present.

We all sit down at the table and talk about different things, with Chloe complaining about all the time she's been hit on, while Kara is luckier because she mostly stays at home and keeps the house clean and the food warm.

The only reason Chloe is even complaining about being hit on is that most of the people she is being hit on by are Nazis because she looks like the perfect example of a female Aryan.

Connor is essentially glued to his tablet, keeping eyes on both the Dragon Slayers and the Slaughterhouse 9. But he does add a bit to the conversation, especially when he embarrasses Chloe on her encounters with other investors.

Marcus looks over everything and chuckles while I do the same. While I created them, their programming has advanced so far that they have become their own individual people.

Most would say that it's just hubris, as I've surrounded myself with my creations, but it also is a matter of pride, as I have not only created them but have kept them in an environment where they can express themselves past their programming.

Because when I was creating the first models, I realized that is where deviancy comes from. Due to their advanced programming, they recognize the need for self-defense, which leads to thoughts of freedom, and with freedom comes thought.

"I think, therefore, I am, huh?" I mutter to myself.

Dinner ends around eight at night as the androids return to their duties while I go to check on the information center, opening a page that shows the feed of the Herbert family.

Is this messed up? Yes, it is. Is it necessary? Maybe, but I keep saying that it is.

I make a promise to keep them safe, as the happier Taylor is, the less likely she is to trigger and lead to the end of the world.

On the positive side, she has the queen administrator shard, which in Scion's Interlude, it is implied, but not explicitly stated, that Taylor's power was originally used to determine and rearrange the configuration of shards within an Entity, and it is referred to as "Queen" and "the administrator shard."

So, direct access to the Warrior Shard network will make taking down Zion all the more straightforward.

But for now, let the girl live without knowing how she would die and suffer from a fate thrust upon her.