
Attaining Power And A Lack Luster Rematch

(OK, boys and girls, the mini-arc will be wrapping up soon, And then there will be one more side quest before we decide to take on the grand order. But I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading and providing your power stones/votes as now my story gains over 300 a week, and I couldn't ask anything more of you guys.)

Entry 125:

Linus Ozias POV:

"Tell me, did they actually die?" Salem asks as she sits, enjoying the sight of the Land Of Darkness. I nodded as she smiled. "Thank you, and while I never will be able to repent for what I have done, it's nice to know those fools are gone."

I let her enjoy her silence before she asked, "Will I be able to see them again? My children?" I smile and say, "Who knows? That is up to you, Salem."

Salem smiles and stands before me as I place my hand on her head and says almost wistfully, "If only you were here and not them, none of this would have happened."

I then disintegrated her painlessly as while I will never agree with her methods or her goals, I can understand them, and as she fades away, she says one last thing: "Be a god. Everyone can find hope in Anakim."

I nod as I whisper " "Requiescat in Pace," and she disappears into the Heaven System to be reborn into a new life. It is my final courtesy.

Any other decisions she makes in her next life will be her choices alone, and whether or not she will see her children is also up to her choices. By killing Salem, I've also taken away the curse of reincarnation from Ozpin, so both will die and live again with no memories.

It would be almost poetic if they met in the next life and still fell in love, but now they will be reborn into a unified, better world. I then walk outside her castle as I take out my Telesto spear, and in one swipe, I wipe away everything in the area.

The Land Of Darkness will soon be cleansed, but for now, more work must be done as the curriculum of the huntsmen and huntresses must be altered to fit the coming order. While fighters will be needed, they will be much less prominent.

The solution is relatively simple: just put more into the curriculum rather than fighting one another and learning about the grim and make it more similar to college or high school.

I've already begun such changes in Haven Academy, adding much to the school's curriculum to make more educated workers. But such changes will take more time as without Salem or the gods, Grimm will soon begin to dwindle without a leader to guide them.

I return to Menagerie to find Sienna in discussion with the rest of her council, as the construction of new cities is going well across Menagerie without the Grimm to make things difficult.

Seeing me enter, all stand and bow to me as I simply smile and bid them to rise as I ask, " I apologize if I'm interrupting something as I was returning from an errand, but seeing as you are talking about the construction of various other projects please let me know that progress."

Sienna then smiles and begins to talk about their progress as I listen on, smiling at her hope-filled expression.

This will take a decent amount of time, but now all I need to do is wait, as my silent takeover is already in the works. Soon enough, the Brother Gods' stories will be forgotten, and people will read the stories I created.

Timeskip No Justu (Six Months Later)

Linus Ozias POV:

Oh, how time flies when conquering the world in the shadows as I look out onto the world from space as I see satellites being launched as a first step towards space travel. Now, people need not worry about communications going down if one of the relay towers loses power or is destroyed.

It's slow going, but the people of Remnant are making progress, all thanks to my company, as I have been featured in magazines, interviews, and even a couple of novels.

Ironically enough, at one of the signings of my book, I met young Ruby Rose living her life as a weapons specialist in training, and when she saw me, her eyes went wide as she hugged me and said her thanks over and over again.

I allowed her to do so, and she soon struck up a conversation while I gave her some tips on creating new weaponry, which put me firmly in her group of friends.

Let's not even talk about when I gave her some cookies made by me as she visits my home often like an addict seeking her next fix.

But seeing as Ophis enjoys the company, I cook enough for both of them and the look on Ruby's face when Ophis transformed into her adult form, was priceless.

But among other things, I did help a certain Qrow out with his semblance by making it so he could target people with his bad luck instead of it being a passive effect.

After that, we essentially became drinking buddies, which was kind of unfair as I could not get drunk on regular alcohol, which Qrow took advantage of, similar to Nura back in DXD, as he made me the guy who drank all the drinks during drinking contests.

With all the help I gave the family, they invited me over many times, and seeing their unity made me smile as such stories having happy endings is always a fantastic feeling.

Regarding tech trees, since six months have passed by, I have gained three new ones, with those three being Harry Potter(Magic Knowledge), Tekken(Martial Arts and Knowledge of various tech), and by far the best one, Transformers(Cybertron Tech/Creation Of Transformers).

In all honesty, when I gained the transformer tech tree, I may or may not have gone on a bit of a creating spree. I now have Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Bumblebee serving as the Lords of Cybertron, which appeared in my supernatural organization when I gained the tech tree. 

One of the best technologies gained from this is the creation of a spark or the heart of a transformer, as it is simply a soul in another form. Through learning of the all-spark, I was able to help my machinery gain faithful souls.

In all honesty, I also accidentally started the worship of the omnisiah, that being myself among the Iscariots. But I tell you what, it was worth it to hear the actual Optimus Prime call me his superior.

I have also improved the general design of the Transformers by enhancing the very metal they are created from, as it is an alloy of the various metals I have available.

Each Cybertronian now has the power of an ultimate class being at base. And with the Tinker Of Fiction making all of my creations loyal to me, I need not worry about them having a civil war.

In terms of the other tech trees, Harry Potter magic uses ambient mana in the air to subtly manipulate reality. While it may not work well against other magic systems, it is incredible for daily life.

Tekken's tree gave me knowledge of various martial arts from the games and how to create a devil gene that will grow over generations when surrounded by malice.

I have only scratched the surface of various trees, but it is enough for now. The vacation is over as Yasaka and everyone returns to Kyoto(DXD).

Ingvild still has school, Rose needs to help Yasaka, Gaea wishes to return to Earth to monitor the other gods, and Kunou reluctantly has studies.

But they will not be alone, and I will not leave my worlds unguarded as I have learned to create clones of myself to guard and guide each world in the form of a hive mind. (Do not worry about clones during the sex times, as we do not do that here.)

Thankfully, I can change the time dilation for each world so they can spend a day there while I spend years in other worlds. I plan to make that ratio for the world they are in but one-to-one for the other worlds.

So, I created another clone to watch over this world as I focus on the feeling once more, and I find the ROB playing FGO on the phone. 

As he notices me, he smiles and says, "Welcome back OZ I see you have finished your mission, and I can hear the screams of those two idiots in your sword. Good work."

I give him a small bow as I sit down, and he passes me another essence. He then says, "I hope this one helps with all of those magic systems you have, so to cut his short goodbye and pray for me to get good rolls."

A portal opens up beneath me after I drink the essence, and I then feel a radical shift in my soul as I see a reactor forming that is causing my magic to coalesce into a single energy.

As I feel the energy pump from the reactor, I immediately place charges into magic control, regeneration, and sense, and my power becomes limitless.

I have truly unlimited power, but it doesn't stop there. I see my original body as I fly through the void, and we slam into one another, and my Kryptonian powers return with the full might of a silver-age Kryptonian as I laugh as I have won.

I can shatter multiverses with my punches and create universes with my magic and control over the creation, and it's time to take my power for a test drive.

What is even better is that I will grow in power exponentially for simply being alive.

The portal then drops me off on an Earth I know quite well as I use my enhanced senses to see what is happening, and I smile as I am back on Worm to face Zion at his full power.

I am at the part of the story where Jack Slash is able to convince Zion to go on a local multiversal murder spree as I have arrived on the day of Golden Morning and as everyone begins to despair.

I make my move.

Taylor Hebert POV:

"We lost. It's over," I think as I see Zion overhead and about to kill everyone here, and as I see him begin to move toward us, he stops and looks in another direction.

I then see "him" (MC in Full 14 Foot God Mode), and I struggle to remain on my feet as I feel the urge to bow in his presence.

"Is this a master power? I feel the urge to kneel?" Tattletale says as we struggle to remain standing and as she tries to use her power on the armored "man," her eyes go white, and she passes out.

"Lisa!" I yell as I attend to my friend as it seems like she is only unconscious, and as Zion and the golden armored man stare at one another, the man smiles.

"You know, it's ironic. I used to fear your very presence, but now I could kill you with my finger alone." He then takes his right pointer finger and says, "I killed you once. Now I am gonna do it again."

I was confused as he killed Zion? How? Is he from an alternate Earth or timeline? But as I attempt to think of what is going to happen next, the two charge at one another, with the golden man smirking as he dodges all of Zion's strikes.

"Is that all Zion Eden would be so disappointed in you for falling for the tricks of a madman." Zion says nothing as he continues to try and hit the "man."

But the golden armored man is bored! He looks ready to fall asleep as he catches the entity's punch and simply says, "Be gone." And in one shot of purple energy, Zion is gone.

The man immediately snaps his fingers, and the world goes white for a second, and soon after, the light dims. I can't feel my powers.

He then looks to me as he flats downward an says with a smile, "Hello, Taylor. It's good to see you again, even if you're not the Taylor I know."

I am so confused.

Linus Ozias POV:

The Essence of the Archmage is bullshit as I can now use opposing forces as easily as breathing, and with the destruction energy from the GOD, I simply erased Zion from existence along with his real body.

It's almost sad, like a new game-plus player beating early-game bosses with no level scaling.

Taylor looks done with life as I continue, "Well, we were actually friends from my time, and I simply wished to view other timelines and ended up here also look behind you."

Taylor does so and looks shocked, seeing her mother alive once more and leaving her with a parting gift. I destroyed all the parahumans I did in the other timeline and got rid of all the shards. (Along with all the Slaughter House 9 clones.)

Being a god has its perks, you know.

I then disappear, leaving the timeline as I make one final change, eliminating all entities and endbringers along with Eidolon and Cauldron from the universe and locking down the barriers between dimensions.

I may return to this timeline again, but for now, I smile as I have become my own final boss.