
Chapter 81

With a frown, Bethany said, “I thought this was supposed to be a date.”

“Well, yeah, but—”

Moving closer, Bethany pulled Dana’s hands into her lap and slid her fingers up Dana’s wrists. Her touch was ticklish. “But what?”

Dana frowned and looked past Bethany at the wine glasses on the end table. They seemed so far away, out of reach. Would it look horribly bad if she shook her friend’s hands off hers to grab one—hell, both—and guzzle them down? I want this so much, I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up, she thought.

But would it ruin the moment if she said the words out loud?

Bethany moved her head into Dana’s line of sight and asked again, “But what, sweetie?”

In a tiny voice, Dana admitted, “I don’t want to do anything stupid to mess us up. Last time…”