
Chapter 82

She knew, but she wanted to hear Bethany say the words out loud. She neededto hear them, after all this time. She couldn’t remember if the L word had been said the night before, and if it had, the wine may have been partially to blame. But here, by the light of day, when they were both sober and aware of what they were saying. When they knew the consequences.

Placing a hand on Dana’s side, Bethany propped up her chin so she could look Dana in the face when she answered, “You, me, this. Us. There, I said. I want us. Together, like this. I want to wake up beside you every morning, and I want to go to sleep beside you every night.”

Dana thought that would be the end of it, and if it were, she’d be satisfied. Sitting up, she kissed the kip of Bethany’s nose. “Deal. But next time I’m bringing my own pillow.”