
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
166 Chs

Chapter 5: Thinking

"Hey, why are you walking like that again ?! You always had a problem with your legs, why aren't you taking care of yourself? And please stop walking too fast, I can see how much you are hurting"

Kence's face twitched at Rhash's words. This is one of the rare occasion in which he was happy that his friend is such a dumb and simpleton guy

If not, Kence would really lose a lot of face. How can he admit to his friend that all the numerous occasions when he had difficulty walking were always because of Calter?

If Calter wasn't a beast in bed, Kence won't be in this kind of discomfort. This really frustrates Kence at times. Why is it that he is the one receiving it most of the time? Why can he only top Calter on special occasions? This is so unfair!

Not to mention, that Calter has no mercy for him. Kence is confident in his strong physique but even he, can't endure Calter's love

As Kence wants to avoid his boyfriend, he walks as fast as he can earlier. Completely forgetting the fact that he just did the deed yesterday and he was still sore back there

"That bastard is so unfair!" Kence thought with grudge before remembering the cup of chocolate drink in Calter's hands earlier

"I'm so stupid, I should have taken that chocolate drink" Kence was feeling a deep sense of regret now while thinking of that heavenly drink that is his favorite

"No, no, no. I'll just let loose today and tomorrow, I'll break up with him. I need to do this as soon as possible and regain my peaceful life. I cannot accept anything from him but ... I really want to drink it" Kence almost shed tears for the chocolate drink before a felt a sense of pain in his legs

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Why aren't you answering me?" Rhash asked while imaginary smokes are coming out of his nose. His white cheek turned red in anger making him look cuter

Kence can't help but think that this shorty friend of his is really cute with an unblemished face. If he was taller than he is, the women that he had chase before would surely fall head over heels for him

Too bad that those stupid women always want someone taller than them. It always makes Kence wonder what the hell is wrong with them to be obsessed with someone's height

Well, another reason why Rhash failed to completely capture his targets might be because of his looks. He was too cute and adorable with a feminine charm while those stupid women always want someone that is manly and hot

Maybe if Rhash was dressed up as a girl, he would be more beautiful than the girls he had chased from the past. If Kence hasn't smelled Rhash's pheromones before, he would really think that his friend is an omega and not a beta

Despite Rhash's cute appearance, his earlier action irks Kence a lot. He was already suffering from his backdoor being ravaged last night but this midget actually dared to kick his leg. Kence definitely needs to teach him a lesson

Kence raises his hand and once again pinches Rhash in the nose with a stronger force than before

"Talk again and I'll pinch your mouth too. Let's see if you can still show your face in public if I do that"

Kence's threat was extremely effective. Rhash completely shut his mouth and deeply regretted kicking Kence in the first place. How can he forget how much of a bully his friend can be?

"Buy me iced chocolate along with clothes. I don't have any money with me" Kence said before releasing his iron grip in Rhash's nose that was tearing up again

Since Kence was so desperate to avoid Calter, he was not able to take his wallet with him while his current clothes cannot be worn in public. He can only rely on his friend

"Why do I need to pay? You also have a lot of money and we are still at your house, why can't you change now?"

Kence takes back what he said. It seems like his friend is actually not a complete idiot and can still think. Too bad that doesn't change a thing

"I'll delete the photo I took of your face covered in tears and snot last month. Do we have a deal?" Kence offered with a devilish smirk. Somehow, Rhash felt like he actually befriended a devil

"Argh ... fine! Hmph!" Rhash answered angrily before walking faster than Kence that gritted his teeth

"Damn, why did I walk so fast? My back really hurts" Kence thought and endured the pain to catch up with his friend. This is not the first time he experienced something like this but it was still not something he can get used to

As an Alpha, why does Kence needs to suffer like this? That damn Calter, if he doesn't want to be always the bottom he should at least make it a 50/50 for fairness' sake

Outside the gates was Rhash's expensive car. As a rich Young Master, his car is definitely not cheap

Kence entered the car and was glad that the seat was as soft as always. If not, it would really be uncomfortable

"Butler Nan, please take us to the nearest mall!"

The butler nodded his head in response and the two actors inside messed with each other to kill some time


The car stops at the parking lot of the mall and Kence yawns before attempting to open the door. Kence was unsuccessful though as his hand was swatted away

Dark lines appeared in Kence's forehead and he really wants to beat up a certain someone now

"Are you going out dressed like that? Do you want the paparazzi to take pictures of you?" Rhash asked while rolling his eyes and Kence decided to "forgive" him for the earlier offense

In truth, Kence doesn't know if he wants to continue being an actor. He just did it because acting is one of his talents and he makes a lot of money through it

Kence wants to increase his fame as in that way, he would make more money. He thought that by doing that, things with Calter will get better

If Kence is rich and can earn a lot of money with his own effort, he thought that the Sternix Family would give him and Calter an easier life

Unfortunately, they didn't. Even if Kence is a great actor, how can he compare to the influence is a great family that has influence near the one that the Sternix Family has?

It was precisely because of Eriel's family background that the Sternix Family wants her for their most outstanding member. For them, Calter can only marry a person at the same standing as him. In their eyes, other people that are far too below Calter is not worthy to be his spouse

The Sternix Family really has great pride. Even Eriel is just someone that is a bit worthy in their eyes. But for them, Eriel is still a much better choice than Kence, that is why they rooted for her

"Should I continue being an actor?" Kence muttered as he ponders on things. If he wants to survive, he really doesn't need to work anymore

Even if Kence doesn't take any jobs, he still has a lot of money stored in his bank account. Not to mention, there are also many quite a few businesses that are mostly managed by his mother

"What are you saying? Do you want to quit? Your fans will be sad, don't do that!" Rhash heard Kence's words and was afraid that Kence will leave the entertainment circle and he cannot allow that

Who would accompany Rhash to the parties he needs to attend? He needs the ever so reliable Kence to keep him in check in those parties

Rhash is clumsy and he knows that but just won't admit it. Without Kence keeping him on a leash, he would have already embarrassed himself on a lot of occasions

Kence rolled his eyes before flicking Rhash's forehead angrily. "I want to live a peaceful life from now. It wasn't easy that I always need to prepare myself whenever there is the possibility of other people seeing me. Besides, I know your ulterior motive. You just want to use me as your shield!"

As expected of great Kence, nothing really escapes his eyes. Rhash was deeply amazed but he really can't let Kence leave the entertainment circle and he shamelessly cling to his friend's again

"Waahh! Don't leave me alone in a wolf's den! Please reconsider it!"

Kence tried pushing Rhash away but the little sticky cake becomes too sticky again. He can only push Rhash away by killing ... ehem ... pushing him with a force that will hurt him and Kence is unwilling to do that

"No need to act shamelessly! I'm still just thinking about it!" Kence said with a defeated tone and Rhash mood brightened again

"Yehey! I knew you won't quit and why did you even think of quitting? Are there new bad rumors about you? Don't listen to them, I know you very well. You might be childish, stubborn, wicked, and a bully sometimes but you are also kind ... sometimes"

If Kence didn't die because of the car accident, it might be this Rhash that will be the cause of his death. Is this supposed to make him feel better?

Despite Kence's high fame, there were still a lot of bad rumors about him. As for the one that spreads it? That was naturally the bitch Eriel

She would do anything to frame Kence or slander him. If not for Calter constantly cleaning the mess that Eriel made, Kence is afraid that he might become the biggest jerk in the world already

Eriel spreads a lot of malicious things about Kence but Calter will only scold him. Talk about how shitty of a boyfriend he is and people actually called him perfect? How laughable!

Eriel constantly makes trouble for Kence, his lover but Calter will only scold the great bitch. How can Kence be satisfied with that?

If not for Calter, Kence would have beaten that bitch to death already. He is a believer in true gender equality

If a man punches a woman, the woman can return that punch and vice versa. Kence doesn't care if it was a man or a woman, his fist would still meet their faces if they mess with him

Alas, Calter is too protective of Eriel too since she had a terrible illness in the past

But now, Kence vowed to himself that if that bitch makes trouble for him again, he wouldn't hesitate to punch her even if Calter is present

Without Kence knowing, he actually has a weird expression on his face that causes Rhash to sweat heavily. Somehow, the thought of finally punching the bitch he hated the most made him excited. Kence knows that he shouldn't be like this but he suddenly wants Eriel to anger him again so that he would have an "excuse" to punch her

Kence scared Rhash a lot and the latter move as far as he can from his friend that almost salivated

It took some time for Kence to return to normal and he saw Rhash fearfully looking at him as if he just committed a murder

"What are you still doing? Buy me a chocolate drink and clothes now!"

"Yes sir!"

Kence watched as Rhash opened the car's door in a panic after wearing a cap and face mask. In this way, he would be able to hide his identity and people wouldn't flock to him

But knowing Rhash, Kence is afraid that he would do something stupid

"Butler Nan, please go after him in case you know ..." without Kence literally saying it, the butler still knows what he is implying and nodded his head before chasing his master

Kence was left in the car alone thinking a lot of things while enduring the pain in his back