
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
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166 Chs

Chapter 6: Hijin Club

After more than 30 minutes, Rhash and Butler Nan finally returned. Kence originally thought that he will die out of boredom since he doesn't even have his phone with him but he actually a lot of things that occupied his mind

"I'm back!" Rhash said energetically while holding a cup of iced chocolate in his hand. Butler Nan on the other hand was carrying a few bags in his hand that contained the clothes that Kence will wear

Seeing his favorite drink, Kence happily snatch the iced chocolate from Rhash's hand before patting him in the head like a child

"My good friend, you are really useful!"

At first, Rhash giggled at Kence's words before his eyes widened in realization, and entered another angered state

"Why did you make it sound like you're using me?!" Rhash's loud voice almost caused Kence's ears to burst but since his friend made a meritorious deed today, he decided to let him off

"Don't get angry, I heard that constant mood swings have a negative impact on one's height growth"

A look of fear spread from Rhash's face and he nodded his head vigorously without saying another word. He was afraid that his anger will really prevent him from growing even though he is already past the growth stage of his life

Butler Nan almost shed tears on the spot. Why is his Young Master this easy to fool? It greatly pains his heart

After placating his friend's anger, Kence immediately took a sip of his favorite drink. Somehow, it was not as tasty as he remembers it

Now that Kence thinks of it, Calter is always the one giving him his favorite drink. He still remembered that they taste really good, what is wrong with the drink that Rhash gave him?

In confusion, Kence turned to look at Rhash suspiciously. "Did you poison my drink?" Kence asked in a serious tone and Rhash immediately flew into a rage

"What?! How dare you accuse me!"

Kence just ignored his friend and turned to look at his side. If it is not poisoned then what is it? Could it be the brand or maybe ... maybe Kence liked the ones that Calter gave him because of his affection?

A slight hint of blush spread across Kence's cheek before he gritted his teeth. Just what is he thinking? How can he think something that cheesy?

How could the drink that Calter gave him tastes better just because it was him that gave it? This was too unscientific!

Calter might have brought all those drinks to famous shops that's why they taste better. Thinking of this, Kence shot Rhash a look of resentment and the latter was fully confused

"Tsk, how stingy" Kence cursed in his mind while absent-mindedly drinking the iced chocolate. He also decided to ask Calter where he got all the drinks he gave Kence before he breaks up with him


It was already nighttime when Kence and Rhash arrived at Hijin Club. It was a famous club for rich Young Masters and celebrities. Naturally, Kence can afford to drink in this club but he doesn't have any of his card money with him. Thus, he can only rely on his good friend

"My drink is in your hands, I'll give you the grace of coming out first" Kence said shamelessly causing Rhash to glare at him

"Hmph! If I was as tall as you, I would have more fans!" Rhash rebuked while resenting his own height and Kence just waved at him

Butler Nan exited the car and opened the door for Rhash. His previously childish aura completely vanishes and was instead replaced by an indifferent one

No emotion can be seen in his face as if no one can arouse his feelings

"Tsk, this pretentious asshole" Kence cursed while looking at Rhash

In public, Rhash's image was that of an innocent yet indifferent Young Master. Kence will believe the innocent part but certainly not the indifferent one!

Rhash was only doing this because he thought that girls like the indifferent kind of guy as it will give them a sense of conquest. It was a silly reason that Kence always scoffs off. After all, as soon as a woman showed interest in Rhash, his whole personality will return back to normal and the image he had built would be completely shattered

This fool is a hopeless romantic. Show him interest and he will think that you two would be destined to marry. If Kence and the Croel Family didn't help chased away the girls that are only for his money, he would already be reduced as a pitiful victim of gold diggers

Despite still being in the car, Kence can still hear a few gasps outside. Rhash after all is also a very famous actor like him. They are still not at the most top of the pyramid but they are already close to that

Naturally, many people will recognize Rhash. Their reactions are completely within the scope of expectations

Despite the adoration he had received, Rhash's expression was still indifferent and Kence sneered at him. This bastard's acting is immaculate but Kence knew that he was very pleased

Kence didn't dilly dally and exited the car too. This time, the crowd has louder gasps and Kence sneakily stared at Rhash's hand. Sure enough, the shorty was clenching his fist in jealousy

Fortunately, Rhash has a good sense of fashion. He picked suitable clothes for Kence despite the short time he had

Kence was now wearing a gray blazer with a v-cut shirt underneath and black pants as a bottom. The shirt was cut a bit too low exposing Kence's collarbones to the crowd and his necklace has a similar color to his silver hair

Kence was dressed casually yet it didn't hide his charms at all. In fact, it made him look modest and people would think that no matter how simple the clothes he wore, they still would not be able to hide his handsome appearance

The crowd can't even stop themselves from unconsciously staring at Kence's pale white exposed collarbone. Luckily, as much as possible, Kence didn't let Calter leave a mark in exposed areas. If not, he would die of embarrassment if a mark was seen

Amidst the eyes following their every movement, the two entered the Hijin Club with utmost confidence

What met them were chairs and tables aligned perfectly. The club only has dim blue lights. It was not easy to recognized someone if you are too far or not focusing

This is to the advantage of the rich and famous people. Even if they were to do shameful things, it would still not be easy to recognize them

"Drink! Let--" before Rhash can finish his words, Kence already pinched his side causing him to whimper in pain

Rhash looks at Kence with a wronged look that gave a glare in response

"I don't care what kind of image you want to portray but if you want to keep your current image, tone down your voice"

Rhash realizes his mistake and nodded his head pitifully

"We will get a private booth and you can't change my mind. You know how you act when you get drunk"

Hearing that, Rhash looks like a pitiful dog that tucks its tail between its legs. His plan tonight was to get wasted and let loose in this bar. How can he do that if it would be only him and Kence?

"It's boring if it's just the two of us!"

If this is not a public place, Kence would have surely smack Rhash's head already. How dare this guy call him boring?

Kence just wants to drink peacefully but he is also pitifully aware of what Rhash wants and needs currently. He can only compromise

"Fine, we will drink here on the first floor first but if I feel that you're close to getting drunk, we will get a private booth"

Rhash might look and act like a kid but he also gained something from all the failed endeavors in love that he had. He always used alcohol as a means to drown all of his sorrows and he builds a pretty good resistance to it

This Rhash can certainly hold a candle against the heavy drinkers

Rhash wants to hug his friend tightly but he knew that this is not the place for that and he can only refrain himself

The two went to the bar counter and Rhash ordered a pink-colored drink that looks like juice. Neither of them is actually that fond of drinking, it's just that Rhash was always heartbroken and he needs to drink alcohol to heal

Both of the two doesn't like bitter drinks where the taste of alcohol was too overwhelming

Kence watched as the bartender gave their order with shaking hands. His eyes even have imaginary stars in them. If the bar doesn't have a policy against asking for autographs, the bartender might have asked them to sign in his body already

The bar was not too loud nor quiet. It just has the perfect vibe for relaxation but the problem was the person with Kence

Kence turned to look at his side and saw Rhash already drunk quite a few glasses. He drowned them like water causing even the bartender to be taken aback

The drink might look pretty but it was certainly not light. Even then, aside from the slight blush that spreads across Rhash's cheeks, he was still perfectly fine

"I hope nothing mentally exhausting will happen tonight" Kence hoped and it was as if the Gods wants to play a cruel trick in him

The loud sound of heels hitting the floor entered Kence's ears. It was like every beat of it was meant to seduced someone. Thus, Kence unconsciously looked at where the sound came from

Kence saw a woman wearing a daring and revealing red dress. Her long hair reaches down her waist. She certainly has the body that men will drool for

Before having Calter in his life, this kind of woman is one of the types that Kence wants to have

Seeing she attracted Kence's attention, the woman smiled seductively as if she won the lottery

Kence might have unconsciously look in her direction but he already deeply regretted it. He knew what kind of gaze he was receiving and this will certainly turn into a huge headache

"Kence Russel, right? Do you mind if I join you?" The woman asked while flicking her silky black long hair

Kence wants to refuse but he still has to care about his image. Originally, some eyes were already looking in his direction but since he was acting lowkey, not many recognize him

However, things changed because of this woman. She was doing the exact opposite of lowkey and more eyes turned in her direction. As a result, Kence was also discovered and he gained the attention he doesn't want to have

"Do as you please" Kence answered while sighing internally. This was one of the reasons why he wants to use a private booth. He doesn't want anyone to get too close to him when he just wants to relax

The woman sat next to Kence and her flirtatious gaze never left him. Other men might like this and in truth, at normal times, Kence might play with her

However, Kence is technically still in a relationship with Calter. He despises cheaters and he doesn't want to be one. As long as he and Calter are still boyfriends, he won't do the things that scumbags do

Besides, it won't be too late to get back in his old ways after he and Calter break up. When that time comes, he can play with anyone he wants and he wouldn't become a cheater

"I'm Dianne, never thought I will meet a handsome and famous actor like you here"

Kence almost rolled his eyes. Can't this woman see how uninterested he looks? He is not a man that uses his dick to think. He wouldn't easily for seduction like this