
Fiend Sealer

William, an ordinary Englishmen who went abroad to pursue education, finds himself entangled in an inexplicable scheme set up by powers beyond human comprehension.

Darkblossom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Pure Yang Immortal Body

"Noy..?", William's voice could be heard, echoing endlessly, "Noy, where did you go? Where are you?"

The moment after the two of them entered the room, Noy was nowhere to be seen. It is as if he disappeared silently into the air.

Everything happened so suddenly, William even had to spend few seconds bedazzled before realization dawned upon him that Noy is no longer by his side.

Naturally, William freaked out. His one and only guardian angel is gone, without Noy's guidance, experience and most importantly protection, William would be as helpless as a lamb.

Sweat started trickling down William's forehead, he started getting nervous and when he turned back, the door was nowhere to be seen.

The door disappeared!

There was no way back.

Everything is so dark!

The room was plunged in pitch-black darkness to the level where if William extended his hands in front of his face, he wouldn't be able to see his fingers.

All that could be heard is his ragged, unregulated breathing.

His one-year-old toddler body could not handle the amount of stress and anxiety he's currently experiencing. He took couple steps backwards until his back hit the wall, slowly but surely he slid down to the ground.

'Fucking Noy, immortal my ass! First he leads me down to this kind of place then disappears!'

Curses upon curses were hurled upon Noy, the amount of insults that came out of William's mouth that day were more than enough to book him first-class tickets into the deepest levels of hell.

William was not cursing to vent out the bottled-up feelings inside his heart, but to calm down his mental state and ease the nervousness he's feeling.

After feeling that it was sufficient, William took a deep breath as he stood up.

'Now that Noy is no longer by his side, and the way which we came from magically disappeared. I have to think of ways to break free from this dilemma.'

William took careful steps forward, delving ever so deeper into the darkness. Since there is no way back, then the only way is to move forward.

'Come to think about it, the rumblings that I've heard outside. It could be my father or the Godfrey Clan trying to rescue me and Noy.'

Earlier, both Noy and William's minds were busy working out ways to escape from that prison cell and the godchains. When everything shook and rumbled, they did not spare any energy or thought thinking about anything else beside escaping.

William's mind was focused on nabbing that white-haired man's keys stealthily while Noy was mustering every single cell in his body in order to break free from the godchains and protect his young master.

But now that William is surrounded by nothing but darkness, and an 'enclosed' room at that as well. He felt some comfort and safety in a sense, as a result his mind couldn't help but wander and think of other things.

'Perhaps if I stayed in that cell, rescue could've came sooner or later. I would already be outside in the embrace of my father or under the tight protection of the clan. Alas it's too late to regret.'

After walking for more than twenty minutes, William started feeling exhausted. After all, he is still in the body of a one-year-old toddler, it is already a miracle to walk couple steps without feeling some sort of exhaustion. However, William spent quite a good amount of time walking and moving under tremendous amount of stress.

It would not be an exaggeration if William said he would collapse if he takes one or two steps.

William took a seat down to catch his breath, however, the moment he sat down, all sorts of weird, inexplicable stuff started appearing in his vision.

'Fucking hell, now I'm hallucinating?'

It's only natural for William to hallucinate under these sorts of circumstances, after all he is surrounded by pitch-black darkness from all directions, coupled with the psychological stress he's feeling, it makes for a perfect formula of madness and lunacy.

If it were any other person, he would've long since succumbed to madness. Perhaps William made it this far thanks to his superior genes and 'uniqueness', after all his parents are cultivators of very high ranks, he's bound to have some sort of extraordinary quality.

Minutes passed slowly, after William regained his energy. He stood up and continued on forward.

Thus far he only spent one year in this new, unique and extraordinary world.

He was plagued with the desire to explore it, it even became an obsession at some point.

Naturally, he does not want to die early. He did not even get the chance to leave the Godfrey Clan's estate only until recently, so he was equipped with the determination to escape from this place and return back to his home.

After taking couple steps forward.

The entire place lit up.

One torch after another ignited, slowly casting light to this enormous underground structure.

There were four large intrinsically-decorated pillars that depicted various paints of gods, immortals and fiends doing all sorts of things, from battling to crafting and socializing.

William was right in the middle of these four pillars, on top of him was a grand golden chandelier that brimmed with imperial majesty.

The floors were made of high-quality marble, and they too depicted all sorts of paintings.

It was quite the sight to be honest.

Seeing this place, William was flabbergasted. It is his first time seeing such an exquisite structure. After admiring this place for quite some time, William's gaze changed to the elephant in the room.

It was a buddhist altar in-between the two pillars.

Contrary to the structure, the altar was quite ordinary with no ornaments or decorations.

It was made of plain old wood, and the cruel passage of time could be seen on the corners.

Seated on top of the altar was a cross-legged Buddha. He had his amiable smile as usual, and was doing the famous Amitabha gesture, other than that, there really was nothing else to it.

William drew closer to the altar, studying it carefully.

'Is this really the Buddha of earth? If so, what is it doing here?'

Ever since Noy spoke of Siddhartha Gautama of the Buddhist Sangha, William never stopped thinking about the Buddhist Sangha's origins and their connections to earth.

The name was the same, and apparently now the statue looks the same as well.

He wondered if there are transmigrators or reincarnators other than him.

After getting three meters close to the statue, something unexpected happened.

To William, the entire world turned golden as he was inexplicably transferred to another place, another realm.

He felt dizziness, headache, hallucinations, the urge to vomit, basically all sorts of symptoms one would experience when sick.

However, that only lasted for a split second before William's entire view changed once again.

The altar, the Buddha, they stayed in place.

However, the underground structure is no more.

Instead, it was replaced by the endless azure sky.

The enormous behemoth that is the sun could be seen floating in the sky, enclasping the entire world with it's golden rays.

Underneath William's feet there was soft-looking clouds, hovering ever-so slightly. William had to spend a second to maintain his balance and get used to them.

Everything happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly. Naturally William was terrified, and naturally he looked left and right for a way to leave this place.

He hurried to the edge of the cloud and looked down, only to be shocked by the sight he saw.

He expected to see plains, a forest, maybe a city or some sort of civilization, after all he's so high up in the sky, right?


What welcomed him was the sky.

An endless azure that extended infinitely downwards. William could not even fathom how is that possible.


Sweat trickled down William's forehead as he turned his head towards the buddhist altar. He wanted to ask the unmoving Buddha many questions, but refrained from doing so.

Since 'it' brought him here, 'it' naturally had a goal to achieve and sooner or later 'it' will take action, whether that 'action' is a good thing or a bad thing only time will tell.

After what it felt like an eternity to William, the Buddha finally budged.

The statue was moving!

The cross-legged feature's movements were ragged at first, but slowly but surely they grew smoother and finer, until eventually they were as smooth as a human's movements.

Seeing this anomaly, all the hair on William's back stood on end.

'This is scarier than horror movies!'

The 'Buddha' got off the altar in a very refined way, and looked towards William with an amicable smile, "Amitabha, fellow benefactor."

William stood rooted on place without muttering a single word, he kept studying the Buddha as it kept getting closer and closer to him.

Eventually, the Buddha stood only a few meters away from William's position.

Seeing a moving-statue having human expressions and acting like a human, even William's soul felt creeped out, and the Buddha's constant smile only served to make it worse.

"H-hello.", after mustering some courage, William muttered out these words with effort.

Earlier when he was kidnapped, he felt stress and nervousness but definitely wasn't afraid or scared, that was because he knew he was dealing with humans, probably an organization that is trying to blackmail the Godfrey Clan.

But now...

It's something entirely different.

Not only did William feel stress and nervousness, but he was scared shitless.

The thing in front of him is definitely not human. And probably something above what the Godfrey Clan can handle.

'Ah, I really did it! A year didn't even pass before I get myself in trouble!', William couldn't help but lament and curse his bad luck, this time he got himself into big trouble.

'The Buddha is known for his loving-kindness and equanimity but I don't even know if the thing in front of me is the Buddha or not, and even if he is, I don't believe that bullshit! Loving-kindness my ass, how is the creature in front of me loving and kind in any way shape or form!'

In earth, the Buddha is known as one of the most upstanding and benevolent figures ever to exist. He had ethics and morals, wisdom and diligence, and most importantly a kind-loving heart.

'If those qualities and personalities are true, then I shouldn't be in any danger really but... who knows what kind of devious and twisted personality is underneath that skin.'

In this world, true kindness and benevolence do not exist. Only benefits!

When showing kindness and benevolence to other people, benefits come in many forms, whether that'd be in the form of favors, reputation, prestige or simply to satisfy some wants and desires.

No one will show you good will out of the kindness of their hearts.

Although William is very young, even when considering his mental age, he has seen and experienced the cruelness of the world. He grew up in very tough circumstances, and at some period of time, he and his family had to grasp everything they could so they can manage to survive.

His worldly experience could be considered rich for someone his age, and he has seen the true nature of people a long time ago.

The Buddha crouched and extended his arm towards William, that annoying smile still plastered on his face, "Do not be afraid, I'm not here to harm you."

For some reason, William found that he could not budge an inch of his body. No matter how much he struggled, he could not move.

"In fact, I'm here to help you. To show you the way, this is my duty."

He can see the Buddha's arm getting bigger and bigger. Slowly drawing close to his face.

"It is my sole purpose in this life, I've been waiting for far too long. You should thank them for showing such care and benevolence."

The more Buddha talks, the more questions pop up in William's mind. But he is forced to push them aside, and focus on what is happened right now.

The Buddha extended his finger, and gently tapped William's forehead.


It felt just like a waterdrop. A waterdrop falling onto a vast ocean.

A mind-boggling amount of knowledge invaded William's mind and overwhelmed his senses.

Knowledge pertaining to... cultivation, techniques, divine abilities, etc...

'The [Pure Yang Immortal Body] technique...', murmured the dazzled. William

An immortal technique known as the [Pure Yang Immortal Body] popped up in William's mind.

It is a Body Forging technique that allows the cultivator to train all the way up to the third rank. It grants the cultivator a yang-path body that is invulnerable to swords and spears, plus the quality and quantity of divine power is sumptuous, in terms of reserves alone the [Pure Yang Immortal Body]'s divine power is three times greater than cultivators of the same rank.

To cultivate the [Pure Yang Immortal Body] technique, a lot of precious ingredients and materials are needed. When William heard of them, he frowned.

'The seven-leaf samsara yang flower? An everburning fire lotus? And what the heck is a supersun mushroom?', although William has been in this world for almost a year now, he has spent the majority of that year reading the books of the Godfrey Clan, but despite that it is his first time hearing the names of these ingredients and materials.

'Wait wait wait, I'm getting carried away!', all of William's attention was focused on the [Pure Yang Immortal Body]'s cultivation methods, ingredients and materials. He got carried away and forgot about the issue in front of him.

The Buddha!

The Buddha stood in front of William with his usual amiable smile, his closed eyes were in a crescent shape, not bothering to hide his excitement.

Subconsciously William took couple steps backwards until he reached the edge of the cloud, if he were to retreat any further he would inevitably fall into the endless azure nothingness.

He took a deep breath, calming down his mental state as he looked towards the Buddha.

"What do you want?", William couldn't help but ask the question that has been wandering in his mind ever since he came to this place.

This bald man in front of him is most likely the culprit that separated him from Noy and brought him here.

As for the reasons? He's technically just a one year old toddler and his status as a member of the Godfrey Clan has not solidified yet, there is no way the Buddhist Sangha, an organization whose influence spread across the five continents, could have any interest in him.

The way William saw it, the reason why Buddha brought him here is because of his status as a transmigrator.

'He surely knows that I'm from another world!'

Ever since he came here, William has been very careful not to expose any of his secrets from earth. Who knows what will happen to him once people hear he's from another world?

This world is filled with gods and immortals, your imagination is the limit. They have many ways to conduct horrifying experiments on him, ranging from memory extraction to soul torturing and other vicious means that William could not even fathom.

William does not fear death, he only fears a life worse than death.

If the Buddha in front of him knows about his secrets, then William's journey could end right here, right now.

"Haha, fear not. I want nothing more than your well-being.", the Buddha let out a chuckle as he replied.

"My well-being? Why?", William frowned. He and this baldy have nothing between them, he is neither William's friend nor family, they're nothing but strangers. Why would a stranger look after and take care of another stranger?

"Indeed. I've noticed that you and I are connected by karma, that's why I brought you here and transmitted to you the [Pure Yang Immortal Body] technique. It is a supreme body forging technique even amongst the Buddhist Sangha, it can even rank amongst the top ten body forging techniques of the world.", The bald Buddha nodded.

Indeed. The Buddhist Sangha are known for their specialization in the: body, heart and soul.

Their body forging techniques are peerless, same goes for their body-related divine abilities and ki techniques. When Noy was fighting against that Rank 3 black shadow abomination, he used the divine ability [Golden Buddha Body] to defend against the Rank 3 ki technique [Willowy Hand of the Nine Great Trees].

The [Golden Buddha Body] is a defensive-type divine ability while the [Willowy Hand of the Nine Great Trees] is a utility-type ki techniques, but the former is a Rank 1 Divine Ability while the latter is a Rank 3 Ki Technique. The gap between rank 1 and rank 3 is enormous, almost uncrossable, and yet the Rank 1 [Golden Buddha Body] defended against the Rank 3 [Willowy Hand of the Nine Great Trees].

This alone is a great testatement to how impressive the Buddhist Sangha's body-related techniques and methods.

"Connected by karma? Is that why you sent someone to kidnap me? If so, why did you have to kill my guards? Why did you kill Jacob, Abelson and the coachman? What about Noy? What happened to him.", Jacob and Abelson were the Ki Refiner guards who accompanied William and Dustin on their journey to the Draetrohan Empire.

On the way to the Ciwood city, Jacob and Abelson were pretty friendly towards William, they shared their experiences and told him of their many journeys throughout the Southern Domain, resulting in quite the friendship developing between them and William.

"Kidnap? Kill? I would never engage in such a thing.", the Buddha shook his head, "I've only noticed you the moment you entered my temple, as for that Body Forger cultivator who has been accompaying you, he is safe."

With a wave of his hand, an unconscious Noy appeared out of nowhere on the ground.

William hurried up to him, after doing a quick check, he found out that he's safe and sound.

After letting out a sigh of relief, William turned to look at the Buddha and asked, "Still, what do you mean by 'connected by karma'?"

William did not dare to let his guard down despite the Buddha showing him 'kindness' by transmitting the [Pure Yang Immortal Body] technique.