
11. Chapter 11




Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

I'm going to be late.

That was all I could think of as I threw some clothes on the floor, looking for a shirt that I had put on a few minutes ago and which was now lost among the others in the middle of my bed.

This was so not me!

I never gave my clothes a second thought, but ever since I met Carina a part of me always wanted to impress her and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to put on jeans and a sweatshirt, maybe a jean jacket on top if what the news said was true and there was a storm coming on - winter was being brutal in Seattle - but here I was, running my eyes through button-down shirts and wondering which one would go best with the slacks I was already wearing.

The minutes passed quickly; I had no more time to try to do anything with my hair so it would just fall loose at my back. I looked at my cell phone as the alarm - the alarm that warned me that if I didn't leave that minute instead of being late, I would be VERY late - and grunted audibly as I put on my black shirt - you can't go wrong with black, can you? - and walked to the front of the bathroom mirror to look at the final result.


Carina had taken a certain delight in seeing me wearing a belt on our first date, her hands had pulled me through the leather that clasped my hips and it had definitely been sexy. It was worth delaying a little longer to have that feeling again.

I shoved my car keys into my pockets, and hurriedly tucked my blouse into my pants while at the same time trying to put on my sneakers - I wouldn't give up my comfortable shoes - and another grunt escaped my throat when I realized what a mess my room was.

I hated messes.

I picked up my cell phone and felt like crying as I typed the message to Carina:

"I'm going to be late. Sorry."

I took a deep breath to try to calm my thoughts, doing things in a hurry now that I had already assumed my tardiness would lead nowhere. I put my cell phone in my pocket and was happy to at least be ready to leave, then I started to collect the clothes from the floor and the bed, folded them quickly and put them in their respective drawers.

I made sure that the wine was in the fridge, that the living room was tidy, and that the fireplace had enough wood to be lit when we returned. Everything was ready!

Inside the elevator I looked at the cell phone again, there was a message from Carina:

"Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

"I'm fine! I'm on my way now, see you in 10 minutes"

On the way there I shifted in my seat, slightly uncomfortable with the panties tucked in the middle of my ass since it was definitely not my style of underwear, but if I would have my first time with Carina that night - holy shit, there was a really high possibility of that happening tonight - and if I would get naked for that woman - holy shit, I'm going to get naked in front of Carina - I wanted to impress her, make her drool.

The more I thought about that night, the more nervous I became, and I wasn't usually nervous about sex, I was good at sex, but this Italian had come to throw me off my game. She destabilized me with every look, with every bite of her lower lip, with that smile full of teeth that warmed me up inside, with that freckle under her lower lip that drove me crazy.

-It's Carina, Maya! Sweet, trustworthy Carina! Everything is going to be alright! - I repeated to myself as I parked at the hospital and swallowed one last time before opening the door and heading toward the entrance lobby.

She was there, talking to Amelia, laughing at something the neurosurgeon had said to her and I rolled my eyes foreseeing all the possible comments Amelia would make when I approached, but I had to rip that band-aid off quickly.

-Hello, ladies! - I said as I approached the two of them.

-Ah, Maya! - Carina spoke up, giving me a big smile that made butterflies appear in my stomach.

-Firefighter Barbie! - Amelia spoke at the same time and I was torn between smiling back at Carina and rolling my eyes at Amy. - Well, Carina needed a neurological evaluation while she waited for you since she was so nervous, she could be having a stroke!

-Amelia! - Carina complained as I let out a giggle.

-I know she tends to overreact. - I reassured Carina, placing a hand on the small of her back involuntarily, but when I realized what I had done, I didn't withdraw my touch. Mainly because I noticed Carina leaning gently toward my body so that my hand pressed a little harder against her back. - Are you ready to go?

-Sì! - Carina nodded beside me.

-Don't let me hold you back! Enjoy your evening! - Amelia waggled her eyebrows at us both before letting out a chuckle and walking away from us both.

-Stroke, huh? - I teased and Carina snorted beside me.

-I was worried, you're not usually late. - She turned toward me, the hand that had been on her back was now on the curve of her hip.

-Believe me, I suffered more from being late than you did. - I replied, feeling my cheeks heat up. - I thought we might stop by a pizza place on the way home, what do you think?

-I confess that I haven't given much opportunity to pizza places here in Seattle, I usually make my own pizza, or ask Andrea to make it. - She shrugged.

-Does Andrew know how to cook? - I asked back, surprised.

-He can make pizza. I think his culinary knowledge is limited to that. - She laughed, and so did I. - But pizza sounds like a good plan.

-Okay, I'll pick the pizza place and you pick the movie. - I decided and Carina nodded in agreement.

We walked out of the hospital and Carina kept close to my body so that I could keep one of my hands around her waist - she seemed to like it - and when we got to my car, I opened the door for her and let her settle in.

-You look beautiful. - Carina spoke as I turned the corner and felt her warm hand against my thigh, her fingers caressing the skin covered by the fabric of my pants, but still making my skin tingle. I had missed this intimacy.

-Thank you! You always look beautiful. - I smiled sideways at her, without taking my eyes off the traffic.

She really did look beautiful. She always wore high waisted pants, elegant and that made her long legs even more evident; her blouses were delicate, with fabrics that I would definitely tear if I wore them, and most of the time they were slightly tucked in the front of her pants and to complete the look there was always a long and thick coat to protect her from the cold winter winds.

I stopped the car in front of the place I used to order pizza, we got out of the car and walked up to the counter. I ordered - respecting and fearing Carina's warning that there shouldn't be any kind of fruit on a pizza under any circumstances - and we were waiting standing in front of the counter while the employees were assisting other customers.

-Those pants make your ass look even hotter. - Carina's whisper against my ear caught me off guard. The woman was standing behind me, previously at a safe distance, but now with her body pressed against mine as her hands reached around my waist. I kept my arms folded against my chest even as a cold shiver ran through my skin. - I've never seen a woman with a more beautiful ass than yours.

-Yes? - My brain was too focused on the pleasure I felt having her so close to me, whispering compliments in my ear, that I couldn't formulate a more adequate response.

-Yes, you are the perfect woman for me. Your body is perfect for me. - She continued and didn't stutter at any point. Her confidence shone through every syllable, and I realized that my self-confidence was nothing compared to Carina's. - With all the right curves, your full breasts, your white skin that begs to be marked, your strong muscles, your big ass that fits against my hips perfectly.

As if to prove a point, Carina pressed the front of her pants against my ass, and I bit my lower lip hard not to moan at the more intimate contact. I felt her strong breathing against my ear, and whoever looked at the two of us and saw her whispering things in my ear with that smile, could not imagine the intense reactions she provoked in my body. I wasn't used to being on the other side, hearing these teasing words and having my body desired this way, I wasn't used to the reactions I was getting and didn't even know what to do, but I let my body be free to react the way it wanted to.

And I wanted to roll over against Carina, so I did. I discreetly threw my ass back and undulated against her front just once, but it was enough to hear her pulling the air through her teeth with a little difficulty.

-You're a tease, Maya. - She whispered again and moved away from my body, as if nothing had happened.

-Order for Bishop? - The attendant had precise timing.

I avoided eye contact with the waiter as much as possible as I picked up the pizza box because I knew I was completely red, hot and bothered, and we walked back to the car - with Carina giving me a little smile all the way to the vehicle.

-Are you okay? -She asked innocently as if she didn't know the reason for my embarrassment.

-I've never done this. - I confessed. - I've always been with men and women for the sake of sex, but there was no such thing.

-What is "this"? - She asked back.

-I don't know! - I grunted, starting the car and speeding out of the parking lot. - I had always been a top with women, but that only involved a few compliments, buying them drinks, and then taking them back to my place. I didn't have those touches.

-Such as those?  - She asked, sliding her hand to my thigh again, this time with her fingers dangerously close to the middle of my legs.

-Yes. - I swallowed. - Precisely those.

-What else wasn't present? - She asked back, and I could see that she was nibbling her lower lip.

-Those teases, whispers in my ear. - I confessed once again.

-Don't you like it?

-I do. - I was quick to answer, not caring if I sounded desperate. - But it wasn't something that happened, so I'm out of my comfort zone, I don't know what to do here, because I think this isn't just about sex.

-It's not. - It was her turn to be quick with her answer.

-It's intense. - I commented.

-Yes. - Her hand came down, her fingers now against my knee.

We stayed silent the rest of the drive, but it wasn't long before I parked in front of my building. Carina got out of the car with the pizza box in her hand and I took one last breath, gathering my courage, before following her toward the entrance of the building. My heart was pounding inside my chest as nervousness dried my mouth and made my hands tremble.

-So, why were you late? - Carina asked as the elevator took us to my floor. Her question embarrassed me, but there was no escaping it. I wouldn't lie.

-I messed up my room while I was getting ready to meet you. - The words came out quickly and I shoved both hands into my pants pockets.

-You know I don't care what you wear, right? - Carina let out a low chuckle. - And I don't care how messy your room is.

-I really hope you don't, because I hope you're the cause of my room's mess at the end of the night. - I joked and laughed, Carina's mouth opening in shock. - Look at that, I seem to have left you speechless for the first time tonight.

-I hope it's the first time of many. - She winked at me, and the doors opened in front of us.

Carina walked straight to the front door of my apartment; when we entered, she said she would get some plates for our dinner and even though I was used to eating pizza using my hands, I doubted that an elegant woman like Carina used to do that.

-Can you get the glasses and the wine from the fridge too, please? I'll get the fire going. - I said, pointing to the cabinet where she would find the glasses.

-Of course! - She answered, moving around the kitchen.

I was quite focused on the activity so that I could light the fire safely, smiling at my skills when I managed to light it on the first try, and with the fire poker in hand I stirred the wood.

-Here, Bambina. - Carina handed me a cup. - Can you hold mine for a moment?

-Of course. - I held our cups, sipped from mine, and moaned softly at the delicious taste on my tongue. Carina had asked me to hold her glass so that she could take off her jacket, and I licked my lips unconsciously at the sight.

I watched her movements and drank some more of the wine, Carina smiled sideways as she carefully folded her coat and placed it on the couch. She reached out and took her glass back, drinking the red liquid right away before she approached me without a word and tilted her face towards mine, sealing our lips affectionately. There was no hurry, it was a careful, tender, lip-rubbing that made me sigh.

-I've wanted to do this since the first moment I saw you today. - She whispered as we pulled away. - Should we eat?

-Yes. -I answered with a smile and felt my cheeks warming up.

The pizza was delicious, Carina had eaten two slices and although I had the potential to eat at least three, the nervousness had taken away some of my appetite. Carina was drinking another glass of wine - I was on my third, the first one was gone too quickly as I tried to calm my nerves and I was glad I didn't get drunk easily - sitting next to me on the couch, facing the fireplace.

-What about the movie? - I asked, smiling at her, my fingertips tracing their way from her wrist to the bend in her elbow on the arm resting next to mine.

-I'm not in the mood for a movie if you ask me. - She answered, tilting her head slightly to the side and giving me a smile.

-I love your smile. - I didn't hold back my words and moved my hand so that I could caress one of her cheeks affectionately. - I love everything about you, Carina.

-I don't know what to say. - She laughed softly, and I moved closer, kissing her mouth gently.

-You don't have to say anything. - I was trying to get more comfortable with her; it wasn't difficult when she looked at me with that endearing, warm gaze that melted me inside. - Can we try?

-I really want to. - She replied, still receiving the caress of my hand against her cheek. - I know you feel exposed and vulnerable, are you sure you're okay?

-Yes, yes. -I nodded. - I'm a little nervous, but I want to try.

-Can we go to your room? - She asked softly, and I nodded.

We drank the rest of the wine in our glasses and walked to my room. Each step I took made my heart race a little faster in my chest, but I was confident and determined that this was what I wanted - even though I had no idea what it would be like to face this unknown, or rather, little explored part of my sex life.

-Sit down. - She pointed to the bed, and I did. - Would you be more comfortable if I took my clothes off first?

Comfortable I don't know, but I really wanted to see her undressed.

It was a little strange to be initiating sex with so much dialog, so calmly, even slightly mechanically, without letting passion alone do the talking, but I was happy about it because it gave me time to get used to the situation, to understand each step that was being taken, and I think Carina knew it would do me well.

-Yes. -I answered, feeling my mouth getting dry. The palms of my hands became a little wetter and I rubbed them against the fabric of my pants a few times without averting my eyes from Carina, who smiled at me provocatively, taking her fingers skillfully to the hem of her blouse, freeing it from inside her pants. - Slowly. I want you to undress for me slowly.

Confidence bubbled up inside my chest at that moment, I wanted her, and I hoped she was really willing to share the dominance of that moment with me. Carina didn't seem to mind, she nibbled on her lower lip partially containing a smile and began to open the buttons of her blouse slowly before turning around and pulling it over her head. My eyes wandered over the graceful curve of her back, over a few freckles that spread across her tanned skin, stopping at the white lacy bra she was wearing, and I wanted to get up to open it, but knew I would have to be patient.

Still on her back she opened her pants and started to pull them down and my mouth opened wide when I saw her round ass with a slightly lighter and more discreet bikini mark - probably still from months ago when she was still in Italy - and the middle of my legs gave signs of life, getting wetter at the same time that my mouth went completely dry.

-Should I take the rest off, or do you want to do it yourself? - She asked, turning back to me, and my eyes didn't know where to stop. Her breasts were smaller than mine, but definitely appetizing, and the middle of her legs was a mystery to be unraveled, but all the body parts in between made me want to touch her, kiss her, and lick her.

Carina's body was perfection.

-Yes. - I answered quickly, but when I realized that this was not an acceptable answer to her question I shook my head discreetly, trying to organize my thoughts, and licked my lips before answering again. - Let me do it.

Carina kept smiling and I envied her for being so calm. She approached me with slow steps, and I spread my legs so that she could get as close as possible, brought my hands up to her thighs and made a slow path down to her knees before moving my fingers to the back and then back up to her ass. I leaned my face forward and my lips managed to kiss her flat abdomen. I kissed around her belly button, her flank and the hip bones that pointed slightly outward due to her slender body; my tongue wanted to taste her, wanted to devour Carina's body.

-You're beautiful. - I murmured with my lips still pressed against her skin. The contrast of the white with her naturally tanned skin was doing things to me. I nibbled on the skin of her abdomen before sucking a little harder and hoping it would leave a mark.

-Maya... - Carina moaned softly, her hands now on my shoulders. I lifted my face, resting my chin against her belly, trying to give her my most innocent look.

-Yes? -She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped, as if rethinking what to say.

-Do you want to go first? - She asked, and I raised my eyebrows.

-Is that just to make me more comfortable? - I asked back and kissed her belly two more times while I waited for her answer.

-Yes. - Carina answered softly, still looking at me.

Knowing that she was willing to give in like that made me realize that falling in love with Carina was inevitable. Her attitude was completely different from the night we almost had sex weeks ago, and maybe the Maya from that night would have taken advantage of that to stay within her comfort zone, but if she was giving in, I had to give in, too.

-It's okay, I don't have to go first. - I smiled at Carina, loving her choice of words. I remembered perfectly her words from so many nights ago, she had told me that she would cum much easier if she gave me pleasure first and thinking about how aroused Carina would be after touching me made me want to give myself to her even more. - Should I take off my clothes now?

-Can I do that for you? - She asked back and I nodded.

We switched positions, now she was sitting on the bed, and I was standing between her legs. I bit my lower lip and tried to relax the muscles in my back when I felt her fingers going to my belt to open it, she stared at the movement she was making and bit her lip in desire.

-One day. - She said and looked up, locking her eyes on mine. - You're going to use that belt on me, Maya.

The middle of my legs pulsed at the idea, and I closed my hands tightly to prevent any involuntary sounds from escaping my throat.

-With pleasure. - That's what I said, my voice much huskier than usual.

She moved her fingers again, now undoing the button of my pants and unzipping them slowly before pulling my shirt open and beginning to undo the buttons from bottom to top. As the shirt opened, she kissed her way up my body and the feeling of her warm mouth against my skin made my eyes roll back in their sockets as my head hung back freely. My breathing was heavier and my body much warmer than usual - partially because of the wine, partially because of Carina's wet kisses against my abdomen - and when Carina pulled my shirt off my shoulders, I was happy to be able to feel the slightly cooler air against my skin.

-You look like you've been sculpted. - She moved her hands down my defined abdomen and to tease her I flexed them a little more. She looked up at me and let out a chuckle, and I smiled too, enjoying the effect my body had on the Italian woman. - Now you're just showing off.

-You don't seem to be bothered at all. - I said back with a smug little smile on my lips.

-I'm not. - She spoke before running her tongue along a warm, wet trail across the middle of my abdominal muscles. Her teeth brushed against my skin at each of the six bulges visible on my abdomen. - I liked seeing you in black. It's a nice contrast against your skin.

At least the torment of having that tight bra and G-string shoved up the middle of my ass had been worth it.

-I'm glad you liked it. - I sighed at the words, controlling myself not to bring my hands to the back of her head and guide them to the middle of my legs that burned and clamored for attention.

Carina's fingers went down to the waistband of my pants, slowly pulling them down, and I helped her get rid of them when they wrapped around my ankles. As soon as I stood up again after kicking the piece somewhere in the room that was definitely not important at that moment, Carina turned me on my back to her and let out a loud groan.

-Guarda che bel culo. - Look at that beautiful ass! - The words in Italian coming from Carina made my body shiver. The desire I could so clearly distinguish in her words urged me to give myself completely to that woman. - Vieni qui! - Come here!

Carina pulled me around the waist and kissed my ass, her lips open, her tongue running over my skin while one hand was busy squeezing and massaging the other side. I was slightly nervous, I had never received this kind of touch before, but it was so good that the nervousness was mixed with arousal.

The trail of her kisses trailed up my back and I noticed when Carina stood behind me, the little space between us making her body cling to mine. One of her hands moved my hair over my shoulder while the other remained flat against my ass.

-Sei bellissima! - Having her speak Italian so provocatively against my ear would definitely drive me crazy.

-What did you say? - I asked back.

-You're so beautiful. - She purred against my ear. - Lie on the bed for me, Bella.

I nodded and turned to follow her command but was interrupted by her hands on either side of my face as Carina pulled me into an intense, passionate kiss that took my breath away and made me moan regardless of any shame. I brought my hands to her ass and squeezed it to bring her body even closer to mine, Carina didn't stop the kiss, on the contrary, her tongue entwined with mine in an intimate dance, but the kiss was interrupted by a little scream as I brought my hands down to the back of her thighs and carried her up against my body before turning and climbing onto the bed on my knees still supporting her body glued to mine.

-Dio mio! - She gasped. - That's not what I had in mind, but please carry on.

-You really like this, don't you? - I laughed softly and laid her down on the bed, getting between her legs and leaning over her body.

-Sì. -She smiled and I felt her legs wrap around my waist and cross over the back of my thighs before pulling me back into a kiss.

Her mouth was sweet and addictive, her kiss was everything I wanted for tonight and every other night. I reveled in it and gave myself to Carina without restraint.

-Let me take this off. - Carina brought her hands up to my back and I tensed. I closed my eyes, pressed my lips together and took a deep breath.

I pulled away from Carina, getting on my knees between her legs before running my fingers through my hair. I looked at the woman lying in front of me, now propped up on her elbows, looking at me with curiosity and affection.

-Are you alright? - She asked.

-The first time must be the most difficult one, right? - I asked, letting out a chuckle, and she laughed too. - I feel like I'm a virgin again. Like I'm exposing myself for the first time, it's ridiculous.

-It's not ridiculous. - She said back. - The truth is, I'd love to replace all your memories of your first time if it were possible.

-You're so very sweet. - I stroked her cheek tenderly and moved so that I could lie down next to her. - Come kiss me.

Carina didn't say anything else, just turned on her side and kissed me. Her slender body was soon on top of mine and it was a wonderful sensation to feel her warmth, her weight, her curves molding to mine.The Italian woman took one hand to the edge of my bra and I arched my back, giving her enough room to go to the lacy clasp on my back and she was as skillful as I imagined, it didn't take long to free my breasts from the tightness that the black lace provided.

The kiss ceased, my body hot, my sex wet, and now my breasts exposed. Carina's eyes seemed to want to devour me, they were fixed on my breasts and my nipples ached from the excitement and pointed in Carina's direction since they were already so hard.

-I'm not going to keep asking you all the time if you're okay, I don't think I'll be able to stop long enough to ask you that from now on. - Carina spoke, her flat hands now stroking my breasts and I arched my back toward her touch, moaning softly and letting my body react freely. - But if you want to stop at any point, just say the word and I'll stop, okay?

-Okay. - I gasped back. - I'm not used to this, just go slowly, please?

-Sure, Bambina! I'll take my time with you! - She smiled and finally looked into my eyes.

Carina didn't let go of my breasts, she opened her hands as wide as possible to capture as much of the volume as she could, yet she leaned toward my body and licked my lips teasingly, urging me to open my mouth in a frustrated attempt to capture her tongue. My eyes remained closed and rolled to the back of my head as I felt her torturously slow massage on my breasts, the sensation was pure pleasure, a pleasure that warmed me and made me wetter and wetter.

Carina's mouth clung to mine and the mixture of her touch and her kiss - slow, wet and teasing - made me moan freely as I surrendered to the Italian.

When her hands stopped squeezing the volume of my breasts and sought out both my nipples, squeezing them between thumb and forefinger, I thought my brain would explode from so much pleasure.  My hips pitched upward with such ferocity as the pleasurable sensation traveled from my nipples directly to the middle of my legs.

-Fuck! Carina, slow down... Please. - I moaned the words as I broke away from the kiss and she obeyed immediately, her squeezes against my nipples getting lighter. - It's too much pleasure.

-It can never be too much pleasure, Bambina. - She spoke back, rubbing her nose against my neck before she began to distribute kisses over the area. - Can I suck them?

-Carina... - I wanted to answer yes, but I was too overwhelmed by the sensations my body was experiencing that night. I could feel my wetness already running down and wetting the inside of my thighs and I seemed to already feel the familiar tension of my orgasm forming in my lower abdomen. Everything was too intense.

-I'll go slowly. - She insisted, her accent definitely thicker and leaving me completely surrendered.

-Okay. - I swallowed hard, opening my eyes and watching as the woman moved her kisses from my neck down to my chest and then ran the tip of her tongue over my pink, swollen bud. - Oh, God!

My hands went to Carina's hair, my fingers tangled in the strands as I was torn between pulling them so she would back off and arching my back wanting more of her touch. Her warm, wet tongue circled my areola and I moaned loudly in response.

I opened my legs a little wider because maybe less pressure and contact with my clit would help me control myself a little more, but my mind was lost and confused by the pleasure, I didn't know what to do rationally and was about to surrender without restraint, without any rationality at all, just zeroing in on my thoughts and letting the pleasure rule my body's responses.

It was much more pleasure than I ever imagined I would feel. I never developed much of a taste for nipple play, people didn't touch me there, even I didn't use to caress myself in that way, and I never thought I could feel so much pleasure from that act. The pleasure I felt was close to that of masturbation, Carina was touching me, licking and sucking me as if she knew exactly what I needed - and maybe she really did.

Carina licked one nipple and then the other, pleasure and more pleasure was felt by me, goose bumps ran through my skin as my hips moved up and down - even though I kept my legs spread - in search of any contact or friction that would cause me any relief. My clit pulsed rhythmically, my entrance contracted and relaxed intensely, and when Carina finally sucked my nipple hard, I cried out in pleasure.

-Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! - My back was coming off the bed as my abdominal muscles contracted, my eyes closed tightly, and Carina wouldn't let go of my sensitive skin. - I think I'm going to cum! Carina, stop...

But she didn't stop – and if I were to be honest, I didn’t want her to do so – or rather, she stopped only to take the free nipple between her lips and suck it hard into her mouth while her tongue continued to stroke the sensitive bud.

-I'm going to... - I was so close, the throbbing in between my legs more intense as my muscles contracted and my breath caught in my throat. - Fuck! Don't stop, don't stop, please don't stop!

The breast free from her mouth was massaged by her long fingers, the junction of her mouth and her fingers squeezing me was the perfect combination for a wave of endorphins to travel through every nerve ending in my body and my brain to be flooded with incomparable pleasure as a powerful orgasm overtook me.

-Carina! - I screamed her name at the top of my lungs as shock waves made my body contract repeatedly. The waves of my orgasm were clear and intense, white heat running through my veins and clouding my brain. A heavenly feeling. - Baby, stop... I need to... I need to breathe.

This woman is going to kill me with pleasure!