
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

The little Heroine

Evelyn swallowed hard. "Hey,same goes for you." She said furrowing her eyebrows. Liam shruggled his shoulders. "I have enemies from the day I was born until now and ofcaurse in the future. So I have to kill them if they try to harm me. It's natural for me as I started murdering my foes since I was five." He uttered truthfully. Evelyn's eyes widened in shock. "You killed people at such a young age? What a hearless creature!" Liam lowered his gaze. "I would have died then If I hadn't killed them first." He softly whispered. He still remembered the first person who got killed by his own hands. That was scary like a terrible nightmare. He still didn't forget how his hands covered in his enemy's blood. He was so helpless and he didn't have his mother by his side. Only his beloved grandma was there to console him. He had a horrible childhood and it was all thanks to his merciless mother.According to Liam, she was 'THE MOST SELFISH WOMAN HE HAD EVER MET IN HIS LIFE.'

Evelyn felt pity towards him.Contrary to him,she got a very beautiful and sweet childhood apart from that incident which she faced when she was seven or eight years old. Evelyn patted Liam's shoulder lovingly. It was her turn to change the topic. Her voice became energetic as she said," You don't know how I killed my one and only prey untill today before I killed those hooligans!" Liam chuckled. "Then tell me my dear little heroine how and why you killed your first prey?" He asked playfully. 'Little heroine?' It sounded nice to her ears. She smiled charmingly like a spring breeze. She pounced on him and started dragging him along the road. "Let's go back to our hotel room. I'll tell you the whole story when we reach there." Liam obediently let her drag him towards a taxi. Soon they arrived at their luxurious hotel room.Evelyn put her bag on the coffee table and comfortably sat down on the giant sofa in the middle of the room. Liam sat beside her and elegantly crossed his slender legs like a royalty.He put his chin on his lifted hand and glanced at the beauty beside him."So?" He questioned.Evelyn repeated, "So???" Liam softly laughed. "How could you forget it that easily, you little bimbo!? I'm asking about that story you promised to tell me." Evelyn glared at him. "I'm not a bimbo!" She cried out. "I'm the best psychia..." She quickly covered her mouth using both of her hands. She wanted to slap herself hard. Yep,he was right. She was a bimbo,a fool,a nutcase. How could she expose herself like that? Evelyn's face paled instantly. She was done for.

"You are the best what? Why did you stop midway?" Liam pressured her for an answer. Actually the thing was he had known who she was from the very beggining and even before her arrival at his mansion. He knew that his grandpa and father were struggling to cure his 'illness.' And they tried their best to cure him by hiring various types of psychiatrists. He knew all of it very well. Sometimes he felt sympathy towards them because he WASN'T A PERSON WITH A MENTAL ILLNESS! But only a few people knew this secret. Initially he wanted to tell the truth to his father and grandfather but later he dropped that idea. It wasn't like they would believe him anyway.He knew that during this century,no one would believe his real reason towards his problem with being uncomfortable around others. So better to name it as a mental disorder.

Liam was tired of getting therapies,check ups,medicine and everything.He knew that they were useless.He was thinking of the ways to bring this matter to an end when he heard his grandfather's abnormal decision to hire a rookie as his psychiatrist. He wondered why and he got curious. All the psychiatrists who were brought by granda were extremely professional and had years of experience. She had no experience and...and...she was a lady! Only male psychiatrists had treated his illness before. So he wanted to know how this young lady was going to cure him. Unexpectedly the reaction she made when they met for the first time left him dumbfounded but at the same time he was attracted to this cute and shameless girl, heh hee! He wondered why she introduced herself as his girlfriend.However he liked it so instead of getting angry or chasing her out of his house he decided to accept her as his girlfriend.Yeah, it was literally love at first sight!

As time passed, he fell for her even more and he had that weird feeling that he couldn't live without her.He was surprised by his own naive feelings. He never had such kind of feelings before.Gradually he decided to confess his love for her. Before that he wanted to check whether she would open upto him or not. But to his dissapoinment,she lied that she was one of his family friends. He had his own secrets too. For an example he was the boss of the Anastasia mafia gang which conquered the D city and overseas. Thus he forgave her for lying to him. He could understand her reasons. He had his own reasons for hiding his real identity too. Therefore he didn't care about her lies. All he wanted from her was her sincere love for him. Because he saw different kinds of people especially money grabbing gold diggers. Not to mention that he hated them the most. He still remembered the day he almost lost his virginity because of a gold digging woman who wanted to take advantage of him and get a compensate later by sleeping with him when he was drunk at a bar. He punished her siverely for her crime but still he couldn't erase the disgust from his mind.

When he spent time with Evelyn for longer and longer he could feel that she loved him back sincerely as he wished. She wasn't a gold digger like most of the women out there.Thus he decided to marry the love of his life and give her the happiness in the world and protect her, love her and cherish her. That's why he decided to propose to her. As expected she agreed to his proposal. If she was a smart woman and didn't love him back, she wouldn't dare to go that far. It clearly showed and confirmed that she loved him as much as he loved her. So he was at ease and all of his doubts vanished into thin air. He decided not to test her love for him again.He only wanted to love her even more and spend time with her.

"Liaaam! Are you listening to me?!" Evelyn's raised voice broke him out of his reverie. "Huh? What did you say?" He asked awkwardly. Evelyn angrily crossed her arms on her chest and huffed. "I won't repeat myself, AGAIN! Hmph!" Liam gave her a pleading look. "Honey,It's my fault. Please forgive me and tell your story once again.Pleeease! I'm curious to know." If Jacob or his men saw him pleading and begging someone like that,they would probably freak out.He never had a begging type persona and thanks to Evelyn he finally understood how it felt like to beg someone. He would only beg his girlfriend and no one else because,to him, the most significent person in his life was the girl next to him. He could do anything for her. Pleading her was just a piece of cake. He didn't feel embarrassed at all instead he was proud at himself because after begging her for a while he finally convinced her to change her mind and talk about her story.

"I was fifteen back then. My brother was responsible to teach me some self defensive skills and shooting skills. My father never allowed me to do 'USELESS THINGS!' In his eyes I only needed to do things which are beneficial for me.learning medicine for my career. Learning Spanish,Japanese and Chinese languages for future needs.Learning how to cook,clean house and do laundries to be a better wife. He said even if I don't need to cook or do house chores,I still have to learn them otherwise I won't be able to manage my servants properly in the future.

When I asked his permission to let me learn music and dancing he firmly refused saying it's useless. Hmph! However I sneakilly managed to do that.Anyways back to main topic! Father didn't reject my brother's idea when he asked him to allow me to learn those self defensive skills.Just like that I learned them pretty good.

It was the new year season so our servants went to visit their families.For some reason I was all alone inside my house that day. I guess Eddie went overseas for studies.Yep. And my parents probably went to visit our relatives. No,no. Only mother because father had no time as he was always into company matters even if it was the new year season.-Sigh- He was so busy! I usually disliked family gatherings thus I didn't accompany my mother,I think.Whatever! I can't remember all the details. It was many years ago after all. Nine years,right? Somehow I was home alone.

I was in my room minding my own business when I heard a noise coming from the living room. It was still evening. Never in my wildest dreams I expect a thief to rob our house in the freaking daylight! I saw him holding some precious items he stole from the living room. As soon as he saw me,he put all of them aside to chase after me.I was horrified and started running.

"Hey little girl,All these precious treasures are nothing infront of your beauty. You are priceless. Let big brother enjoy your taste my sweet cupcake." He flirted with me while chasing.I was frightened at the sametime disgusted by his words. I quickly ran to my brother's study room and just like that I trapped inside the room with that disgusting man."Now,where to go,my sweet cupcake? You can only fly or dissapear. Oops! I forgot. You can't do both.It's my fault. I mistook you for an angel.Eventhough you look like one,you still aren't." He smiled at me showing his yellow,broken teeth. His evil,wicked smile terrified me to death. But I didn't want to appear weak infront of him. "Let me go!" I blurted out."Not untill I taste you till my heart content,cupcake. After completely tasting you,I will let you go...to heaven! To make you a real angel." He laughed like a maniac.

I stepped back."Oh still retreating,ha? It's useless my darling,cupcake. Save your stamina otherwise you will become exhausted even before I start my performance." He started coming towards me. "Don't come any closer." I yelled. "Bitch,don't scream. Orelse I will kill you right now!" At this moment I suddenly remembered that my brother had a gun inside the drawer of his desk. But he had gone to England.The probability of the gun still kept there was very low. But if a drowning person can hold on to a weak hay tree in order to save his life,why shouldn't I try my luck? I rushed to his desk and pulled out the drawer. Gosh! It was still there.My favourite Koch VP9! And now it's going to be my savior. I thanked my brother inside my mind. Again a negative idea clicked inside my mind. What if the gun has no bullets inside it. Nevermind,atleast I can scare him with it.

"Don't come any closer or rather I will shoot you." I said determinedly. Instead of getting angry,he laughed."An innocent rabbit like you? Shoot me?Don't joke with me,okay? Here,here. Stop fooling around with dangerous items and throw it away otherwise..." "Otherwise what?" I smirked.

He became angry. "You...you bitch! I'm gonna kill you." He stepped forward. I had no choice but to shoot him. I took a deep breath and held the gun using my both hands. I felt my hands trembling but I managed to keep the gun steadily. 'I have practised shooting with a gun before,it's not a big deal' I chanted inside my mind continuously. Then I unlocked Koch VP9 and pointed towards his chest. With a 'bang',I actually shooted him.Blood started dropping out of his chest. He tightly held his chest and laid down on the floor. After struggling for few more minutes,his body finally stopped moving.I instantly dropped the gun to the floor. My body started shaking due to the panick..."

This time Liam interrupted her. "What the hell?! If I was there,I would screw his skin alive and pull out his bones to feed my dogs. How dare he tried to hurt my girl!?The son of a bitch!" He said furiously clenching his both fists. Evelyn hugged him and patted his back in order to calm down his anger. "Don't worry, he's already dead nine years ago." She said.Liam narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Death isn't enough for people no,no animals like him." Then he turned to face her. "Don't worry. I will protect you forever. I won't let anyone harm you ever again." Evelyn smiled warmly. "I know." She mumbled.

"How did you escape from the Police?" He asked curiously. For him,dealing with the law was a tiny piece of cake.He never went to a Police station even after killing so many people. He never killed innocent people. He only hunted bad people. He considered it as a service for the society to wipe off the beasts.To him, it was justified to kill those bad people whom the government scared to touch. If the law was unwilling to punish them,he had no choice but to handle them by his own way. He knew that although Evelyn was from a rich family, they had no power to control the Police or the government. He wondered how she'd managed to get away from Police clutches though she was the real victim. "My father must have done something about that. I really don't know how they solved the problem. Because I got depression for several months after that incident. But now, I'm strong and I don't feel scared to handle the guns and attack those bad people anymore." Liam's heart ached when he heard that. "You got depression?" He asked; his eyes filled with worry. Evelyn softly laughed. "Only for three or four months.It's not a big deal."

How come it wasn't a big deal? Liam,himself faced that situation when he lost his beloved grandma who was the only person who taught him how to care,respect and love others before he met Evelyn. She was the only person who showed him love and gave him protection and warmth. As a child he didn't get any of these things from his mother.His grandma was the only person who lit up his childhood only to drop him to the darkness once again by leaving him when he was six or seven years old. It wasn't her fault. She had to leave him because...because she got killed. His blood boiled everytime he remembered that incident twenty years ago. He vowed inside his mind to seek justice for his loving grandmother.

"You are not listening to me once again."Evelyn pouted her lips. "What's there to think that much, young master Rolando? It's not like you have money problems like poor people." Liam stroked her hair tenderly. "Silly, just because you have money, it doesn't mean you have no problems. Even rich people have their own problems to take care of." "Impossible! You are such a powerful big shot! But you got problems!" She exclaimed. Liam sighed deeply. "I'm a normal human-being, Evelyn." He whispered;his tone filled with sorrow. Evelyn's heart ached when she heard his sad and helpless voice."Don't worry about your problems anymore. I will always stay by your side and help you solve all of them." She said determinedly. Liam found it so cute and adorable. All his sadness and worries faded away instantly. "I...know." He declared kissing her cheeks. "And I love you!"