
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

The Investigation

It was nearly 10 p.m.When Evelyn fell to a deep sleep, Liam carefully pulled out his hand which was wrapped around her tiny, slim waist. Then he sneakily got down from the giant bed,very slowly without making a sound like a thief. He looked at his girl, who was sleeping peacefully without making a noise and then he grabbed his phone from the bedside table and headed towards the spacious balcony and closed the balcony door behind him.

Liam dialed a number and with just a one ring, it immediately connected. Looked like the other party was waiting for his phone call. "Hello,boss. Everything is ready. We caught the leader of this team and he is wearing a mask and doesn't say a word. We didn't do anything to them. Just locked them up in the dark room and currently waiting for your command to take actions." An eneregic voice of a young boy sounded from the otherside. It seemed like he was adjusted to his boss's attitude and personality. That's why without waiting for him to speak,he reported everything to him right away.

Liam uttered only a single word. "Good." However his one word made the boy so happy. It looked like he was able to successfully do the job and satisfy his boss. Getting a compliment from his boss like finding a needle in a haystack after all. So it was no wonder he became that happy. Liam paised their deed especially because he worried about his girlfriend's safety. Their punctual arrival made him bring her out safely. Thus he couldn't help but praise them only because of her. If his men knew that how much he pampered and cherished his girlfriend,they would probably worship her hence she could tell a few good words about them infront of their boss.

"Boss,are you going to come here to deal with them by yourself? If so, should we send a car to pick you up?" The boy asked. "Okay." Again only a one word! Did he consider words as golden or diamonds?

After that Liam hung up the phone. He took off his pajamas and wore a black shirt with a pair of black pants. It specified his cold aura as he was in a murderous mood because of that idiotic gang who ruined his precious time with Evelyn and provoked him,a sleeping tiger,unnecessarily. He was now ready to pay them back for offending him.Not long after,a black Rolls-Royce stopped infront of Hôtel du Louvre. But no one came out of the car. Liam simply left the hotel and got in the car and sat in the backseat."Leave" he demanded. Just like that soon they arrived at the airport. "Boss, you can take the flight to Canada at anytime. We've arranged your private jet." The driver said;switching off the engine. "No need to waste time.Let's go now as I still have to come back before morning." Liam uttered while stepping out of the car. "Okay boss,right away."

Using his private plane,Liam reached Canada within only four hours and it was four and half an hours earlier than the average flight time as it normally took eight hours and twenty four minutes to reach there. It was all thanks to his private plan which was made using gold.

Soon Liam headed towards the main building of the Anastasia mafia gang. The boy who called him earlier over the phone was waiting for him to arrive as he was standing outside like a lonely puppy who was waiting to see his master after a long time.

"Boss,You came earlier than I thought." He exclaimed as soon as he saw his boss. "Hmm..." Liam took off his coat and handed over it to one of his men. "Let's go now and put an end to this craziness." A girl with silver hair said determinedly while clenching her fists.Liam smirked at her. "You are eager than me,Sarah." She snorted. "No one dares to openly challenge you but those dogs exceeded the limit. It's an insult not only for you but also for our gang. So ofcaurse I'm impatient and my hands are itching to finish them. I only stopped because of this idiot." She said pointing at the young boy beside Liam. Liam chuckled."Don't blame him. And speaking of that bastards..." He paused and his expression changed in three hundred and sixty degrees. "I'll take care of them." He stated with bloodshot eyes while turning his hands to tight balls.

As Liam entered the dark room, his men carried a man who was wearing a mask and pushed him to the floor. He dropped to the floor kneeling infront of Liam. Liam's lips curled up into an evil smile. "Hoh! Look at you.Is your face that valuable not to show infront of others? Is it the reason for you to wear a mask and hide your precious face from others?" He asked sarcastically. But the young man who appeared to be in his early thirties didn't utter a single word as he kept sitting in the same position, motionlessly. Liam became angrier. He motioned to his men and one of them came forward and took off the man's mask. Liam kicked his back hard and he instantly collapsed to the ground hitting his face hard on the rough floor. His nose broke and it started bleeding. Even his forehead swelled.

"Bastard,who's that dog who ordered you to attack me? Who's that son of a bitch who dared to challenge me?" Liam roared. This time that man didn't keep quiet. He smirked playfully while wiping off the blood from his nose. "Go and take a look at yourself in the mirror. You can see who it is for yourself." He said mockingly. Liam stepped forward and gave him a tight kick on his chest. "scoundrel, you have guts to joke with me, haa???" The man fell to the ground on his back. He felt like his backbone was broken. He winced in pain.However he didn't stop his mockery. "Although you aren't identical twins,you both have lots of similarities in appearance,ha ha haa..." He coughed a mouthful of blood. Then his voice turned cold. "Everytime he looks at in the mirror he hates himself because it reminds him about you,the rascal who destroyed his everything. He simply despises you." "What nonsense are you talking about?" Liam yelled and grabbed his neck forcefully. The man's face reddened due to lack of air. He couldn't breath and he started shacking while sweating hard. He felt like his throat was broken. Liam released his neck. As soon as he did it, the man started coughing non-stop. While coughing he managed to speak again. "The main difference is the eye colour though.Fortunately he has green eyes unlike you." This time Liam didn't get mad and didn't hit him like he'd done before. Instead he got curious.Who was their boss who looked so much like him? He wondered. Something was wrong. He thought of different ways but he still couldn't figure it out.Finally an idea popped up in his mind. Was he related to him by blood? That made sense. Liam squatted down infront of the sweaty and bloody man and asked in a low voice,"Is he related to me by blood?" The man started laughing like a madman. "Impressive! Quite impressive! You are so smart! This time our boss met a suitable enemy of his level. He will be happy to play this game with you." Liam didn't pay any further heed to that man as he confirmed his doubts. He stood up and called out to the young boy. He rushed to Liam's side like an arrow.

Liam pointed towards the bloody man and said, "Charlie, do whatever you want to him and find information about my enemy, also my seem-to-be relative. You have two days." Charlie took out his weapon box and patted it lightly. "Don't worry boss. Two days is more than enough for me." He stated proudly. Inside his box, there were lots of weapons like hammers, sticks,poles,pointed sharp weapons,knives,daggers,etc. which he used to pester and torment the enemies to grab information out of their mouths. Liam nodded slightly and left the place.