

Two people on diametrically opposed paths. The one has been looking for his Fated Mate and a former lover, while the other has been looking for someone to whom he can give his heart, trust, and give him freedom and a peaceful life. What would happen if they happened to run into each other one day? What about the secrets they've been keeping all this time? What happened in their past? What will happen to them? Will they ever find love again? Or will they be swayed by Lust? WARNING: THIS IS MATURE CONTENT. CREDITS TO THE REAL OWNER OF THE PICTURES AND ART. THEY'RE NOT MINE. I JUST EDITED SOME THINGS A LITTLE. PLS LET ME BORROW IT FOR A WHILE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

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31 Chs



"Ah? You've arrived!" Hao Mingyu yelled from behind the counter. His gentle face was adorned with a wide smile. When Hao Mingyu heard the bells chime on the glass door, he immediately raised his head to greet the newcomer.

But what he didn't expect was the person who had just arrived, dressed all in black, with a watch on his firm wrist, slick black hair combed nicely, golden yellowish eyes, and a blank face.It was Hei Bao.

"Oh, y-you're alone? Cheung Qi must be very busy at the moment. " Hao Mingyu scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Hao Mingyu felt awkward and uneasy because Hei Bao stared at Hao Mingyu without blinking, hands in his pocket, from the moment he walked into the cafe.

Hei Bao was still staring at him after a long moment, while Hao Mingyu kept his hands busy scribbling in the small notes to avoid Hei Bao's stare.

'What's the matter with this guy? How come he keeps staring at me?'

"I'd like to order a coffee," Hei Bao said softly into Hao Mingyu's ears. Hao Mingyu raised his head and placed the pen on the table before pushing it aside. He smiled gently before excusing himself and going to the kitchen. Hei Bao, on the other hand, was perplexed. He could faintly smell a sweet scent when Cheung Qi brought him to the cafe the other day. That scent had vanished like a bubble, as if it had never existed.

He was irritated, but he maintained a calm posture and a blank expression. Hei Bao, in particular, abandoned his work and piled papers like a mountain to see if what he had smelled that day was genuine. What a letdown. Hao Mingyu excused himself, so Hei Bao scanned the room for an open seat. He noticed one near the glass door and went over to sit. As he stared at the table, his legs and arms crossed in his chest, his brow furrowed, he was deep in thought.

'What the hell is going on?'

'Was it just my imagination?'

'But I thought I had found that person.'

'Is it really not true at all?'

He let out a sigh. Perhaps it's because he didn't eat breakfast at the time. Yes, maybe.

A knock on the table interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up to see Chu Yan standing beside him, staring at him with her purple eyes. She wore a short-fitted black skirt and a white fited top that showed off her curved body, a silvery shoulder bag that hung on her shoulder, plain black high heels, and her curly ash brown hair tied in a ponytail that showed off her well-shaped baby face.

"So I wasn't just seeing things?" she exclaimed.

Hei Bao glared at her before she could finish her sentence.

"D-director," she added.

"What brings you here?" Hei Bao inquired, his voice deep and raspy. But for Chu Yan, it's nothing more than his director speaking.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, Director Bao. It's snack time." Chu Yan gave him a friendly smile. Hei Bao simply stares at her, his face expressionless. There is no sign of interest. She sat in front of Hei Bao in the empty chair, unconcerned about her.

"Mind your own business," Hei Bao said flatly, turning away from her and looking over at the glass window. Outside, he saw moving cars and people walking back and forth reflected in his golden and yellowish eyes. The sun was a little hot outside, but the tinted window kept it from hurting his eyes.

Not long after, Hao Mungyu arrived with a coffee in his big, calloused hand, and he was surprised to see Chu Yan sitting next to Hei Bao. So she explained that she was working on Hei Bao's company with Cheung Qi. While the two friends were talking, Hei Bao remained silent, listening in on their conversation and occasionally taking a sip of his coffee.

"What happened to A-Lian? I hadn't seen him since I arrived here yesterday "Chu Yan inquired.

"𝖠-𝖫𝗂𝖺𝗇. He has a hangover. He went out last night and had a drink with a-Cheng "Hao Mingyu responded. His voice is trembling. Hei Bao was uninterested, but he could clearly hear them talking.

"Seriously. I honestly don't know what he's thinking sometimes, "Chu Yan sighed.

"I'm the same way. Have you tried calling him today?" Hao Mingyu. Hei Bao lifted the coffee near his mouth and took a sip before putting it down, his gaze fixed on the window beside him.

"I didn't. I was so preoccupied that I forgot." Chu Yan sighed once more.

"I had made him breakfast and soup before I left the house. I'm curious if he's already eaten." Hao Mingyu.

"Why don't you give him a call?" Chu Yan inquired about it.

"I, too, forgot. Earlier, the cafe was packed with customers "Hao Mingyu responded.

"What's the point of imbibing alcoholic beverages? He won't be able to find 'that guy' if he's already in the coffin. " Hao Mingyu lightly smacked Chu Yan's head, causing her to pout.

"He still has his soul. His soul will track down 'him.' "Hao Mingyu stated.

"What if he was still drinking himself to death? He's going to die a second time "Chu Yan stated. Hao Mingyu smacked her head again, a little harder this time.

"𝖮𝗎𝖼𝗁! Ming-ge, can't you understand a joke? My head hurts "Chu Yan yelled in hushed tones, rubbing the back of her head.

"That's what you get for saying stupid things," Hao Mingyu chuckled quietly.

Chu Yan rolled her eyes at him and said,

"Psh." On his mother's side, Hao Mingyu and Chu Yan are cousins.

They first met when they were both six years old. Hao Mingyu is always calm and gentle, whereas Chu Yan is always playful, sometimes stupid, and a cry-baby. Chu Yan once fell and rolled down the stairs from the second floor to the first floor while they were playing inside Hao Mingyu's house.

Everyone heard a loud sound coming from the hall, so they rushed there in fear, only to find Chu Yan sitting on the ground. She was just staring at her legs, which terrified them. They expected her to cry, but she just sat there as if nothing had happened, as if she wasn't hurt at all. When she let out her cute voice, everyone gasped.

"Mom? I think my leg is broken "Her mother looked at her child in disbelief and shock.

"Yo-- does it hurt?" Chu Yan's mother inquired, her face tense and her voice worried. Mao Mingyu's parents were stunned and couldn't say anything.

"𝘏𝘶𝘳𝘵? What's that? "She asked her mother again, perplexed, shocking everyone.

"Aiya... I have no idea what that brat is doing right now," Chu Yan says.

"Maybe he'll start chugging beer again. I bought 5 bottles of wine before I left and stored them in the refrigerator "Hao Mingyu said calmly to Chu Yan, smiling.

"Ah! Are you attempting to murder your own brother? " Chu Yan's voice became louder, but only loud enough for the three of them to hear. Her purple eyes widened.

"What kind of brother are you?! My neck, aiyah "Chu Yan rubbed the back of her neck while closing her eyes.

"He was here the other day," Hao Mingyu continued, causing Hei Bao to pause and cast a glance at Hao Mingyu. He's not sure why, but he became nervous all of a sudden. He sat upright again like a gentleman, leaning back in his chair, then secretly listened very carefully to the two's ongoing conversation. His eyes were fixed on the outside, but his ears were not.

"That was my last encounter with him. I came here because I wanted to see him again today, "Chu Yan said.

"So, how about Cheung Qi? Why did you come here by yourself when you have a boyfriend?" Hao Mingyu inquired. Chu Yan's eyes widened as he heard that sentence and looked at Hei Bao. When she noticed that her boss was uninterested, she gave Hao Mingyu a signal to stop talking. Hao Mingyu nodded, as if he understood Chu Yan's situation.

"He's just a friend, nothing more. And it's possible he's preoccupied. This morning, I hadn't seen him. " Chu Yan expressed her trepidation. Then he cast a quick glance at Hei Bao.

"That brother of yours must not have eaten breakfast yet. Is he attempting suicide?" Chu Yan brought up the previous topic again to divert attention away from the tense atmosphere in the room.

She rested her chin on her palms and rested both elbows on the table. Hei Bao was about to open his mouth to speak when his phone rang. When he pulled it from his pocket and saw Cheung Qi's name on the screen, he excused himself to answer the phone outside.

"In any case, what do you want?" Hao Mingyu inquired about Chu Yan, recalling that the other was in the cafe for a snack. He took his small notes and pen from his pocket, ready to write down whatever Chu Yan desired.

"I don't have the appetite I used to have. I'll make your business screw up today," Chu Yan said sluggishly, not looking at him. The glass door reopened, and the bells chimed once more. Hei Bao reappeared, his face expressionless.

"Do you intend to continue speaking? Let's go. Snack time has come to an end "When Hei Bao was close to the table again, he said. He then took his black coat, which was hanging on the chair, and left first, getting into his car and driving away. Chu Yan stood up and was about to leave when she was stopped by a hand on her wrist. Hao Mingyu was perplexed when she looked down at her wrist.

"A-Yan," Hao Mingyu said, smiling at Chu Yan. Informing her that the coffee has yet to be paid for. She scoffed and took her wallet from her pocket. After paying for her boss's coffee, all she could do was huff and leave.

To be continued.


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