

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

FateAuthor · Anime e quadrinhos
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34 Chs

Chapter Six: Before the Grail War Part #2

Shirou POV

I sighed watching my brother leave I picked up my tea drinking a few sips until my attention was stolen by the tv "In our next story workers in New City's office district passed out and were taken directly to the hospital late last night according to the police the victims seem to be suffering from hypoxia when asked about the cause they believed it to be the result of a gas leak,"

I looked up at Sakura "you hear that Sakura seems like there's been another gas leak...that's disturbing news we'll need to be more careful to," I said with a bit of worry. Sakura smiles "No need to worry senpai I always double check the gas valve so were safe," she said without a tone of worry I scratched the back of my head "...I think you missed the point I was trying to make," I replied rather awkwardly.

-timeskip to the school-

"Then Shinji took the broken part of the bench and started using it to block arrows but since he couldn't get to Ayako without getting his face impaled, he threw the closest thing at her that's how the heater got involved," said the class president Issei Ryuudou I frowned "truly it was the real victim here," I said tinkering around with the heater.

"Give it to me straight Shirou can it be saved?" Issei asked, "Oh yeah it's fine nothing that I can't fix it just needs some tape and some sweet delicate love," I replied with a smile gently tapping the surface of the heater.

Issei sighed with relief "your methods are strange Emiya...however I don't know why you won't let me watch whenever you fix the electronics," he said as I removed the top part of the heater to get a closer look "well a man's got to have space to perform his craft but seriously if you want this thing fixed, I am going to have to ask you to step outside," I requested calmly.

Issei stood up to leave "right right got to perform your magic as it were," he said before closing the door I looked back down at the heater and placed my palm on it "trace...on!" I chanted using structural analysis to see what needed to be fixed.

My eyes widen with shock "well...what do you know it does just need tape," I said before sighing "truly I do the work of hero's," I muttered getting the tape out.

"Tohsaka!" came the outside shout of Issei "well if it isn't the school president are you patrolling the campus this early in the morning? Or perhaps making maintenance rounds for the club rooms? Not that I care either way. Still, you're ever the diligent student," said the voice of Rin Tohsaka.

"And just what exactly do you have up your sleeve? Why are you here so early when you aren't in any clubs" Issei questioned "I felt like it that's all," Tohsaka replied. I put the heater down having finished fixing it and went outside to see what was happening. Sliding the door open "oi Issei I managed fix it," I announced.

Issei quickly stopped what he was doing and came over apologizing for not helping and then he started rambling about what needed to be fixed next, but I wasn't paying too much attention instead I was more focused on Tohsaka wondering why she was here so early I couldn't help but comment on it "your here early..Tohsaka," she huffed before walking away.

That is until half second later she collided with someone "Ugh watch were your-" Tohsaka stopped halfway through having caught sight of who she crashed into my brother William Emiya or as he's known here at school the cool delinquent of homurahara and was also the number one most popular person with Tohsaka being second.

If you ever saw these two interacting with each other there's only one thing to expect... chaos. "Well, well, if it isn't Rin Tohsaka. I wonder what you could possibly be up to so early in the morning," came the cool, cold tone of my brother. I could hear Tohsaka gritting her teeth as she tried to regain her composure.

"Oh, great just the person I wanted to see," Tohsaka retorted her competitive nature flaring up in the presence of her rival "as if you don't cause enough trouble around here already Emiya,"

William eyes narrowed unfazed by her sharp remark "trouble? Me? I'm just trying to keep this place interesting, unlike someone who's always stuck in their books heh no matter what you do you'll always be...second best remember that," he said in a sharp tone before walking past her in my direction.

He looks at the heater in my hands and frowns "fixing the heaters again Shirou?" he asked as I shook my head in affirmative, he looked at me like he wanted to say something but noticed Issei's presence "Ryuudou," he said tensely and Issei replies with the same amount of tension "Emiya," William turns his gaze and walks away.

I sighed over the years since Kiritsugu had passed I've tried to start helping everyone around me in hopes of achieving my dream of becoming a hero of justice but when Wiliiam asked what it means to be a hero of justice for me I explained that it meant protecting and helping everyone in front of me it wasn't the right thing to say as right after that we started arguing.

He kept saying that I shouldn't have to risk everything even my life which I would gladly do for the sake of random people that I didn't even know.

I snapped out my thoughts when Issei tapped on my shoulder "are you alright Shirou?" he asked with concern I shook my head "yeah I am fine Issei," I replied with a fake smile.

Issei nodded his head "between you and me Shirou I don't know who's worse that red devil Tohsaka or that delinquent brother of yours...no offense," he commented "no I know that deep down that my brother and Tohsaka are good people they just don't show that all," I said watching William's retreating figure.

-end of chapter six part #2-

Next chapter which is 7 part #3 Lancer and Archer duke it out.