

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

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Chapter Seven: Before the Holy Grail War Part #3

William POV

I sat in the class watching as everyone settled in Fuji-nee still wasn't here, so I took this opportunity to catch up on some sleep it was very rare that I did so most nights whenever I slept, I always kept dreaming of that fire.

Sometimes I had even stranger dreams for example last night I had seen two knights one was that same figure that I had once saw before when dad had saved me and the other was dressed almost identically except the figure was completely covered in white and red armor. It was confusing to me, yet it also provided me a great boon for every move they executed in their fight I was able to instantly copy.

So, it was no great surprise to me when I started dreaming of that same figure once more only this time the figure's face was revealed to me, she had golden hair that was tied up in a bun, a blue battle dress along with silver armor, and finally green eyes it seems as though she was busy fighting against someone with two spears.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but the next thing I knew they started going at it with each other allowing me to witness a battle that was beyond normal I already knew most of the girl's moves, so I paid more attention to the spearman's techniques.

The dream shifted suddenly as the same woman was now up against a black cladded knight with a red visor this time I could hear what was being said.

"ARTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR!!" The knight roared like a beast before grabbing a pole which turned black with red lines on it, he jumped in the air slamming the pole down on the girl's face which she quickly blocked with her blade.

The dream was about to move forward when I felt an annoying arrogant like voice shouting, I snapped my eyes open with irritation "I was wondering what you've been up to since you quit the club Emiya," came the disgusting voice of Shinji Matou the very same voice that had just woken me up.

My attention then turned towards both my brother and Issei who looked like he wanted to say something but Shirou stopped him "if you need anything you can tell me Shinji if it's something I can help with then I will," he said making me frown for the second time this day but then I smirked hearing what he said next "you were never really good at restringing and mending bows," indirectly insulting Shinji.

But before Shinji could reply the bell rang and Fuji-nee had arrived which signified that class had finally started. I didn't pay all that much attention to her class with my insane photographic memory and mimicking skills I was able to easily learn the English language compared to Shirou who could barely speak a few sentences.

The hour passed and soon enough it was time for lunch I quickly packed up my stuff and went up to the rooftop to eat my lunch but to my surprise I had also found Rin Tohsaka my 'rival' in this school along with a personality that was to annoying for my tastes yet the moment I entered I felt something watching me.

This presence felt kind of familiar to me I thought with narrowed eyes when I was suddenly shaken out of my thoughts by Tohsaka "and just what do you think you're doing here Emiya!" she exclaimed with a hidden tone of anger.

I shrugged taking a seat that was far away from her "nothing just came here to eat my lunch I didn't think I would encounter you here though Tohsaka what were you doing? People might think...your up to something," I said while taking a bite out of the sushi that Sakura had prepared for me.

"Tch it's none of your business as to what I was doing hmmph!" she said with a huff I chuckled taking another bite out of my bento and smirked playfully "you're right it's none of my business but you know what they say curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction brought it back," I teased raising an eyebrow at her.

Tohsaka scowled clearly not amused by my light-hearted remark "you're impossible, Emiya. Always so cold and nonchalant," she retorted her competitive spirit never far from the surface.

"I could say the same to you always cold to those around you just think of all the hearts you broken up and till now," I replied in a monotone voice before continuing "but let's put our differences aside for once, shall we? We're both prodigious students attending this prestigious academy so we might as well enjoy our lunch together, right?"

She hesitated for a moment then gave a reluctant nod "fine, just this once but don't expect me to do this again," she warned.

As we ate in silence the feeling of being watched lingered in the back of my mind, but it was strange this sensation was different almost nostalgic for some reason.

I shook my head and closed my bento box "well I'd say it's been a pleasure but then that would be a lie wouldn't it so until next time," I said leaving the rooftop.

The rest of the day has passed classes remained boring as usual and I still hadn't even gotten a single new job from Raiga-jisan I knew that Shirou was most likely taking his time fixing some more things, so I waited outside the school gates.

When he did finally leave, he seemed to surprised to see me waiting for him "William? What are you doing here?" he questioned I rose a brow "well...I figured since there's been a lot of incidents lately, I thought we should go home together," I replied awkwardly but it seemed to have made Shirou happy "that's great...I guess we should probably head home quickly otherwise Fuji-nee and Sakura might get worried," he said as we began walking back home.

The walk was silent but then we noticed our path being blocked by a girl with white hair and red eyes it seemed like she was waiting for us I thought. The moment we finally passed she muttered darkly under her breath "If you both don't summon yours's soon enough, you'll both die big brothers,"

Swiftly I turned around to ask what she meant while Shirou jumped in surprise but when we did look back, she was gone...was this a magecraft user I thought calmly analyzing our surroundings, but it seems like she really disappeared "well that was...rather ominous," I commented making Shirou nod "yeah we should probably hurry up on back," he replied.

-end of chapter seven part #3-

next chapter we will finally get to the actual start of the plot so cheers.

Also, for those that are wondering what presence William was feeling it was a certain person named actually Satan tehehe.

You guys have no Idea how tempted I was to put in a fate/cero reference with Lancelot talking to rider about his ability to turn anything into a noble phantasm.

By the way I just realized I forgot to include the explanation as to why the mc's allowed to wear his usual attire at school instead of the school uniform but basically, he just ignores anyone's attempt at making him change his clothes ranging from the school president to the principal herself.

William is experiencing some of Saber's memories because of his exposure to Avalon's light.