
FATE/STAY NIGHT (Trial writting #1)

my first trial on writing a FATE novel (Some fate novel drafts some I liked some I felt really bored about but hey! it is what it is, anyway if anyone of you are interested you can use my novel drafts for you novel, well if you it's that worth that atleast ☺️☺️☺️)

Tronn · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

CHAPTER 2 (Trial#2.2)

Emiya Shirou woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. He looked around the room, trying to make sense of what was happening. He was in the hospital bed where he had been saved by Emiya Kiritsugu all those years ago, but something was different this time. He had all the knowledge of the future, including the fifth Holy Grail War and his time at the Clock Tower as a mage.

Shirou couldn't believe what was happening. He knew he had gone back in time, but he didn't understand why. Was he meant to change something? Save someone? He didn't know.

He looked around the room again, taking in the familiar surroundings. The white walls, the beeping machines, the smell of antiseptic. It was all so familiar, yet so different.

Suddenly, he heard a ding sound and looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. To his surprise, a digital game screen appeared in front of him. The words on the screen read:


Shirou didn't know what to do. He had never heard of anything like this before. Was it some kind of magic? A trap? He didn't want to take any risks, but he was curious.

He cautiously pressed "Y" on the screen, and the world around him disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a vast, open field. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and the sun was shining bright. In the distance, he could see a small village, and the sound of people talking and laughing reached his ears.

Shirou looked down at himself and was surprised to see that he was wearing a set of strange clothes he had never seen before. They were black and red, with intricate designs etched into the fabric. He felt a weight on his back and looked behind him to see a large sword strapped to his back.

"What is this?" he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind. "Welcome to the Gamer System. I am your guide, the Game Master."

Shirou jumped in surprise. "Who are you?" he asked, looking around for the source of the voice.

"I am the Game Master, the guide to the Gamer System. You have been chosen as a player in the game of fate. Your objective is to win the Holy Grail War and become the ultimate victor."

"The Holy Grail War?" Shirou repeated, confused. "What does that have to do with me?"

"You have been given a second chance. Use it wisely. You have all the knowledge of the future, and the Gamer System to aid you in your quest. Good luck, player."

And with that, the voice disappeared.

Shirou stood there, stunned. What was happening to him? He had so many questions, but he didn't know where to start.

He decided to head towards the village and see if he could find some answers. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This was a new beginning for him, a chance to make a difference in the world.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning of his journey. The journey that would lead him to become the hero he was always meant to be.