
FATE/STAY NIGHT (Trial writting #1)

my first trial on writing a FATE novel (Some fate novel drafts some I liked some I felt really bored about but hey! it is what it is, anyway if anyone of you are interested you can use my novel drafts for you novel, well if you it's that worth that atleast ☺️☺️☺️)

Tronn · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

CHAPTER 1(Trial#2)

Emiya Shirou rubbed his forehead, trying to make sense of the situation. He had all of his future memories, including the Fifth Holy Grail War and his time at the Clock Tower as a mage, yet he was back in the hospital bed where Emiya Kiritsugu had saved him from the Fuyuki fire incident.

As he pondered his situation, he heard a ding sound and looked around to find the source. Suddenly, a digital game screen appeared in front of him, displaying the words:


Shirou was taken aback. What was this? Was it some kind of strange magecraft he had never heard of? He tentatively pressed "Y" on the screen and waited.

Suddenly, his vision was filled with various stats, skills, and menus. He was overwhelmed, but he could see that this system was giving him a unique edge. With his future knowledge and this new system, he could change the course of events that had led to the tragedies of his past.

Shirou took a deep breath and set his mind to the task at hand. He would use his knowledge and the GAMER system to save more lives than ever before. He was determined to prevent the Holy Grail War from ever happening.

But as he began to put his plan into action, Shirou realized something strange. His actions were no longer just his own. The system was guiding him, giving him suggestions and hints. He was a player in a game, but he didn't know the rules or the objective.

Shirou started to question the system and its true intentions. Was he being used for some higher purpose, or was this just a game for someone's amusement? He couldn't be sure, but he knew one thing: he would use this system to protect others, no matter the cost.

And so, Emiya Shirou began his new journey, armed with his knowledge, his ideals, and the mysterious GAMER system. He would face new challenges and enemies, but he was determined to rewrite the fate of his world and make it a better place for everyone.