
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption

A low-class boy and a lost child. Travel very different paths as they try and learn who they really are. The struggling origins of two future heroes all begins here. These are the origin stories of both Okara and Crimson. This is Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption.

Foster_Tristan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Prologue-20 Years Ago

Roaring voices fill the air of the brutal red desert planet known as Escar as crowds cheer for their king's arrival. King Garlik! King Garlik! King Garlik!, Over and over their voices pollute the air as the King himself, along with his son Keel walk out of the shadows and appear from the highest point of the coliseum, taking their seats for the upcoming event.

"Father the commoners are quite rowdy due to your appearance. Can we quiet them down a bit, I'm starting to get a headache."

The King looks at his son, then down at the roaring people. Before raising his right hand up and firmly keeping it straight. Instantly the crowds of people began to calm and quiet.

"My son must be in peak condition for his matches, however, don't let this major event prevent you from feeling such excitement! Let your blood boil from the tension and bevel in the upcoming, Saiyan's Ranking Tournament!"

Suddenly the crowd began cheering once more, people standing and jabbing at the air. As the contenders began standing up and walking away from their seats. Even Leek left, rubbing his head as his father watched with a side-eye.

"You know what to do. Do not disappoint me, as your brother did."

Leek scoffed at his father's request.

"You shouldn't compare trash to me."

As each steel gate rose, Saiyan children of different ages ranging from 5 to 8 walked in. Each in a single file line, their feet leaving imprints in the red sand. The children wave at their loved ones as they meet in the middle and line up vertically, facing each other. Some get cocky and smug with one another, others greet each other with smirks and fistbumps. But two, in particular, stood out from the rest at opposite ends. But before any more introductions could be made, the king stood and looked down at his subjects.

"You children will be tested today, your battle power, combat strength, and techniques. It will all be used today to subject you to your place in my hierarchy! Failure will land you a spot at the bottom! Victory will subject you to the higher class! We Saiyans are a brutal and powerful race! You aren't fit to be a part of such a fearsome race if you fail today! So fight like your life depends on it!"

In the stadium of the coliseum, two parents look worried as they watch their son looking carelessly for them.

"Cress he'll be okay, I just know he will. Stop your worrying already."

"But O'hara! He's only a child, and he's up against the biggest one down there!"

O'hara looked at Cress before looking back at their son.

"Okara will be just fine, I taught him everything I knew. He'll be able to get through lightweight like him."

"I-I hope you're right O'hara."

Back in the center of the Coliseum.

"Wow, I got put up against the squirt. Talk about insulting..."

"I may be short, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna lose to you!"

"Try to make me look good then, kid."

"The matches have been set up! All fighters please approach your quadrant. We will be dividing you up into four sections! All four sections will house the same number of fights! Losers will be held for a redemption match! However, further in, all fighters will be eliminated instantly if they lose!"

Four Saiyans of different classes stood at four different quadrants Each with their own color flag.

"In the Blue quadrant: Olave, Root, Rota, and Leek!"

Three Saiyan Boys and One girl walk into their chosen quadrant. While the crowd roars wildly.

"In the Yellow quadrant: Lima, Totoma, Rabi, and Dive!"

"Please fight well my son."

A young Saiyan read his father's lips as the announcer continued listing off the fighters.

"In the Red quadrant: Crimson, Pasley, Mayze, and Olive!"

"I'll do my best father."

"Lastly! In the Green quadrant: Okara, Turrip, Matoto, and Chaya!"

As all Saiyan children met with their colored quadrant leaders. They began informing them of the rules.

"Power! Power! Power!!! That's what this is all about! Fight with your lives, and remember one very small rule! If a contender is unconscious or appears to be beaten the fight is over! This is only an exhibition tournament! No, no, noooo killing allowed kiddos!"

Each quadrant leader began breaking their teams of four into two fights. Each going one at a time.

"Are you readyyy Escar!!! Power, Power, Power!! The first matches of today are...!"

The announcer waits, building the tension. The crowd roars as they're getting impatient.

"In the Blue quadrant! Olave vs Rota!, In the Yellow quadrant! Rabi Vs Totoma! In the Red quadrant! Crimson vs Olive, and lastly! In the Green quadrant! Okara vs Turrip!"

Cress moans in worry as O'hara holds his balled fists in anticipation of his son's fight.

As Okara and Turrip take their positions. The green quadrant leader stands between them.

"My father taught me everything I know, and I'm gonna use it to beat you!"

Turrip said nothing and just raised his eyebrow.

"Power! Power! POWERR!!! Are all quadrant leaders ready?!"

All four quadrant leaders waved down the announcer.


Within a sudden shout of power from the announcer, all four quadrant leaders stepped back and the kids went wild.

"Oh, I can't watch O'hara!"

"Come on Okara!"

Okara began punching the air to show off his moves, as Turrip watched in confusion.

"Ha, you like my moves! My dad taught me them. I'm gonna use them to-."

Out of nowhere, Turrip appeared in front of Okara. Driving a heavy right punch into his gut.


Okara coughed up spit as Turrip rotated right to deliver an additionally left hook. Putting Okara onto the ground instantly.

"O-Ow, t-that hurt!"

Okara's eyes began watering as Turrip and the reason of the quadrant looked dumbfounded at him.

"H-He hit me, t-too hard! WAAAAAAAA!"

From the Red quadrant, Crimson caught a glimpse of Okara's match, scoffing at his childish behavior. Before getting a blow directly to the face, knocking him back.

"What's the matter! Am I not interesting enough for you to keep your focus!"

Crimson remained silent as he took his ground back, pushing Olive into a defensive stance.

"You just aren't good enough to keep my attention."

"The hell did you say pipsqueak!"

Olive broke off Crimson's assault and grabbed hold of his armor, proceeding to drive Crimson to the ground.

"I'll stomp your head in!"

As Olive let go of Crimson's armor, Crimson whisked a handful of dirt into Olive's eyes.

"RAH! No fair-."

Before Olive could recover Crimson circled around him and wrapped his arms around Olive's body.

"I'd just accept you're going to lose!" Crimson shouts before lifting Olive off the ground and suplex him into the ground.

Landing him directly on his head, as Crimson got out from under Olive, he watched as Olive's whole body plopped to the ground.

"B-But I had t-the strength."

"Strength means nothing if you're just using it wildly."

Crimson watched as Olive passed out from the concussion he received.

"WOOOOO!! THAT WAS SOME SERIOUS POWER!!! The battle between Crimson and Olive in the Red quadrant has finished before any other! Incredible!!"

"That was one hell of a battle, where'd you learn to fight like that Crimson?!" Pasley asked as she held her hands together with a big smile.


Crimson took his seat against the wall as the medical team came to pick up Olive for his redemption match in the later bouts.

"W-What's this!? Both the Blue and Green quadrant matches have concluded at the same time! NOW THAT IS SOME SERIOUS POWER POWER POWER!!! In the Blue quadrant Rota and In the Green quadrant! Turrip!! Have both passed their first battle! The losers will be given another shot later on! For now! One match is remaining! The Yellow quadrant seems to be at an even standstill!

Rabi and Totoma continue to press against each other as their hands are interlocked.

"I'll make you pay for what you said! I won't let you get away with it!"

"Ha, it seems someone can't handle the truth!"

"I'll kill you! You hear me!"

"I'd like to see you try Rabi!"

Rabi slams his head against Totoma's, but Totoma refuses to release Rabi. Allowing for a whip of Totoma's neck, causing his head to collide with Rabi's head once again. Rabi tried to fall back but instead fell to his knees.

"Your mother is nothing but a dirty home wrecker! Your brother is just the creation of what remains from my broken family! So for equal exchange, I'm going to break you."

As Totoma continued crushing Rabi's hands, a blush red coloration appeared in Totoma's eyes.

"Enjoy the new sight."

Rabi spat blood into Totoma's eyes, causing Totoma to release Rabi's hand and step back frantically.

"Get it out, get it out of my eyes!"

"My mother may not be the greatest in the world and that's okay, but anyone who talks about my brother and speaks illy of my family. Will not be allowed to ever speak poorly of them again!"

With a wide opening, Rabi looks at his broken hands and decides quickly to use his feet. Quickly delivering a fast and swift roundhouse into the side of Totoma's head. But as Totoma hit the ground, he instantly attempted to get up. But was stopped by Rabi as he stomped him back to the ground. Thus began a vicious cycle of blood and bone breaking, till.

A sudden grasp on Rabi's shoulder instantly stopped him.

"Rabi, that's enough I'm sure he got the message. Just let him go."

Crimson had appeared from the Red quadrant to stop Rabi from accidentally killing Totoma in a fit of rage.

"Hey, Yellow leader this fights over. Do you mind?"

"Why you little brat... Whatever."

The Yellow Leader raised his flag and immediately the crowds stood in cheer.