
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption

A low-class boy and a lost child. Travel very different paths as they try and learn who they really are. The struggling origins of two future heroes all begins here. These are the origin stories of both Okara and Crimson. This is Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption.

Foster_Tristan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 11-Recorrection

As the Cardinals descend into the dungeons, Auburns evil grin begins to widen. The thought of it excited him. His men keeping straight and dull faces as they followed in a respective and clean order.

"So, it seems we've got a Low-Class who doesn't know how to stay within his place."

Auburn reached down and picked up a bone from the ground. Tapping it against the walls as he walked past other holding squares. Each with the same amount of chains and shackles. Most empty others filled with decaying Saiyans.

"Today has been dreadfully a bore, but after hearing what the King has me doing. Lets just say its the highlight of it all."

With one last tap he stops and approaches the unconsious Okara.

"Oh? Not awake yet? Wow you must really not understand what's happening to you... Then, allow me to demonstrate."

With the bone in his right hand, he ripped it back and slammed it against Okara's head, shooting it downwards hard. Okara woke up instantly, as blood slowly flowed down the back of his head.

"Good morning! How'd you sleep."

Auburn's eyes glowed a slight orange in the dark as Okara's eyes adjusted.

"Is it hard to see? Well I can agree with that, the torch lighting down here is awful. But it doesn't really matter I mean after all. You'll be down here a while, might as well get your eyes use to darkness."

"W-Where am I?..."

"Well it seems you must not understand your situation at all, allow me."

As Okara slowly looked up at Auburn, another thwack was heard throughout the dungeons, as Auburn swiped the bone right across Okara's face. His face filled with an evil grin.

"W-Why are you doing this!"

Blood spat from his mouth onto Auburn. Without a word Auburn grabbed hold of Okara's hair and began beating his face in with the bone. Several thwacks echoed throughout the dungeon, others held in their shook with fear as they knew what was happening.

After a few minutes of beating, Auburn let go of Okara's hair and Okara's head fell forward almost lifelessly. He was breathing but barely, blood drool from his mouth, nose, and eyes.

"You are here because you decided to make a scene within a settlement! One that could disrupt the hierarchy, so I was sent here to correct you and make sure you understand your place."

Okara couldn't recall anything of what Auburn was speaking of.

"I-I don't remember anything, I don't know what I did wrong!"

Auburn backhanded Okara across the face.

"An unknown power was used, it wasn't anything Saiyan like! What was it!"


"According to the reports your power level was hitting level higher than any royal guard here! Even the King himself! What was the power that let you do such a thing!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

More blood splattered onto Auburn.

Auburn smashed the bone against the wall into tons of tiny pieces out of anger.

"Stop playing dumb! What was the power!"

"Please... Stop I have no clue..."

Auburn grabbed hold of Okara's hair and pulled back his head to stare him in the face.

"You have five seconds to answer me."

"I don't know what you want me to say. When I keep telling you the truth!"

Auburn bashed his left fist into Okara's face. Over and over, over and over. Till Okara fell unconsious.

"Tsk." Auburn threw Okara's head down and stepped back.

"This is going to take a while." Auburn wiped off the blood from his hands and sighed.

Unfortunately he wasn't wrong as he continued interrogating Okara and beating him to near death each time for nearly two months, till.

"Auburn, its been two months now. What is your progress with the recorrection?"

"Sire, if I could get more time I'm sure I'm onto-."

"I will not have it! His pest of a mother keeps coming into the castle asking for me to look for her son! If he isn't recorrected and aligned with his place then you'll have hell to pay! So now I want to hear it. Is he recorrected!"

"Y-Yes, sire... The Low-Class Okara has been recorrected."

"Good, now leave my sight. Your work for me is complete, I'll signal you if I ever need you to do something else for me."

Auburn left with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Okara was released and tossed out front of the palace, forced to walk home in his condition. As he pushed himself up, his body fragile and bruised. He found his spirit crushed and soul almost nonexistent. The only thing keeping him together was getting home to his mother.

Hours, it took hours of him walking to reach his settlement. As he sluggishly walked through the paths and markets. Everyone stared, stunned, appalled, saddened. Okara noticed the eyes on him, but didn't react. However his body realized where it was and shut down immediately. Causing him to pass out on the ground. A few minutes later Okara's mother comes running up to him crying loudly.

"Okara! Sweetie! Baby! W-What happened to you. W-Who did this to you!"

Okara was out cold as Cress cried and hugged her child.

"Help someone! Please!" Cress shouted out as people began surrounding them wondering what to do.

Till someone brought some water and bandages, another brought food. Then one by one people started banding together to help the beaten Okara. From outside the crowd Avod and his group stood their laughing, while he had his around Cassa who was watching in sadness.

"Well I'll be, that kids in our settlement? Who would've guessed! The kid who went psycho out of nowhere."

"Avod, that's enough..."

"Oh come on Cassa, what's up with you? You're feeling sorry for the guy?"

"What if I am?"

"For that loser? Really?!?"

"You know Avod, you're a real piece of shit sometimes."

The group was shocked from Cassa's honesty as she turned her back to Avod.

"Why you..."

"I'm going home." Cassa said as she walked away from the group and Avod.

Avod scoffed at her as she walked away.