

Like they were a decree and he was God.

Like he knew every secret of the universe. His hand gripped her tightly as he dragged her across the floor and toward the bedroom.

He yanked open the door and threw her bodily across the bed. The rough mattress scraped harshly against her skin. Her entire body screamed in agony as she landed heavily on the lumpy mattress.The sharp edges cut into her skin. She cried out in pain but kept silent.

Tears still poured down her face but there was nothing she could do about it. The only thing that mattered now was to escape. Somehow, somehow she could get to the door and somehow, someway, find the way out of the apartment. Escape was her only hope of survival.

But how? How could she possibly escape? He had her trapped within his clutches. She couldn't possibly break free. He had her pinned beneath him and he held both her wrists in his hands. Her legs dangled helplessly and uselessly by his sides. She couldn't move because he had her arms pinned under his chest. What could she possibly do?

He laughed as he watched her struggle against his hold.She was completely unable to move despite the fact that she desperately wished that she could somehow crawl away. She was so tired. So utterly exhausted. Tired of everything. Weary of everything. And she was scared. So very, very frightened.

He smiled cruelly as he continued laughing at her predicament. Then the smile vanished. His eyes darkened. His grip around her wrists tightened so painfully that she cried out once more.

His fingers dug deeper into her flesh until she thought she might bleed. Blood welled up along her skin and trickled slowly towards his fist. She didn't care though. At this point, she hardly noticed either. All that mattered now was getting out of here. That was all that mattered. She didn't care if she died after escaping. That would be worth it to leave this place. To get away from this man, to be somewhere safe and warm. Somewhere where nobody would hurt her ever again. Somewhere where she was finally alone. Where nobody could touch her. Where he couldn't touch her. Where he wouldn't be able to harm her anymore.

Then he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers, his lips hovering mere centimeters above her own. He stared down at her intently and whispered in a voice filled with disgust and hatred and a twisted sort of longing.

"You're just pathetic as your dead Mother was."

"You destroyed her."

"No. I saved her." He chuckled evilly. "I put her out of her misery. Now you'll suffer the same fate."

"Please… Please....." she choked on the words as he pulled away slightly, causing fresh tears to pour from her eyes. Her entire body shook violently as she struggled against the restraints that bound her to his bed. She wanted to run, to flee, to get away from all of these horrors but she couldn't move. She couldn't even speak. "PLEASE!" The sound of desperation rang in her ears. She didn't know what else she could do. But please....please..she pleaded in silence. He laughed loudly. A cold, evil laugh that sent icy chills running down her spine. She felt paralyzed and she hated it. Why was she paralyzed? Why couldn't she move? She needed to run….to get away….

"Shut up…" he snapped. The anger in his tone was palpable. "Stop saying stupid things." He lifted her shirt, ignoring the small whimper that tore from her throat.

Her body was trembling with fear but she refused to show any sign of weakness. Instead, she clenched her jaw shut and stared straight ahead. Her eyes were wide and terrified, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Her vision blurred. A few stray tears ran down her cheeks but she refused to let them flow. She use the last strength in her to pushed him away and stumbled backward onto the bed before rolling off of it. She scrambled away from him as fast as she could, not caring about the pain, the suffering, or the consequences, as she crawled back further and further.

She needed to get as far away from him as possible. As soon as her bare feet touched the floor, she bolted out of the room. If she had a weapon, or a gun, or something else to protect herself then she could have killed him with ease. But she didn't. She was powerless. Completely powerless.

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