
Hollow Void

She was crying and she wasn't even paying attention. The world around her faded in and out of focus as tears dripped off her chin. She had no idea where they were coming from but it didn't matter anyway.

Her body trembled uncontrollably with sobs that would come and go between bouts of hyperventilation. Her head throbbed with pain behind her eyes which were swollen shut.

She didn't know what to do. It hurt too much. She just wanted everything to stop. But nothing did. Everything hurt. Her lungs stung, her head throbbed, and her stomach ached. It felt like her heart might tear through her rib cage at any given moment.

Her whole body felt empty and she wanted something to fill it up again. But there was nothing to be filled with anymore. No more love. No more laughter. No more happiness. No more life. Just pain, and sadness, and despair.

All she could do was curl into herself and sob until there were no more tears left to shed.

There was nothing left for her anymore. Nothing to live for except for this emptiness inside of her. And the empty feeling never went away. Every time she closed her eyes there seemed to be a million tiny pinpricks stabbing her temples and her eyelids. Even breathing hurt.

The door of the room slammed open and suddenly everything stopped. Her body jerked upwards before the person had even taken two steps across the threshold of the room. She opened her mouth in an attempt to say something, anything really, but no words came out. All that escaped her lips was the faintest wheeze of sound. She tried again. "I " But still, no sounds would come. It felt like all the air had been sucked from her lungs while she was curled up on the cold, hard pavement. There was nothing else she could do besides breathe In and out. Like a dog. A pathetic dying dog who couldn't do anything but wait for death. She was already dead. This was all she'd ever be. She was nothing. She was nothing. She was nothing. There was nothing for her. Nothing. Not even her body. Just the empty feeling inside. A deep, hollow void with no end in sight. A void where her soul ought to be.

"Get up, you little bitch." A hand roughly grabbed at her wrist and pulled her upright. The sudden action made her head spin and for a second she thought that she might fall over completely. Thankfully, she didn't. She blinked several times and the world returned to its usual blurry state once more. She looked up into dark, angry eyes.

Eyes that stared into hers without remorse or mercy. Dark, cruel, and empty. They were looking right back at her. He looked like he expected her to fight against him. To resist. To scream, plead, or cry. To make some kind of noise. Anything at all. But she didn't. There wasn't enough energy in her to do anything other than blink blearily and stare at him. Her eyes drifted downward to the ground again. She didn't want to see him. She just wanted to die.

"You are mine now," he growled in a low voice that sent shivers racing down her spine.

"Mine." His voice held such absolute power that she wondered if he even needed to say those words. He simply said them. Like they were a decree and he was God .

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