

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google! If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Chapter 59


-Town of Misaki.

3rd POV*

Lawrence and Arcueid are currently near shore in the town of Misaki. Arcueid has informed them that this is the place her instinct is telling her, meaning that the Serpent of Akasha must be hiding in this town. As for the reason why they are near shore? It was because of Arcueid who apparently heard some interesting news on the Television.

"Lawrence! I heard that octopus taste great when they are fresh! Let's go catch some" that was the story hence why they are here. Lawrence could only shake his head in dismay at this situation, the others were already used to Arcueid's weird antics so they did not waste time to run from it. Only Lawrence was left because Arcueid was adamant on bringing him.

It appears that she wanted to give her gratitude to him for bringing her some entertainment in those past few years. "Let's catch a lot today! I heard that there are many octopus in this area" Arcueid stated with a large smile on her face. She was pretty excited about it as she never had an octopus before, this would be her first time eating one.

Well, living in the Ranvil Household, she did encounter many seafoods such as clam, eels, crawfish, etc. However never did she once tasted octopus for Anastashia loathed the creature, she is apparently allergic to octopus which is the reason why she hated the tentacle creature so much. Arcueid has been excited for too long so she was quite happy that her request has finally been adhered.

Lawrence sighed once again watching as Arcueid took off her clothes leaving only a stripped bikini, she has no qualms on others seeing her body so there was absolutely no shame in her actions. Arcueid then turned towards Lawrence waiting for him, "I'll pass Arcueid. I think it would be better if I stay here, just bring me some of your gains alright? We'll savor it together" he made an excuse.

This disappointed Arcueid, "Ehhh, there is no purpose in this adventure if I just go alone" Arcueid said pursing her lips at Lawrence however once she saw that Lawrence really has no interest in going underwater, she relented. "Fine! I'll do it alone! Don't complain if I give you the smaller portion alright?" Arcueid said before diving at the cold sea.

Lawrence was left on the surface alone. He doesn't really dislike seclusion because he enjoy the silence of being alone. Well that silence was immediately destroyed as Arcueid just returned from her hunt, with Arcueid's physical proportion, it is not a challenge to search for an octopus in the sea. More like, it would be a piece of cake for her.

"Look!" Arcueid smiled at Lawrence waving a bunch of octopus pierced by a handmade stick she has. She mentioned that it would not be a proper hunt without a good equipment resulting to this fragile stick she is currently holding. Arcueid laid the octopus on the ground as her eyes shone in amazement from how fresh the thing was.

"Thank you for the food!" she did the greeting before taking a bite onto the octopus, "Hm? This is chewy, puah!" just a second after chewing, she swiftly spat it out. Lawrence had to hold back his laughter at the scene. It was too stupid! It is certainly very fresh but who the hell immediately eat an octopus just seconds after catching it?

Arcueid stared at the octopus in disgust, "Don't eat it Lawrence! It does not taste good at all!" Arcueid complained cursing the people in television. They handed her the wrong information, this octopus is not tasty! Seeing her blaming the television, Lawrence's lips twitched on its own. "Stop, what entered your mind that you think it is good to eat it raw? Of course we still need to cook it!" Lawrence said bonking Arcueid's head.

"Ouch!" the girl voiced her pain. But hearing what Lawrence said, Arcueid started thinking about cooking octopus. Well, it was different from normal, as in her mind the octopus was not sliced but rather is still in full piece, she blended different types of grass to create a masterpiece. "Hum! It does certainly looked appetizing" Arcueid muttered.

The two were bantering about octopus they were suddenly interrupted by someone. "Hello~? I am lost, can I ask for directions?" both of them turned their heads only to see a blue haired girl standing not far from them. "Huh? Oh a lost person, sure! Just ask, Lawrence know every nook of this place!" Arcueid assuringly patted her chest but her words were different, it was all pushed towards Lawrence.

"Ohh, is that so? Then… can I ask where can I find a killable Dead Apostle?" the girl's tone changed from cheerful into cold within one instance. The air around her instantly changed but before she could even move, Arcueid already went to action. Arcueid's hand turned into claw as she slashed the girl into three pieces.

Arcueid stared at the corpse without a hint of remorse on her face, the action of killing doesn't seem to bother her. "You… you should stop doing that. Are you gonna kill everybody who are suspicious in your eyes?" Lawrence shook his head at her actions however his words seemed to confuse Arcueid. "Lawrence. Why do you act as if this is bad? You are not human and you certainly should not possess morals like them, why do you bother to act?" Arcueid asked genuinely confused.

This froze Lawrence because Arcueid was quite on spot of what she asked. Lawrence really has no qualms on doing genocide, he does not even understand why people are afraid of killing or why they fear death. This broken morals of his might be the reason why his actions are all over the place, he can't simply act in one character.

Lawrence's mind was in turmoil however a certain scene entered his memories. It was a scene where Shiki confronted him about it, she was well aware of how he feel because she was something like him before too. That part of her was only sealed. Lawrence seek for the answer to his problem but the only solution that Shiki gave was, 'Society'.

Remembering Shiki seemed to have trigger something on Lawrence as his mind slowly regained its clarity. He slowly calmed down as he smiled, "It is because of Society Arcueid. We need to fit in so that we won't be isolated from others. It's simple as that" he responded to her question while patting her head. He does not know whether she will understand it but he gave his word.

"Oh, I see. Society is certainly detestable! It restricts the freedom a being has, I hereby declare that I now loathe Society!" Arcueid snarled. "What do we do about this?" she tilted her head looking at the body of the girl but to her surprise, it was already started to mend on its own. The girl's regeneration was abnormal.

That was not the thing that caught Arcueid's attention though, it was the familiar scent of a certain someone on the girl's body. "Roa?!" Arcueid exclaimed in surprise, she became wary narrowing her eyes at the girl. Her strength which has been sealed by Zelretch has been slowly being released by Lawrence. By now, she can manage to discharge about 45% of her full power and in her thought, that should be enough.

She was about to erase the girl from existence when Lawrence's hand suddenly appeared preventing her from moving further. "What are you doing?! She is the current host of Roa, I need to kill her immediately!" Arcueid said trying to remove Lawrence's grip on her. Sadly she was too weak to even resist him so she could only give up and wait for his explanation.

"Let's wait for her part" Lawrence said looking at the already healing Ciel. He is aware that she is still conscious throughout the whole conversation between them. He also know that she is not the real body that Roa has reincarnated into. More like she was used to be a host of Roa hence reason she gained this abnormal regeneration. For as long as Roa exist, she will not die.

Arcueid despite being suspicious of the girl still adhered Lawrence's words. She knows that he will not do anything stupid so there must be a reason to why he stopped her. She focused her attention on the girl whose upper half and lower are starting to glue itself back. It was a disturbing scene but considering no one among them is normal, there was no problem at all.

The woman finally regenerated successfully. Arcueid placed her hand on her hips looking at the woman. "Now, explain yourself. Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you" Arcueid demanded showing her claws to the woman. Lawrence could only sigh at this scene, he really hoped that Bea is here right now because she could easily control this troublesome vampire.
