

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google! If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 58

Dota 58


-Town of Fuyuki.

3rd POV*

Many years have passed. The Holy Grail War which should be constant throughout the years have stopped. Among the three ancient families, only the Tohsaka were active for the Matou has been burned to the ground while the Einzbern was politically crippled by both Rulphas and Edefelt family. With the death of Kiritsugu and Irisviel, Illyasviel was killed by Shiki to cut off her sufferings.

That is the only salvation Lawrence could give the girl, she has nothing to rely after all. Emiya Shiro also didn't exist in this world for the Fuyuki Fire was not a thing, he remained a normal boy living in a mundane household in Fuyuki.

Matou Sakura was adopted by Kariya after it was known that the Tohsaka won't shelter her anymore. Although Kariya was angered by their decision, he was not opposed to it. He deemed it a task to raise Sakura by himself as it was the last request his savior gave him. Both of them still could not forget about the peaceful fire that sliced their fates from the original.

Because of the things that Lawrence did, the 5th Holy Grail War won't happen anymore. The Greater Grail was also keepsafed by Lawrence hence resulting to nothing for the magus to compete of. Lawrence and his group are now living in peace somewhere in Fuyuki, most of the important things on England was taken care of Lawrence's clones.

Even after years, Lawrence still did not decide to create a child with any of the girls, he chose to kill the sperms before it could reach their wombs. He thought that with the upcoming events having a child will really become a hassle. He also doesn't want to become a useless father who will only push to child to others. He wished to raise it by himself.

Hence the reason why they are having an argument right now, "Lawrence~! Time is ticking, won't you create an heir for us already?" Anastashia grumbled at Lawrence who just shrugged it off. "Why are you in a hurry anyway? With your new perception of time, I doubt that you find a few years long" Lawrence questioned looking at Anastashia.

"W-Well… it is not about that! Can't I crave for a daughter or two? A child that I can pamper all I want?" Anastashia pouted because Lawrence hit the spot right there. Her time perception was visibly changed, the few years that have passed by felt like just days. It was weird at first but Anastashia eventually adapted to the change.

Lawrence shook his head at her reason, "Believe me, handling a child is more hassle than you initially think. Besides Shiki is still not even craving one right now, we are still young. We don't need to rush things up" he said patting the head of Anastashia. "That's unfair. You always consider Shiki at all things" Anastashia grumbled quietly.

That made Lawrence guilty however he is still adamant on giving Shiki a child first before others. He is also wary whether his child will come out normally or some kind of twisted monstrous being, that is a possibility considering his origins. "Alright, Arcueid. What are you talking about again?" he changed the subject pushing it towards Arcueid.

"Yes! As I was talking, I need to eliminate a certain vampire!" Arcueid pumped her hand in determination. This girl has become closer to them in the past year, her status was elevated from beign a pet to a normal person. And just like they expected, she also has some loose screws like Nero which is one of the reason they find her amusing.

"Umu? I feel like I am being talked bad here?" Nero tilted her head in confusion wondering where that feeling came from. The others immediately looked away in shame. "Talk more about this vampire, is he important?" Shiki asked staring at Arcueid who assumed a thinking pose. "Hmm, indeed. He is a powerful vampire and in my whole life, he was my only regret. I wish to eliminate him this instance!" Arcueid said with resolution.

She is pretty serious about this for she sensed that he is already reincarnating, that is a bad news because every time that guy revive, he would always create a chaos. That is not what Arcueid wants. "I see, then how about you guys? Do you want to search for this vampire?" Lawrence asked for the opinion of others.

Shiki was the one who instantly replied to that question, of course with her usual interest. "If it is powerful then I am intrigued. I wonder what it can present to me" Lawrence smiled mysteriously hearing that. He is sure that she will be surprise facing that vampire, he has the ability that is close to her eyes after all. That would be a sight to behold.

"Vampire huh? I have enough of vampires but researching into one is interesting. I wish to proclaim his body for research purposes, is that acceptable?" Anastashia asked looking at Arcueid who was contemplating. "Hmm… it should be fine. He always discard each body he use anyway, it will become useless after he is dead" she relented eventually.

"Master, if everyone is in then of course I should be included as well! An Emperor's presence is required in such big event, Umu! That's right!" Nero crossed her arms pleasantly satisfied. It has been years since they involved into fights anyway, it should be a good warm up for them. "So Nero is also in, how about you Bea?" Lawrence turned to the last person.

Bea closed her eyes and without hesitation answered. "My job is being on your side master, nothing will change" she said approving her participation. Lawrence smiled gently hearing it, Bea is still loyal as ever. "Although this might an overkill, let's do it alright? Now do you have any idea to where that vampire is?" Lawrence asked the most knowledgeable about this situation, Arcueid.

"Oh right, do you want to know his name?" Arcueid asked tilting her head, she was met with the same reaction from the others. "It is irrelevant. We does not need the name of a person that might meet his end soon" Anastashia humped while the others just nod in approval. This made Arcueid chuckle, "I thought so~!"


Tohno Shiki was on his way home from school when a huge headache suddenly attacked him, the intense pain faltered his line of thinking. He clenched his head and crouched in the ground to lessen the pain yet instead of being dissipating, it became graver instead. Memories started returning to his mind, it was the memory of his childhood where he was playing with a little boy along with Akiha, his sister.

The glasses fell from his face as a beautiful rainbow eyes revealed itself into existence. If anyone familiar with Ryougi Shiki were to see this then they would surely be baffled for this eye has the resemblance of hers. Tohno Shiki grunted in pain upon seeing the world in the familiar perspective again, lines began appearing all of a sudden overwhelming his whole view.

He passed out in pain, his body lying on the ground lifeless. There was no one to observe the scene except for one particular executioner who has gotten her interest robbed by the fascinating young man.

Hours later, Shiki opened his eyes only to see a familiar ceiling. He swiftly stood up from bed as he observed his surroundings, "It's my room…" he muttered confused to what just happened. He remembered losing consciousness earlier and now he is here back at one piece. The headache was also not there anymore, it simply ceased to exist.

The door was opened as a red haired woman wearing a western maid uniform appeared. She was the one who attended Shiki upon his return to the Tohno Mansion, she is also his childhood friend. "I apologize for not knocking Shiki-sama" the maid lowered her head in apology realizing that she made a mistake. She thought that Shiki was still sleeping and simply barge in, that was a huge mistake of hers.

"No, it's fine Hisui. Thank you for always taking care of me" instead of being angry, Shiki just showed a gentle smile to Hisui. This is his personality, a kind and amiable young man. "Are you fine now Shiki-sama?" Hisui asked still maintaining the cold look on her face. Shiki was poignant with her new attitude, he was really curious to why she became like this when her sister still maintained her usual attitude.

"I'm fine, just a mild headache. Are you the one who brought me here?" Shiki asked. Hisui nodded her head in affirmation to his question. "Lady Akiha was worried that you still didn't arrive at home so she asked us to look for you. Thankfully we managed to find you immediately and brought you here" Hisui retold Shiki what happened.

Shiki smiled finally happy with it. "Thank you" he gave his gratitude. He was about to stand up when another batch of headache pierced his mind again. "AGHHHH!!" he screamed in pain however his attention was more focused on one thing. It was the voice that spoke, 'I will be coming for you…' that was what he last thought before he succumbed to darkness again.


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