

Alberto Escarra, usually addressed simply as Al, had woken up as the son of some no name fairly young magus family after an untimely death in the world of Fate, or rather, Fate Grand Order. Whatever had reincarnated him had taken his left arm as the price for such a thing and considering his family wealth, it was a miracle he could even gain entrance to the prestigious Clock Tower as a student.... A path he'd ended up abandoning as soon as he turned 18 and pursued the medical field instead. Recognising the threat of making oneself known in the world he was now in, 'Al' had kept his talents and 'cheat' to himself. It didn't seem as though he could afford that luxury anymore, not when he all of a sudden found himself as one of the few survivors of mankind's incineration.

Dreizehnn · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Summoning Circle

Fuyuki (Burning), Japan,

Shinto District,

"Mash, Ritsuka, you're alright.." Al pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a relieved sigh as a smile crossed his face, it was unbecoming of a magus to care about his companions but hey, he was a doctor first, magus second so it didn't matter, "Are you hurt in any way? Any headaches or something from the rayshift?"

"None, doctor though.." Mash's gaze trailed towards Ritsuka, confusing the latter, "Senpai might be having troubles getting used to such a sudden environmental change." All things done and said, he was a new recruit, with none of the mental conditioning people like them needed.

"You're right."

Al nodded, making his way towards the still confused teenager and putting his hand against his forehead, "You feel anything off? Like a sudden need to vomit or lightheadedness?" He didn't exactly have any of his equipment here so this was about the best he could manage.. Al unceremoniously grabbed Ritsuka's hand, putting his fingers against his wrist,.. nothing was off.. That was hella strange in itself. Al's own heart rate was well over it's average when he'd arrived.

"Where the hell was this nice guy when we met?"

Al stared at Cu with narrowed eyes, "What question did I first ask when we met?"

".....Damn.." The Hound of Ulster scratched the back of his head, coughing embarrassedly, "My bad, still don't change you bein' an asshole though."

"Believe what you will..." Al disregarded the blue haired servant entirely, looking at the contemplating Mash in curiosity, "Were you able to establish contact with Chaldea?"

"..Yes, the Director was..." She paused for a moment, searching for the right words, "Dismayed, we'd been ordered to locate any traces of you while making way for the city's leyline.."

The correct, logical, course of action would have been to order them to disregard him entirely but Olga had been rather adamant about prioritising the search.... The Director's biassed favorability was no secret to the people of Chaldea but still, it was 'something' to witness.

"Haah..." Al facepalmed, sighing, he appreciated the worry, really he did but he was the last damn thing to be worrying about when humanity was completely wiped out, "We'll move for the leyline then." He slightly nodded his head, getting a read on their situation beyond what Cu had shared was a necessity.



"Doctor, do you have any idea about our situation?" Ritsuka Fujimaru wasn't one to hide his thoughts, speaking in a curious tone with a strange seriousness to his gaze, asking this much was okay right?

"The city, as you've probably seen already, is overrun by undead warriors of poor quality." Al gestured to the bones littered all over the scorched ground, "It's been caught in the aftermath of a Grail War gone wrong from what I've been told and humans are practically nonexistent.." He sent a glance towards Cu before continuing, "Furthermore, there's about six rogue servants in the city with the Saber class one possessing a Holy Grail.."

"That Grail is probably the source of all the shit that's been goin' on."

"Grail?.... Holy Grail War?"


Both men deadpanned at the teenager, wasn't he supposed to be a magus?

But then Al smiled politely, "Mash will expand on that while we walk." The doctor finished his words with estranged eyes, looking around cautiously... He got the feeling that something was amiss here..


Fou jumped into Al's face, crawling around his head in a moment of excitement before finally relaxing on his right shoulder, "Kyuuu~" He rubbed his head against the doctor's cheeks.

"How did you even go through the rayshift?"

"Fou! Fou! Kyu!"

"Too amazing to not.... That's not really an answer."


"Right right."

"Does he actually understand it?" Ritsuka pointed at the duo in confusion, that being about the only emotion he'd had since the start even if he was slowly getting used to it.. The fact that he knew next to jack about much didn't change.

"It's actually one of Chaldea's great mysteries, senpai." Mash nodded with closed eyes, her hands on her hips, "No one knows how they work or why Fou likes him so much."

"What's wrong with these people?" The sole servant present found himself greatly confused, they were acting like this was a normal day out and not, you know, a desolate city filled with undead where every human was probably fucking dead!

Al shrugged at his servant, choosing to walk faster instead with his gun drawn just in case while keeping an eye out for approaching hostiles.. Mash explained the working of Holy Grail Wars to a curious Ritsuka and Cu simply walked, closing his eyes and placing his hands behind his head, whatever they did was up to them for now... though, if they wanted out. They'd have to beat the monster right outside the city, guarding the Grail.


Establishing contact with Chaldea during singularities was understandably, something Al couldn't do. It was information he wasn't privy to as part of the medical staff what with him not really being part of the Masters responsible for protecting humanity.

And so, he only watched in silence, seated upon a rock, as Mash got to work, setting up a summoning circle and then contact with Chaldea.

"What's it feel like? Having a lass do all the work for you?"

"I don't like it."

"Why not?"

"Can it, bitch."


"Potato Potato."

"You said it wrong...."

Their banter was cut off by a hologram appearing out of thin air, a hologram of an individual everyone except Cu himself recognised.

"Yo.." Al did a small salute, smiling at the ashen haired woman staring at him with wide eyes, "Before you run, remember, I'm not actually there so you'll just hurt yourself." He warned her against what she was about to do..

"I...I wasn't going t-..."

"...Nah, you totally were."

"....Why're you like this?! I was so...." Olga Marie Animusphere clenched her fists, shouting at the start of her words but then losing all strength, a single very small step from tearing up, "So worried! Why'd you have to do that?! You c.. could have died! What would I have done then?! ....And..and what's going on?! You.. Please.."

"Director." Romani's voice cut the distraught woman off, setting her off further, "Please stop."

"No! You're all I-... Get back here this ins-"

"Olga." Al opened his eyes in all seriousness, staring straight at the ashen haired woman whose voice hitched, coming to an abrupt halt, "Calm down, think straight.." There was a lot going on here, and even if everyone here except Cu was trustworthy, it disheartened him to look at his only friend in such a state,

"I can't return without this being solved and to do that, we're gonna need your help... Now, act like a Director or we're probably gonna die.. We can do something about this together after, okay?" He'd never really been one for helping people emotionally so all he could do was try, in earnest due to their relationship, "Just stop with this, please."

"I...You're right..." Olga wiped her eyes, she had to be the Director if she wanted to see him again, being a magus helped her recollect herself far quicker than any normal person could, "You Rayshifted successfully?"

"Affirmative. Both the doctor and sen- Fujimaru Ritsuka have successfully Rayshifted, I've managed to establish the FATE summoning system correctly as well, we await orders." (A/N: FATE - Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System, gives the recharging command seals you see in FGO and summons the servants.)

"Wait..." Realisation crossed Al's face as he approached Olga, "What about those kids? Are they.. dead?"

"That.. I, don't know.. I've had them placed in stasis."

"And the staff?" They didn't like him but that didn't mean the feeling was mutual, he respected them for their work.

"All higher officers are.. dead, apart from me and Romani.. I probably would have be- the shards! How are you standing?!" It had escaped her mind but hadn't he literally tanked an explosion for her?

"Oi.. You're only remembering that now?" Al deadpanned, adults really varied in nature didn't they? Olga was in her 20s....

"I um..." Olga averted her gaze, squirming slightly, "This is why I want you back here! Wait...no, that's not.. um, I mean... Come on!"

"Oh she blew up."

"That's the usual, doctor."

"You'd never think we were facing a crisis. Truly an angel."

"Wha.. How can you two be like that at this time?!"

""Because you're like this.""


Seeing the demi-servant and Al answer in complete sync left the Director at a complete loss for words, "Our staff is either severely injured or dead, we've lost too many... Professor Le-"

"Fuck him."

The sudden uncharacteristic bout of aggression from the usually calm and 'nice' Al startled almost everyone and Olga went quiet, giving a small scared nod before continuing, "We're attempting to employ SHEBA to give better instructions..."

SHEBA, the near future observation lens, provided a satellite like view of what the globe called CHALDEAS was showing and gave live footage from the past, present or the future.. It would be imperative to mapping out their current surroundings.

"Al, I've noticed you have a servant with you." Romani butted in, "Am I to presume you can be a master?" He sighed, shaking his head, he'd known of the fact for a long while now but hadn't questioned the man.

"Yeah.." Al rubbed his hand against his lab coat before slightly smiling, "The kids were looking forward to it so I figured I'd stay put." If he put himself forward as a master candidate, he would be trampling over the dreams of at least one of them.

"Very well then, considering the emergency,.. Director, can you authorise usage of the summoning system?" Romani stared into the back and Olga's approval soon came in the form of a confused shout, "Contract with a new servant, attempt to locate and correct whatever is wrong with the time period you are in... Mash and Ritsuka, looks like you two will have some help after all."

"Um." Mash nodded her head, slightly happy at the prospect of working together with her doctor.

"I hope we can get along." Ritsuka smiled, politely extending his hand.

"We'll contact you with further details,... Director?... Director! Stop trying to activate the rayshift! Wait, why are you looking at me like that? Someone...help... Someone save m-..!!!"

"....You people are bloody weird, ya know that?" Cu didn't know what to make of the weird group of people from the future? Well, he didn't care too much, not so long as they helped him correct whatever the fuck kind of mess this was, "Still..." A smug grin crossed his face as he stared down a sighing Al, "Good going."

"Screw you."

"Don't screw me, screw her."

".....There's children here."

"They're old enough."

Al shot at Cu, "Oi, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Flipping him the bird, the medic approached the summoning circle Mash had drawn up and closed his eyes, "Answer m- You know what, no. We all know the FATE system needs no chants, can someone help me out here?"

"Ah doctor that's not ho-" Mash found herself stopped by the circle suddenly glowing brightly and exploding in light, prompting almost everyone to close their eyes in a moment of blindness.. except Al whose eyes released a slight glow of their own.


An enthusiastic bright voice belonging to a young girl greeted the masters and servants, making Al's jaw drop at the sheer..., "Oh my gawd."

With long bright golden hair decorated with accessories and a small top hat, she held a small teddy bear in her left hand and wore a black sundress, with white shorts underneath,

"This has to be illegal right?"

"I'm Abigail... Abigail Williams!"

"Wait, isn't that the one from the Witch of Sa-"

Seeing the tears forming at the corners of the girl's eyes made Al immediately close his mouth, having no interest in dealing with more whining kids than he already had to.. That and it made him feel bad to see them crying or something, "I apologise, you're too innocent to be a witch."

"Nice to meet you, Master!"

Abigail bowed her head in greeting, a happy smile on her face, "Please, call me Abby."

Al however, was distracted by the summoning system burning three red command seals onto the back of his hand now that the Director had authorised it.


Share thoughts mfs.


Abigail isn't really a loli considering she's taller than Nero at 4'11 but that also makes you realise Nero is kinda short.

I'm sure you can figure out why someone who isn't from the Nasuverse summoned a Foreigner, if you can't then just wait for the story to explain it.

Olga broke down the same way in the original to some extent... Nevermind, not like this but it should be understandable why.


I got some dumb bitch reviewing he has a disability he can do something about but doesn't.. He already did you retarded fuck, what the bloody hell do you think a prosthesis means? Some kind of food? Bogan.


If you find any flaw whatsoever, be sure to point it out immediately so I can fix it


100 P.S, extra chap?