

230,000 years later.

Needless to say, Taylor had been very Busy the last 200,000 years, when he turned 100,000 years old he got extremely lucky with one of his 10 pulls, in this temple, he got 10 S ranks in a row, and every single one of them was related to building up a space fleet.

And obviously, with the help of Han Xiao's class skill secondary dimension Army, which fortunately had a plethora of machinery used to build many different robots and ships, it was just unfortunate that he had no way to mine for any raw materials.

But during this 10 pull he got a spacefaring mining ship, technically 5 of those pulls where A spacefaring mining ship. Two of them were Space battle cruisers, and The remaining three were Spacefairing scout ships.

Needless to say, he made his decision to go to other solar systems in search of planets to mine raw minerals from.

At first he didn't know how to pilot any of the ships, but fortunately, they came an instruction manual for each of them, so obviously the first thing he did was study, it took him about 1000 years to completely master all the roles needed to pilot the ships.

Afterwards, he started gaining experience with all of Han Xiao hacking and programming skills, he did this by making hacking protection software and then constantly trying to hack them.

He then created his own AI to assist him in piloting the ships, he decides to name this AI companion nala.

now that he finally had The capacity to begin mining The raw minerals necessary to start using his blueprints, after all blueprints are a mechanics skills, so obviously he had every blueprint that Han Xiao had.

Unfortunately, it took a while to get to the next solar system about 200 years to get to the nearest one, even though it was only 2-3 light years away, but then again it also proves just how fast the hyperdrive in these ships are.

After Taylor arrived he equipped his model 72 armour and began doing scans, on every celestial body he could find, he would then upload all his findings into the ship database so that the mining ships would know which planets to go to and mine on.

Then needless to say after the mining operations had been in full effect for awhile, he began building the spaceship blueprints that he had, this is also included blueprints for the, three different types of ships he got from the lottery.

Then he did this on repeat for a few tens of thousand years, While also making sure he doesn't over mine any of the planets.

Eventually he became 200,000 years old. He built up a Sizable fleet, and laid claim to just over half of the Solar systems surrounding the one that will be earth's.

At this point marked the beginning for the construction of Space stations, bigger transport ships and a Fair few factories.

And he made plenty of robots to do the necessary manual labour, but he doesn't want a robot uprising so obviously it wasn't all automated nor was it all manual.

He also made sure the robots did not have access to the servers until he was able to make a code that would guarantee that they wouldn't go Rogue, needless to say he had dreams of getting the YoRHa code without the viruses in it, though obviously he would also like the design schematics for all the YoRHa models as well.

The issue was he has lived so long now that he had more often than not forgotten to do his free pulls so he would often have to get reminded by firefly.

During this time, thanks to having a lot of raw materials, he could finally start using his Master Smith skill set, considering how much he would need to practice, he decided instead of using the more technologically advanced Smithy area he made, he looked for a planet that would allow for the existence of fire and build a traditional smithy.

Eventually, he did find one, though obviously it would not be able to sustain life properly.

After about 25000 years, was able to get his weapons and armour to a constant level of power, around C++ rank but they would always have some sort of special power, and unlike in the world of Danmachi these wouldn't break with one use.

And while he would forge, The rest of his fleet were commencing the mining and building operations, in the other solar systems.

And that now that brings us today Taylor has turned 300,000 years and is planning to forge the best sword, he's ever forged to date.

Taylor was standing in the middle of a clearing that was in the middle of a stone forest, With a fire that was burning even hotter than the sun, yet he appeared unphased by the heat.

But one could see him constantly hammering away, with a harmonic and rhythmic ringing, each hit of the hammer endowing magical properties into the metal.

" You know firefly, I really look forward to the day that I can make a living weapon."

[ is that right, master? Would you like to tell me why?]

" Because some of my future ideas will require me to forge living weapons."

[ would you like to tell me what some of those ideas are?]

" You see firefly that's the best part, i'm not smart enough to make any sort of complex plans, however, that means I'm also unpredictable to those who like to plan out there every move

[well, I'm glad for you master, but we both know that you also like to plan out things.]

" And that's where the fun comes in firefly, The less you can predict your own moves,The less anyone who wants to become your enemy can predict them." Taylor said with a look of elation upon his face.

Whilst this nonsensical conversation was going on, the sword was almost finished It's forging process, Once he gave the final hit the material glowed iridescent.

He then quenched the blade, and what came out was a beautiful Black Blade, with a white chain pattern going through its centre.

Taylor then retrieved the Guard and pummel he made, once he had welded them together with the blade, he added a red handle in between.

*Image here*

After the completion of the sword and now it was time to put it through a variety of tests, obviously, most of the tests were the same as what you would see in The TV show forged in fire, except for the kill test, for this one he chose to cut his own arm off for it.

Normally one would think he'd gone mad for doing this, but he was doing this because he had gotten (A) wolverine healing factor with his free pulls, so he was pretty confident that his arm would fully regenerate.

However this would not his endurance parameter to the next level it only increased his ability to recover from damage not increase his resistance to damage, so his endurance remain the same in terms of perimeter but did make it more all rounded.

[ Master, I highly advise against doing this, as it will be extremely painful to do this.]

" oh nonsense firefly, now that I have the healing factor cutting off my arm will be fine, besides, it's also a good test to see if it is strong enough to cut through my endurance."

Now most people would immediately clock on to a problem of the body's pain receptors, the issue was Taylor has not felt any form of physical pain since his previous life, at least not the pain that would come from being literally cut.

And that's where the problem comes from, it had been so long since he last experienced this type of pain, that he actually forgotten that that's what he's going to feel when he gets cut.


His left forearm was cleanly cut.


And he finally remembered what it was like to get cut, extremely painful.

Taylor had grabbed his severed arm and within 30 seconds, it had perfectly reattached.

20 minutes later.

After recovering from the immediate pain he began talking to firefly and while he talked his voice definitely sounded very strained.

" Sorry for not heeding your advice firefly, I completely forgot what it's like to get cut."

[ don't worry, master I know, But it would be nice if you did listen to my advice more often.]

" Yeah, I'll definitely do that more often firefly."

After resting for a full day, he was finally back in tiptop shape.

He picked up the sword to check it over.

" Well one things for certain, it will Keel."

[ haha, very funny master.]

" thank you for that firefly."

after going through the series of tests he confirmed that the sword would be ranked at B+ Rank.

Now one might Wonder why a B+ rank sword could cut through his A++ endurance, well, that would be because of the special Power it had (gravest wounds).

(Gravest wounds) is a special Power that would make any wound inflicted by the blade become about 1000 times worse, this was the primary reason why Taylor decided to cut his own arm with the sword, to confirm that it had the special power.

Now one might wonder how did he know that this was The special power that this sword would have?

Well, that's because he is able to forged within his creation the power that he intends for it to have.

Though currently, he could only endow One special power within his forged creations, in the future, he would be able to endow his creations with multiple.