

[congratulations master you got…]

[ (EX) omniverse holographic phone]

" Let me guess it's EX rank because it can connect through the Omniverse."

[ Indeed master but it can also connect to the Internet in the world of your first life.]

" Does that mean I could even call my family?"

[ No master as you would not be connected to the Cellular network, and even if you could, I wouldn't recommend it.]

"Why… do you not want me to hear the voice of my Family again?" Taylor said in a emotionally hurt tone.

[ No master that's not what I mean, what I mean by it is the fact that your family have also gone through the grief of losing you and have had a funeral for you, how do you think they would feel if they suddenly got a call from their dead son?]

" oh yeah… I didn't even think of that as I got so excited in my own thoughts."

* sniffles*

" Guess I haven't completely come to terms like I thought I had."

[ It's okay, master i'll always be here at your side.]

" Yeah, thank you for that… by the way system, would you like a name?"

[ If you want to give me one, I would not reject, Master.]

" alright, how does firefly sound."

[ That sounds like a Beautiful name Master, I would be honoured to accept.]

" Alright then from now on you shall be called firefly."

[ Thank you master.]


As the months and years pass Taylor no longer got bored thanks to his holographic phone, which allowed him to not only read,watch and listen to entertainment from his old world, but also from other worlds.

And while he certainly missed some days to do his free pulls after they capped, He more often than not stayed on top of them and kept pulling.

Eventually, after 100 years of this, got his next EX rank pull.

[ Congratulations, master you have gotten…]

[ (EX) speed force : just like how speedstars are connected to the speed force in DC you are also connected to the speed force, however, instead of the speed force being a thing that exists in the universe, it is something that exists within you.]

" oh good Lord in heaven" needless to say Taylor was absolutely gobsmacked, never in his wildest dreams, would he have thought he would be become a speed star.

Obviously, his agility parameter also went up.

[ Agility : EX]

As the years passed, while he enjoyed himself with entertainment he also decided he need to start training his abilities, he started with his all weapon and combat styles grandmastery.

He was able to buy a bunch of the necessary training equipment from the store as it was deemed a necessity to keep him physically active.

Today Taylor just finished his 32,869th training session.

" Firefly what's my current strength parameter?"

[ Master your current strength parameter has risen to C+]

"And how long have I been training again?"

[ Master, you've been training for 124 years.]

" I suppose that proves just how untalented I really am."

"Hey firefly, how long do you think it'll take before the Moon cell comes into being."

[ I do not know master, but I calculate that it will probably be in a couple million years.]

"Well, that's both fortunate and unfortunate, and how long has it been since I first appeared in this universe?"

[ About 250 years master.]

"Damn, I guess it's true what they say in HSR, short life species have no idea just how gruellingly boring A long life can be, especially when there's very little to do to keep yourself entertained."

Taylor lay down on the ground and looked out in to the universe, wondering, pondering and contemplating in true silence for the first time, Thus marking start of his journey to accepting the silence that he would have to live in for a long time.

His time now consisted of Battle training with all his different weapons and Close quarter combat styles, he would then take a break in between with his holographic phone to entertain himself with and then dedicate time to being surrounded in nothing but silence so he can mentally adapt, as well as talk with firefly so that he wouldn't lose his communicational skills.

And just like that 20,000 years passed.

During this time, he completely mastered his all weapon and combat styles grandmastery, and truly made them his own.

Taylor also got a plethora of things from his free wishes though he didn't get another EX rank during this time and now more often that not forgot to do his free pulls after they capped, he did however get a few interesting skills.

[ (B) all of Han Xiao's mechanical skills & knowledge before he became a transcendent.]

[ (C) universal language : regardless of species and culture, you can speak, read and understand their languages as fluently as they can.]

[ (A) +1 Life coin (ready player one)]

And One that was concerning to say the least.

[ (S) absolute Impregnation : regardless of species or race you will be able to absolutely impregnate them only works on the opposite sex, when turned off you will not be able to impregnate anyone.]

What Truly concerned him about this one is the fact that he knows this came from a certain Doujin.

"Firefly does that one mean what I think it means?"

[ Yes, master it does.]

"So I could be worse than even Zeus, after all even he couldn't impregnate a tree, but in theory I could, hell I could probably impregnate a planet."

" I really don't know how I feel about that."

" But regardless I would like that thing turned off for now."

[ Right away master.]

Afterwords Taylor began the journey to master all of Han Xaio Knowledge and mechanical skills, needless to say it wouldn't be easy considering he had no atmosphere or trees, let alone the fact he has no machinery.

[ Master I've been meaning to ask, why don't you just use your Reality alteration, to make Earth perfectly habitable, it would also help you in kickstarting your own technological mastery.]

" Firefly, do you have access to my memory's by chance?"

[ No I don't, and even if I did, I wouldn't view them without your permission first.]

" well, I guess that explains why you wouldn't know, you see, I read a novel once, called build a technological civilisation, and in it, it discussed the differences between a naturally occurring environments and an artificially created one and I suppose that has just stuck with me I prefer to witness a naturally occurring ecosystem rather than an artificially created one."

[ I understand now master.]

So obviously all he was able to do was study and understand the knowledge until he could actually get practical experience.

Yet time still marches on.

After another 50,000 years Taylor received his First EX Rank Item.

[ Congratulations Master you got…]

[ (EX) Model 72 Ironman armour : an armoured suit made of Mysterium is more Durable than adamantium and impervious to magic, also possesses all the standard abilities that regular Ironman armour would have, it's aesthetics and design can be changed to fit your personal preferences, it's power source has been changed to your internal magic power.]

" Well once I've mastered all of Han Xiao' knowledge i'm definitely gonna try and re-create Mysterium myself."

But that is still many many years away, for now he chose to customise his new Armor, first he changed the colour scheme to white and gold, next he added a shall and Hood that would appear cloth like, then he made the arms and leg armour, take the form of muscles, with his white armour shell over the top of his lighter gold armour.

Then, for his torso part, he changed it more to look like a Knight's chest piece and finally for the headpiece, he left it mostly the same.

*Image here*

Needless to say, he was now quite happy with the ability to traverse space, obviously he could've tried to use the speed force to see if that would work, but he didn't want to take the risk of being unable to generate kinetic force in the void.

Now with the ability to confidently traverse space, he began to Explorer the other space Rocks, he also confirmed that the suit came with a scanner that would allow him to check the mineral and gases, the first one he went to was the one that would eventually become Venus, he did a scan of the would be planet and confirms that there was no photonic crystals, but there was an abundance of gases and minerals that would help him greatly in the future.

The next one he checked was The one that would eventually become Mars, what he found out was that there was indeed photonic Crystals and in abundance of other minerals, but very small amounts of different gases, but because of this Taylor came to hypothesis that, unlike in his origin universe, for life to be born in this one, it requires a balance of gases, minerals and photonic crystals, not just being in the Goldilocks zone of the Sun, as the photonic crystals would be able to heat up or cool down depending on their environment.

Then he went beyond the will be Mars, and reached where the future asteroid belt would be, after many years he finally reached where the would be Jupiter will be but currently all he saw The space rock that was even smaller than the would be earth, yet he could see many gases starting to come towards it, thanks to his suit's Visual monitors, as they can see more than what regular eyes could.

" hey Firefly, how long have I taken on this journey between these would be planets?"

[ around 23 years currently master.]

" Pretty quick then, well I look forward to The day that I can harness all these natural resources, but then again I may as well harness the natural resources of the Solar systems that surround this one instead, I can give Humanity a nice big surprise whenever they finally become a spacefaring civilisation."

[ well regardless of what choices you make involving this, I'll always be at your side Master, giving you all the support I can.]

"Thank you, firefly."


I would like to let you know that any feedback you may have for me will be much appreciated.