
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs

I shall make a gun out of you 2/2

"Okey let's get some things out of the way before we land, can't have you no knowing stuff and then looking like an idiot." she said, leaving the book she was reading on her lap.

"Makes sense, wouldn't want to look like an idiot either." I reply.

"First of all what I told your father before about Atlas was a lie." she said as if stating the most obvious fact ever.

"Huh, then why are you telling me this?" I am quite confused, if it is a secret she can't even tell dad or something like that, why would she tell it to her 7 year old son? Sure I am a genius but still, stupid move.

"Because it is obvious that you won't follow into your father's footsteps, which means you will follow mine." she stated.

Huh, I don't like were this is going. If she tells me what to do the probability of me doing the complete opposite will increase drastically.

"Really now? I could create my own path you know?" I tell her.

"Spare me the the stupid-naive protagonist of a poorly written novel talk. Your father studies magic and I study alchemy, while similar we are also fundamentally different.

You will be a Magus which means you have to follow one of this two paths. You clearly have no interest whatsoever on the studies your father does, yet you are a prodigy on alchemy and actually dedicate yourself to it." she explained.

"Well, you are right. I find his magic studies extremely boring. While they could be useful and I could improve my magic crest with them, I don't really see as much development potential as with alchemy." I confess.

"I know, the same happens to me. We are getting off topic here so I will continue. Each one of the six Sources focuses on improving one aspect of the body.

My family focuses on the dna. The other five families focus on nerves, bones, blood, organs and cells respectively. I will be taking you to see my family and after that you will be attending classes of alchemy. You don't have to take them all if it is already something you know but there should be stuff to help you there." she continued explaining without waisting time.

"Hmm, okey thanks. I will keep it in mind while going to class." I say.

"Good. Now I will tell you some things important for alchemists, first is the fact that alchemists have no need to become the strongest, because they make that which is the strongest, that is the central dogma of Atlas.

Faster, Stronger, More Accurate. That is the mantra alchemist use while creating or applying alchemies, you will most likely hear it a lot since it helps most alchemists focus. Also, you should know that alchemists focus on mind improvement arts, such as thought acceleration and the like, you should learn those as soon as possible."

"Okey, anything else I should know? Like about your family or something..." I ask her after noticing that she stayed silent.

"Hmm... be careful with everyone really, some people there are pretty messed up, besides that nothing else really, you will figure the rest out along the way." she said and proceeded to grab her book once again, indicating she won't say much more throughout the rest of the flight.

Oi oi oi don't just drop a warning like that and then shut up acting like if nothing happened! Also, for her to say that some people are messed up... damn.


Arriving at Atlas was not what I expected. It was quite obvious that they had an obsession with blueish-platinum colour and with futuristic-looking squares because holy f*ck everything is designed like that.

<Image here>

There was a man with the same dark-red hair my mom has waiting for us at the entrance. The servants that were with him left his side immediately and started taking our things out of the car.

"How was the trip sister?" he asked, looking at my mom.

"Good enough, the plain was annoying as usual but I brought my son along this time so I guess the good and bad things balance each other out." damn this mom of mine is weird, honestly I am pretty sure she is a psychopath or something.

"I see, in that case he is my nephew right?" he said while pointing in my direction.

"Yes." mom plainly says before proceeding to remain quiet.

Sigh, honestly if I didn't have my awesome butler to teach me manners, or if I was normal for that matter, I would be freaking out right now. At least introduce me mom!

"A pleasure to meet you uncle, I am Dio Salvatore." I say.

"Hmmm, he got our red eyes, but that hair colour definitely isn't ours, I suppose it is your husbands right?" he said, completely ignoring my greeting.

This time my mom didn't even speak, she simply nodded while using the most anti-social expression to ever exist "Hn".

"Very well then, let's go. The servants will show you to your quarters. We will dine together so you will see the rest of the family then." he said before leaving.

A servant comes to guide us to our rooms without speaking... what a shame really, I was kind of hoping for a tour and some explanations about the design of this place but whatever, I guess everyone in this house is a psychopath and the servants have adapted to it, although watching how stoic they are they might as well be homunculi or something.

Once we arrive to our rooms the servants that were following us with our things dropped them off and proceeded to unpack them. Just in case you are wondering, they indeed gave as separate rooms and, while I am grateful for that... what kind of family leaves a 7 year old kid in a room alone instead of putting him with his mother?! Whatever I won't complain for what doesn't affect me negatively.

After the servants finished unpacking and left, I started reading the alchemy book mom gave me during the flight to keep me distracted. I t is called 'The theory of the soul' volume 1. The perfect gift for a seven year old. Honestly they are lucky I was born as their son, otherwise they would be dealing with an entitled spoiled brat with daddy and mommy issues.

Ughh I don't even have my butler here so I can't expect anyone to bring me apple juice without me telling them too. Damn I might have grown a bit too accustomed to not even have to ask for things before getting them.

Whatever, I will try to finish this book as soon as possible and see if I can understand souls, they are necessary to create a living homunculi and I want one of those as soon as possible.



Author note:

I will upload images on the parameters page now, things like how the mc looks like.

Anyway, might drop two more chapters later tonight, I am still not sure about whether this fanfic will be published in my morning like In MHA as Mahito or in the evening like Fate as a Servant.