
Fate's Bloody Path

"I lost the only person who ever made me feel whole. She was taken from me without reason, and since then, each day I have been a shadow of what I once was. In the midst of my despair, an enigmatic being appeared in my dreams, offering me the impossible: to be reborn in different eras, with the promise of finding her again. But with every rebirth, I feel like I’m losing a part of myself, and I don’t know how much longer I can endure." Shattered by the pain of loss, Darius is drawn into a world that defies everything he knows. In each era, he faces mythical creatures and forces that challenge not only his strength but his very humanity. Each mission, orchestrated by mysterious powers, pulls him deeper into a destiny he didn’t choose, while his decisions alter the future of the worlds he touches. Yet with every new life, something inside him fades, as the chaos within him grows. The entity guiding him has infused him with chaos for reasons unknown, using him as a pawn in a dangerous game that threatens not only his life but the fate of all the eras he visits. What will Darius do when he uncovers the true motives of this enigmatic being? Will he ever find his lost love, or has he merely been a pawn in a much larger game of deception and betrayal? Time is running out, and the stakes grow higher: not just for Darius, but for reality itself. *** Author note: -If you enjoy slow-paced stories with fantasy elements, this one is for you. -I'll be uploading images, videos, and news on my social networks to complement the novel: https://linktr.ee/mr_o_webnovel

Mr_O_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

An Exotic Naga

After helping the villagers well into the late afternoon, I finally managed to get some proper rest. As I walked toward the inn where I was staying, I couldn't help but think how miserable that place was.

It always smelled damp, and no matter how tired I was, I never seemed to get a good night's sleep. The air in those filthy rooms felt just as heavy as my body. I wondered if with the money Loran had given me, I could finally afford to stay somewhere better.

As I made my way through one of the streets that had survived the battle relatively intact, something caught my attention: a shop that, surprisingly, was still standing. Most of the stores were wrecked or shut down, but this one, to my surprise, was still open. I walked closer and read the sign at the entrance: Herbalist.

Intrigued, I decided to go in. I knew that besides rest, I needed to better prepare for what was coming, and if they sold mana potions, I could take advantage of the opportunity.

I should return the one I used from Nayris, and it wouldn't hurt to stock up for myself. With the battles ahead, I was going to need all the potions I could get.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was surrounded by the sweet fragrance of exotic herbs and delicate scents, momentarily lifting the tension from the day.

The place was filled with gleaming bottles, wooden shelves packed with magical ingredients, and a soft, warm glow illuminated the room. I felt a bit out of place amidst all the mysticism, but there was something about the atmosphere that made me feel more alert.

"Welcome, warrior…" came a soft, velvety voice from the shadows of the shop. I froze and turned my head towards the source of the sound. In front of me, a slender, exotic figure glided towards me with slow, graceful movements. Her serpent-like body swayed with a hypnotic elegance. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of cunning and amusement.

"What brings a man like you to my humble shop?" she asked, her tone both sensual and teasing as she began to circle me slowly.

I felt uneasy immediately. Her presence was overwhelming, invading my personal space in a way that made me want to back away, but I tried to hold my ground.

"I'm looking for… mana potions," I managed to say, though my voice betrayed the nervousness I was trying to hide.

"Mana potions?" she repeated with a playful smile as she stopped in front of me, her eyes locked onto mine.

"How predictable." Her words hung in the air, heavy, and she seemed to delight in my discomfort.

"But of course, it's not all about strength, is it? A true warrior knows when to rely on magic."

Her words felt like a game, a hidden challenge, and for some reason, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being tested.

She slid back towards one of the shelves, delicately picking up several bottles.

"Here are some options… basic mana potion," she said, holding up a small blue vial.

"Restores a decent amount of energy, perfect for those who haven't quite mastered the art of magic."

Her eyes sparkled as she watched for my reaction, as if she expected to see some sign of weakness or doubt.

I tried to keep my gaze steady, though the unease was obvious. It wasn't just what she said, but how she said it, as if every word was calculated to test me in ways I couldn't fully understand.

"I just need to recover and be ready," I thought, trying to keep my composure.

"I need a mana potion, but with healing effects," I interrupted, trying to focus on what I had really come for.

Lythara raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile as she moved closer again, far more than necessary.

"Oh, so you need to be taken care of too… isn't that just adorable?" she purred, her tone so soft it felt like her words were caressing my skin.

Her serpent-like body coiled around me, and although I tried to remain steady, it was difficult to ignore her presence.

"This one," she continued, lifting a darker vial, "will restore you and heal your wounds, but… it's more expensive, of course." She watched me from the corner of her eye, as if enjoying the way I reacted.

"And then there's this," she added, pointing to a vial with a liquid that seemed to move on its own, "very rare to come by… but I only offer it to those who truly deserve it."

My discomfort wasn't lost on her, she knew it. She leaned slightly toward me, bringing her face dangerously close to mine.

"But who am I to judge who deserves what? My name is Lythara," she whispered with a seductive smile. "And you, Darius… do you think you're worthy of more than just the basics?"

The fact that she knew my name caught me off guard.

"How does she know?" I thought quickly, but there wasn't time to dwell on it.

I tried to stay calm, but her piercing gaze made it even harder to keep control of the situation.

"I just… just need the mana potion with healing effects," I managed to say, trying to keep my voice steady.

Lythara smiled, slowly backing away, though still keeping that teasing air. "As you wish." This time, her tone grew deeper, more serious, but still carried that unshakable sensuality.

"Healing mana potions are essential in any battle, but I'd always recommend carrying something extra with you. You never know when you'll need a little more cunning to survive."

As she spoke, she began preparing the potions in front of me. Her hands moved with almost artistic precision, mixing ingredients fluidly and expertly.

"I'm the only one who makes them around here," she said, without stopping her work.

"Each potion has its own… personal touch."

Though her words remained seductive, something in her tone made me realize that despite her playful attitude, she knew exactly what she was doing. She was a master of her craft.

The tension in the air eased a little. Though her presence was still imposing, I couldn't deny her expertise. The fresh, mystical aromas filled the room, and as I watched her work, the initial discomfort gave way to a feeling of curiosity. Maybe there was more to her than she let on.

Lythara finished preparing the potions. Her body moved gracefully as she poured the glowing blue liquid into a small crystal vial. When she was done, she approached me slowly, with a smile that hinted at trouble.

As she handed me the potions, her fingers brushed against mine, the contact soft but intentional enough that I couldn't ignore it.

"Be careful with this one, it's… quite special," she murmured, her voice almost a whisper as she stood far too close, watching me with those piercing eyes.

I felt uncomfortable. The unexpected touch caught me off guard, and I quickly pulled out a few coins from my pouch, trying to regain control.

"Is this enough?" I asked, hoping the transaction would be over soon.

Lythara's eyes widened slightly as she saw the coins in my hand, then let out a soft laugh.

"Oh my… it seems you're carrying more than enough, Darius." Her tone was more playful, and her gaze even more intense.

"With this, you could buy much more than just a few potions… though, of course, it depends on how you want to spend it."

Before I could respond, Lythara took one of the coins, her fingers brushing mine again, intentionally. Then, with a smile, she pulled out a few smaller coins from a nearby drawer.

"But don't worry, dear. Here's your change," she said, handing me the coins with the same delicate touch. Her remark left me speechless for a moment, and she, taking advantage of the pause, leaned a little closer.

"Perhaps you should save some for… special occasions," she added in a whisper full of insinuation.

My body tensed immediately. I felt an uncomfortable heat rise up my neck as I looked away, trying to avoid her gaze. I didn't know how to respond, and my mind raced to find a way out of the situation.

"I... I'm not interested in that," I stammered awkwardly, wishing the subject would change as quickly as possible.

Lythara smiled, amused by my reaction, but she backed off slightly, as if she had gotten exactly what she wanted: to make me uncomfortable.

"Relax, Darius," she said softly, her tone still dripping with insinuation.

"It was just a suggestion."

Her gesture of giving me back the change surprised me. Despite her exotic and mysterious personality, Lythara was more honest than I had expected. My discomfort was now mixed with a growing sense of respect for her. Her voice remained filled with innuendo, but her actions showed an integrity I hadn't anticipated.

Why would such an enigmatic and provocative creature be so fair in such a simple detail?

This thought settled in my mind as I tucked away the potions.

"Thanks for everything, Lythara," I said, trying to keep my composure as I quickly put the potions away.

"The pleasure was all mine... Darius," she replied, with a smile that seemed to hide far more than her words let on.

As I turned to leave, I felt her presence draw near again. Suddenly, her face was dangerously close to my neck, as if she was... smelling me. The soft brush of her breath made the hair on my skin stand on end.

"We'll see each other again… I'm sure of it," she whispered, her tone heavy with suggestion.

I didn't respond. I left the shop as fast as I could, feeling the rapid beating of my heart. Once outside, the cold air hit me, cooling the uncomfortable heat that had crept up my neck.

"What… a strange experience," I thought, though I couldn't help but let a small smile form on my lips.

It was undeniable that the interaction with Lythara had been… different. Lythara was as cunning and provocative as I had imagined, but there was something else: honesty. Something in that duality made me wonder who she really was.

With the potions in hand, I started walking back. Tomorrow, I would give one to Nayris as a thank you for everything she had done for me. I'd also take the opportunity to visit Eldrek; he was the only one who knew my secret.

With everything that had happened lately, I knew it was time to clarify how I was able to go back in time to save Nayris. Perhaps Eldrek could guide me about my abilities, help me understand them better, and even give me clues on how to control them.

The night was still young, and as I walked, I thought about how much I needed to rest in better conditions. I couldn't keep enduring that filthy inn.

That place was little more than a cave with damp walls, and every night I spent there, I felt like sleep eluded me, despite my exhaustion. With the money I had on me, I searched for something more decent. I needed a place with a bathtub to relax.

After walking a few more streets, I found a much better lodging, one that met my expectations. I didn't hesitate to go inside. Finally, I could rest properly, and this time, maybe my thoughts wouldn't be clouded by the discomfort of a bad place.

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