
43Chapter 43: Playing by the rules

"This old guy is so old, and he is only of the fifth rank. Should we keep him?"

"However, this old guy is unlucky. How can this immortal-level formation be compared with those secular formations? The illusions here are real illusions, but death is also real death."

Everything that happened in the formation naturally could not escape Qin Ye's eyes. Master Hu said it was an illusion formation, and it was really an illusion formation. The only difference between this illusion formation and other illusion formations is that other illusion formations attack the heart. As long as you keep your heart, everything is false and you can easily get out of the illusion formation.

But this illusion formation is a real killing formation, and everything in it is also illusory. For example, these skeletons are all illusory spiritual power in the formation, but their attacks are real. If you are cut by them, you will feel pain and die.

So let alone Yangling Hou, even if all the troops of the Qin Dynasty come in, as many as come will die.

"Although this old guy is only a fifth-grade formation master at an old age, there is not even a formation master in Qingfeng Sect now. This is not good. Let's keep this old guy first."

In the end, Qin Ye decided to keep the old guy alive.

The others were not so lucky. Although they tried their best, they were still no match for the attacks of so many powerful skeletons and were soon killed.

Only Master Hu was left.

These skeletons did not attack Master Hu again and retreated one after another.

The scene changed. When Master Hu opened his eyes again, he had arrived in a hall and saw the young man sitting in the hall.

The young man had sword eyebrows and star eyes, looking at him with a sharp gaze.

"Could it be that you are the leader of Qingfeng Sect?"

Master Hu was also someone he had met before. When he saw this scene, he instantly knew that he was in Qingfeng Sect.

"You are not stupid."

Qin Ye smiled.

"You won't kill me?" Master Hu asked with a strange look.

"You have some attainments in formation. It just so happens that I am short of a formation elder here." Qin Ye said truthfully.

Hearing that Qin Ye would not kill him, Master Hu was relieved. As a fifth-grade formation master, he has his own pride. There are countless people who want to win him over to join the sect, but he did not agree.

However, he was also afraid of death, especially after just seeing the power of the Qingfeng Sect's formation, he wanted to study this formation very much. He could feel that this formation was definitely beyond his knowledge.

However, Master Hu did not rush to agree. After all, agreeing too quickly would be a bit cheap. At least he should show some sincerity, and then he should give in again. If you invite him again, he will join the Qingfeng Sect.

"Master Qin, you may not know that I am used to freedom and will not join any sect."

"Really? Then kill him." Qin Ye said lightly.

"..." Master Hu stared at Qin Ye in amazement. What's wrong with you, little guy? Why don't you play by the rules? I am a fifth-grade formation master, the only fifth-grade formation master in the Great Qin Kingdom. Even the King of Qin is respectful to me. You, little guy, failed to invite him and killed him. It's too cruel.

Young people nowadays really have no patience at all.

Master Hu believes that he has seen all kinds of people. There are all kinds of people. Let's talk about cruel people. Take the Yangling Marquis outside for example. He came down from the battlefield. Isn't he cruel? He can do such a wicked thing as massacring a city, but he is not respectful to me. .

Qin Ye looked at Master Hu's stunned look and wanted to laugh. He still wanted to pretend to be noble in front of him. Qingfeng Sect lacked formation masters, but formations were a side door after all, and there were very few people practicing them, so Qin Ye was not in a hurry. He kept him just to prepare for the future. Maybe one day there will be a disciple with a talent for formations.

But it is not necessary. As he said, if you don't join, then kill him.

"No, no, no - I'm just thinking about it." Master Hu said hurriedly, fearing that Qin Ye would really kill him.

"Have you thought about it?" Qin Ye looked at him with a smile on his face.

However, Qin Ye's smile looked like a devil's smile in Master Hu's eyes, and he couldn't help but shudder and nodded: "I've thought about it, I'm willing to join!"

It's not that he was cowardly, but that Qin Ye was too cruel, so he had to go against his will.

So, Qin Ye established the Formation Hall, and first appointed Master Hu as the Formation Elder to preside over the Formation Hall on his behalf, and then appointed him as the Master of the Formation Hall when there was a suitable person in the future.


Outside Qingfeng Mountain, when Master Hu and his group entered, the rope broke inexplicably immediately, and Yangling Hou could only watch the formation, hoping that Master Hu and his group could really find a way to break the formation.

However, after more than two hours, there was still no movement. Even if Yangling Hou didn't want to believe it, he knew that they were dead.

Even Master Hu was trapped in the Qingfeng Sect's formation. Even if Yangling Hou wanted to conceal such important news, he couldn't. Now he didn't know how many eyes were staring at it.

They could only sigh that the Qingfeng Sect was really an anomaly.

Yangling Hou had no way to deal with the Qingfeng Sect, so he ordered the soldiers to scold it from morning to night every day, and wrote to the King of Qin, reporting the situation here, saying that the Qingfeng Sect was a hidden pawn of another country, and asked the dynasty to send strong men to destroy it.

He also knew that with his current strength, he could only besiege it and couldn't attack it at all, so he hoped that the Great Qin Dynasty could send experts to assist him.


Qin Ye was too lazy to pay attention to the verbal battle of the Yanglinghou army, but Wan Chen couldn't control his temper and wanted to go to fight, but was pushed back by Qin Ye.

In Qin Ye's view, cursing is a sign of incompetence. If you really have the strength, come and fight me! Using these provocations is of no use to him.

The next day, outside Qingfeng Mountain, the cursing continued.

What shameless person, son of a bitch, wretched leader, greetings to all the women in your ancestors, etc., all the bad words can be used.

No matter how bad the curses are, there is still no ripple. It seems that everyone in Qingfeng Sect is deaf.

In Qingfeng Sect, a shocking momentum rose to the sky, followed by a loud laugh.

However, this shocking momentum just rose to the sky, as if it was wiped out by a pair of big hands, coming and going quickly.

"Master's aura - ah! Is this old man Wu?" The tenth elder Yuan Ming heard the voice of old man Wu from the laughter. He thought that old man Wu was in the innate realm like him, but from the momentum he just burst out, it was clearly the aura of a master, and it was not an ordinary master's aura, even the aura of the leader could not match it.

"Who is this old man Wu? How could the Great Qin Dynasty have such a powerful master?"

The tenth elder thought hard, but couldn't figure out who this master was. Although Xue Sha only operated in Qingzhou, he knew the information of the masters in the Great Qin Dynasty very well. Generally, Xue Sha would not dare to provoke the forces with masters easily.

"Alas! This Qingfeng Sect is getting more and more difficult to see through."

Then, the tenth elder smiled bitterly. It seemed that Xue Sha was in trouble. Even if their leader Xue Sha came in person, he could not take advantage. What should he do?

Is he really going to sweep the floor here for the rest of his life?

Thinking of the other two, he was full of anger. These two kids are now trying to please Qin Ye, and they are even worse than licking dogs.

Xue Sha's face was completely humiliated by them.

Even if I die, Yuan Ming will never join Qingfeng Sect.

Sweeping the floor now is just a temporary measure. As long as there is a chance, I will escape. Even if Qingfeng Sect has a master, what can I do? After returning to Xue Sha, the worst that can happen is that I will not provoke Qingfeng Sect anymore.

Isn't being the tenth elder of Xue Sha better than being a chores? Everyone knows how to choose.

"These two bastards!"

Thinking of those two people, one is the steward of Xue Sha, and the other is the helmsman of Xue Sha, who betrayed Xue Sha so easily, he wanted to beat them to death.