
44Chapter 44 Old Man Wu

Qingfeng Sect, main hall.

Old man Wu has completely cured himself of the poison and immediately came to pay his respects to Qin Ye to thank him.

"If it weren't for the Sect Master, I would still be suffering. I am willing to do my best for the Qingfeng Sect."

"This is a deal between you and me. How much of your cultivation has recovered now?" Qin Ye asked.

"Eighty percent. If I am given a few more days, I can recover completely." Old man Wu said confidently.

"That's enough to deal with Yangling Hou. Go ahead. You've been cursing at the door all day and everyone is laughing at you." Although Qin Ye didn't care much about the cursing, he was still a little unhappy to be blocked at the door and cursed. He was just too lazy to do anything.

Since Old man Wu has recovered, this matter should be resolved.

"Yes, Sect Master."

Qin Ye waved his hand, and a jade token was delivered to Old man Wu, saying, "With this jade token, you can come and go freely in the formation."

"Thank you, Sect Master." Old man Wu reached out and took the jade token, then retreated.

The tenth elder who was sweeping the floor in the inner courtyard watched the high-spirited old man Wu pass by, with a face full of envy, wondering when he could recover his cultivation.

Arriving at the door, old man Wu used his mind to control the jade token and walked out of the formation smoothly.

As soon as he left the formation, he was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, and a soldier shouted: "Someone is coming out!"..

"Catch him!" a captain ordered loudly.

Old man Wu did not speak, and an extremely powerful pressure burst out from his body, instantly shaking away all the soldiers who besieged him.

"Who is it?"

The captain shouted fiercely.

However, old man Wu did not speak, but just walked forward step by step.

"Not good! Stop him!"

The frightened soldiers besieged him again, and all of them were also shaken away, and none of them survived.


An old general with the sixth level of innate cultivation drove his horse over, flew up, and stabbed old man Wu with a spear in his hand.

Old man Wu glanced at him, slapped him with his palm, and slapped him away.


The soldiers were terrified. The Xiantian realm masters couldn't even take a single move from him.

Old man Wu walked towards the military camp step by step. The generals who came over saw that Old man Wu was unfathomable. He killed all the Xiantian realm masters in seconds, so they immediately organized the army to stop him.


Dozens of cavalrymen rushed towards Old man Wu.

Old man Wu waved his hand, and a strong whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of him, instantly sweeping these dozens of cavalrymen into the air with their horses. When the whirlwind disappeared, blood and flesh scattered all over the ground.

"So strong!"

All the generals trembled in their hearts and were terrified. This was definitely not an ordinary master.

"Quick! Stop him!"

All the generals quickly organized soldiers to stop Old man Wu.

Seeing these soldiers rushing up fearlessly, Old man Wu shook his head, rose into the air, stepped on the void, and walked towards the military camp.

"Stepping on the void, walking in the void, no good, this is a master, go and inform the Marquis!"

A general reacted, his face was horrified, and he immediately ordered his personal soldiers to inform Yangling Marquis.

After breaking through to the master level, you can step on the void for a short time and walk in the void, and after breaking through to the great master level, you can fly through the air. A master, let alone dealing with his 10,000 troops, even if there are 100,000 troops here, they may not be able to stay, so sending more people is just sending them to death, so they did not make any more moves.

The movement here had already alarmed Yangling Marquis. When he heard that a master came out from Qingfeng Sect, he immediately sneered: "Well, well, well - this behind-the-scenes force finally couldn't help but come out, I want to see who is against me."

When Yangling Marquis led his generals out of the barracks, they saw Old Man Wu walking in the void. Soldiers kept shooting arrows at him, but the arrows fell to the ground before they reached him.

"It's really a master!"

Yangling Hou himself is at the master level, so he can tell at a glance whether the other party is a master or not.

Old man Wu also found Yangling Hou and walked towards him, but he saw that old man Wu walked down step by step, and no one dared to stop him.

"Who are you?"

Yangling Hou looked stern and asked in a cold voice.

"Are you Yangling Hou?" Old man Wu looked at Yangling Hou and asked.

"Yes! It's me! Who are you?" Yangling Hou said.

"Qin Ye wants your head. Do you want to give it to me or do you want me to take it?" Old man Wu said in a calm tone, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

But this sentence caused a sensation among the crowd.

Everyone was shocked. Although this old man was a master, he said that he wanted to take Yangling Hou's head as soon as he opened his mouth. This was too disrespectful to Yangling Hou and his army.

Even Yangling Hou himself was extremely shocked.

Afterwards, Yangling Hou was extremely angry, his eyes turned red, this master actually treated him like an ant, who is not a master?

"How dare you! You are looking for death! Qin Ye is just a..."

When the commander was insulted, a general immediately spoke out in anger.

He wanted to say that Qin Ye was nothing, but before he finished speaking, the old man Wu had already made a move, pointed out a sword light from his fingers, and the general screamed and fell off his horse, with a blood hole on his forehead.

So fast!

His move stunned everyone. The general who spoke just now was not an unknown person. In fact, those who can become generals are at least in the innate realm, and the general just now was in the eighth level of the innate realm, but he had no power to fight back in the hands of the old man Wu.

"Qin Ye is still a little petty. He's going to die anyway, so I'll take care of him first." Old Man Wu looked at Yang Linghou and said.

Everyone was extremely angry. So many generals died in the attack on Qingfeng Sect this time. It was their honor to die on the battlefield as a soldier. What really made them angry was that they rarely lost on the battlefield, but they were so powerless in front of the master, like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

He was killed directly just by cursing the Qingfeng Sect.

The master was too domineering.

All the soldiers stared at Old Man Wu angrily, but no one dared to curse him anymore.

Yang Linghou's face was gloomy. Just now, Old Man Wu suddenly attacked, and he didn't react. People were killed in front of him. How could his generals look at him?

Yang Linghou, who always wanted to save face, certainly couldn't stand it. If the other party was not a master, he would have ordered the other party to be torn into pieces.

A master master, let alone killing him, may not be able to stay even if he is joined by a 100,000-man army, so it is best not to offend a master master.

The reason why the King of Qin favored Yangling Marquis so much is because he is a master master. If he is not a master master, he would have been killed by his political enemies long ago.

"Your Excellency, as a master master, why do you have to obey a Xiantian realm kid? If you are willing to join my Great Qin, I can guarantee that you can be made a marquis and appointed as a prime minister."

Although Yangling Marquis was very angry, he still restrained himself and did not choose to take action immediately.