
14Chapter 14: The Tiger Fist Sect is destroyed

The next day, the sky was blue, cloudless, and the weather was sunny.

Qin Ye did not bring anyone with him this time. He went down the mountain alone and went to Qingfeng City to find a chef.

Before going down the mountain, Qin Ye had already asked Gui Hai Yidao to go to the Tiger Fist Sect.

Of course, he was not going to travel, but to destroy the sect.

However, Qin Ye was not a murderous person. He just asked Gui Hai Yidao to deal with those high-level people, and those disciples could be disbanded.


Tiger Fist Sect.

Early in the morning, Hu Tianxiong summoned all the elders to discuss.

He was a little uneasy. It was reasonable that Xue Sha would send news today, but no news had come yet.

"Master, don't worry. Xue Sha sent a helmsman, who is a strong man in the innate realm to deal with Qin Ye who had just broken through. It should not be a difficult task. They must have been delayed by something. I believe that news will come soon." The second elder comforted.

"Master, you really think too highly of Qin Ye. How can a young man who has just broken through to the Xiantian realm be a match for the master of the Blood Killing Hall? I think you are worrying too much. Besides, assassination is the strong point of the Blood Killing assassins. I am afraid that Qin Ye's body should have been cold by now." The third elder sneered.

The other elders echoed.

Hu Tianxiong also thought so, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell where the uneasy factor came from.

"Has the person who went to Qingfeng Sect to follow not come back yet?" Hu Tianxiong asked.

"Not yet." The second elder in charge of this matter replied.

"Strange, it stands to reason that he should have come back at this time." The first elder muttered to himself.

The assassination happened last night. With such a big commotion, the people who followed could not have been unaware of it, but it was a bit strange that they had not reported it until now.

Yesterday, two disciples were arranged to follow. Even if one was delayed, the other should have come back.

Bang bang! !

At this moment, two people fell from the sky and landed in the hall.

There were actually two corpses, and they were the disciples they sent out to follow.

"Who is it?" Hu Tianxiong and the elders' faces suddenly changed. They stood up, took out their weapons, and looked at the door.

Gui Hai Yidao slowly walked into the hall and said coldly: "The killer last night was indeed invited by you."

"Not good!"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Tianxiong and the elders' faces changed. This person actually eavesdropped on their conversation for so long, but they didn't notice it at all, which was enough to show that this person was very scary.

However, they thought of something even more terrifying. Hu Tianxiong was surprised and said: "Are you from the Qingfeng Sect?"

Gui Hai Yidao did not reply, but just looked at them coldly, and an invisible sense of oppression came over them.

The elders were oppressed by this invisible power and couldn't breathe. They knew that the person in front of them was very scary and was definitely a congenital strongman.

"Those people were dead yesterday. The sect master sent me to destroy the sect." Gui Hai Yidao said lightly.

"What? The blood killers are all dead..."

Everyone was shocked. That was a master of the Xiantian realm with several physical training masters, but they all fell in the Qingfeng Sect. Is the Qingfeng Sect so terrifying? If they had known it was so terrifying, they would not dare to provoke the Qingfeng Sect.

"Master, now we have no choice but to fight." The elder gritted his teeth.

This is a blood feud. The other party has said that they came to destroy the family, so there is no reconciliation.

Knowing that the other party may be a Xiantian strongman, they can only grit their teeth and fight at this time.

"Don't overestimate your own ability."

Gui Hai Yidao said, and his figure flashed, and he had already arrived outside the hall.

Swinging the sword towards the hall, the sword energy burst out with a huge force, directly bombarding the hall, razing the entire hall to the ground, and burying everyone inside.

One sword is so terrifying.

When the other disciples rushed over, everything was too late. Gui Hai Yidao did not kill these disciples, but just asked them to disband completely.

The master and the elders were already dead, and they had provoked a strong enemy again, so they could only disband.

The news of the destruction of the Tiger Fist Sect could not be concealed at all, and it spread quickly.

Several leaders hurriedly brought the elders of the sect to come, and when they saw the ruins of the entire hall, they all gasped.

The leader of the Qingtian Sect looked at the ruins and said slowly: "According to the disciples of the Tiger Fist Sect, a man came and used only one knife, and this place became like this."

The leader of the Baisha Sect said solemnly: "Who destroyed the Tiger Fist Sect?"

It was too terrifying. It only took one knife to destroy the Tiger Fist Sect. With such strength, it might only take one knife to destroy his Baisha Sect.

"It was the Qingfeng Sect." The leader of the Qingtian Sect replied.

"What? How is this possible? Even if Qin Ye broke through to the innate realm, it is impossible for him to destroy the Tiger Fist Sect with one knife." All the leaders did not believe it. They had seen innate masters and had a specific understanding of the strength of innate masters.

"It's true." The leader of the Tiejian Sect nodded.

"What's going on? Why did the Qingfeng Sect destroy the Tiger Fist Sect? Could it be that what they did before was exposed?" The leader of the Black Bear Sect said in a deep voice.

The fact that the Tiger Fist Sect had previously besieged the leader of the Qingfeng Sect could not be hidden from them. The Qingfeng Sect was a piece of fat meat, and they all wanted to take a bite. It was just that the changes were too great, and Qin Ye suddenly appeared, which forced them to give up their plans.

"The person who attacked was not Qin Ye, but an unknown strong man." The leader of the Qingtian Sect said: "According to the information I received, it was Hu Tianxiong who was afraid of Qin Ye's revenge, so he decided to strike first and paid a large sum of money to ask Xuesha to assassinate Qin Ye. You also saw the result."


All the sect leaders took a deep breath. This frightened them more than the destruction of the Tiger Fist Sect.

Blood Kill is a notorious killer organization. Many innate masters in the Great Qin Dynasty died at the hands of this bloody hand. Once a big man in the kingdom contacted several sects to encircle and suppress Blood Kill, but failed to exterminate it.

Once targeted by Blood Kill, even innate masters can rarely escape. But now it seems that the Blood Kill operation failed, and Qin Ye sent people to destroy the Tiger Fist Sect.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. Fortunately, they didn't get involved, otherwise they might follow the footsteps of the Tiger Fist Sect.

"So Qingfeng Sect has two innate masters, or maybe more..." The head of the Baisha Sect suddenly reacted and said in a lost voice.

"This..." The other leaders also reacted and changed their faces.

One innate master was already difficult for them to deal with, and now there is another one, and this one is still unknown, which makes them even more terrified.

"We can only make friends with the Qingfeng Sect, and we must not make enemies."

The heads of the sects couldn't help but think in their hearts.


The news of the destruction of the Tiger Fist Sect soon spread to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Are you serious? The Tiger Fist Sect was really destroyed?" The City Lord was shocked.

"Yes, City Lord."

"What force destroyed it?" The City Lord looked a little ugly. A sect was destroyed in the place he governed. This was not a trivial matter. Although it was only a small sect that was destroyed, it still had to be reported to the higher-ups.

"According to the news, it was the Qingfeng Sect."