
Falling For The Prince Of Hell

Dina finds love in the wrong person, she is unable to forget him even after knowing he is not human. He loves her but is not able to be with her because they are from two different parts of the world. Luciel is the second son of the devil, he has served his father all his life in hell. He was his father's favorite son among all his brothers, but everything changed when he defiled his father's order. “Who are you?” Dina trembled in fear as she asked the man in a black garment standing in front of her. “Your worst nightmare.” Lucifer moved closer to her as she crawled backward in the empty room. “ Don't come any closer.” Dina’s back hit the large wall as her entire body trembled. “Why, don't you want to know who I am anymore?” Lucifer finally stopped moving and then he bent down to her level. “What do you want from me?” Dina was able to bring herself to ask another question. “Why are you so scared of me, but not Luciel?” Lucifer finally revealed his face to Dina. Dina was so shocked when she saw his face, he looked just like Luciel. But a little older and more handsome. If she was to see them together she would think they are brothers. “Why so surprised?” Lucifer asked the obvious. Meanwhile in reality, on Luciel’s bed. Luciel woke up to find that Dina was sweating and looking uncomfortable while wiggling her body. Immediately he saw her face, a frown formed on his face. He closed his eyes and fell back on the bed. “Father, don’t get any closer to her.” Luciel appeared in Dina’s dream and stood not too far from them. “I wasn’t expecting you to arrive this late, son.” Lucifer stood up from his previous position and then turned to look at Luciel. “Father, stay out of this.” Luciel clenched his fist as he spoke to his father, as though trying to control himself. Dina could not believe what she was seeing, how did Luciel even get here, was the question lingering in her mind. Her head was spinning with questions; she didn’t understand what was really going on. But one thing she was sure of, was that nothing was happening in reality, it was more like a dream. “Why should I? You can’t lie to her forever.” Lucifer's voice echoed in Luciel’s head. He hates that he had to lie to her. “Or do you enjoy lying to her?” Lucifer continued. “Father, stop.” Luciel finally lost the little self-control he had left and yelled at his father. “Don’t you want to know what Luciel really is?” Lucifer ignored his son’s behavior and focused his attention on Dina. Dina could not open her mouth to speak because her mind was messed up and everything that was happening was so confusing to her. “I will take your silence as a yes,” Lucifer spoke. “You see, Luciel here is a…” Lucifer could not finish what he was about to say when Luciel cut him off. “Father, don’t. I will tell her myself.” Luciel eventually moved from his stop and walked towards Dina. Dina finally woke up, she held her chest tightly as she struggled to breathe properly. Her hair was wet from all the sweating in the dream and her eyes were dull. Luciel pulls her into his embrace as he strokes her back slowly to calm her down. Dina finally knows about Luciel, being a demon. Even if it took some time to accept the fact that she is in love with a demon, the devil’s own son. Her feelings towards him did not change even after knowing her life is in danger and the devil will stop at nothing to get her. " We can't be together Dina, let's go our separate ways and forget we ever met." Luciel let go of her hand after saying these hurtful words to Dina. "But I can't just forget about you like it's nothing." Dina was on the verge of crying. “Look Dina, me being with just will just cause you a lot of rm.” He said almost in a whisper. He clenched his fist as he said those words.

colourful_ercy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


~M&J printing services~

"But that's too much money for just printing work on fifty microwaves alone," Andres complained to the manager of the printing press.

"Mr. Andres, that is the most suitable price I can give you at the moment." Trying to explain the situation to Andres.

"How much will it cost for thirty TV sets and industrial blenders?" Andres asked.

"Richard, get the totals for me now." The manager orders one of his employees.

"That will be 70$ sir." Replied the employee.

"So, when are you bringing your appliances to start the job?" Asked the manager.

"I should be able to bring them tomorrow, but I will bring only half of the money with me, the remaining payment will be given to you when the job is done." Andres is now negotiating with the manager.

"That's fair enough, MR. Andres." Said the manager with a satisfying smile on his face.

The Manager and Andres shook hands after the necessary arrangements were made and they said their goodbyes. Andres went back to his shop and started packing his appliances into boxes of different sizes, after that he hired a van that would transport the boxes to the press very early tomorrow morning. Everything was done and Andres could go home after the long day of work.

Later in the evening…

"How did your day go?" Andres asked his daughter while they were having dinner.

"Not so good, Father." Replied Dina in a sad tone.

"It's obvious, you look worried." Andres stopped eating and faced his daughter. "What is the problem dear?" Looking concerned for Dina.

"It's about the child with cancer at the orphanage, the management is planning on stopping his medications because it's getting more expensive to purchase," Dina explained to her father.

"And the couple who were to adopt him bailed out on him because of his illness." She continued.

"Oh, that's too bad." Andres felt concerned because he knew how much Dina loved children.

"And now I am really confused about what to do, I have no idea how to help him, Father." Tears started to roll off her eyes slowly.

Andres stood up from his chair and went to coax Dina. "Don't cry my sweet child, everything will be alright."

"I hope so, father." Dina wiped her tears with the back of her palm and hugged her father tightly.

"Why don't you adopt him instead," Andres asked with a smile on his face.

Dina chuckled softly against her father's body. "Father, you know that's not possible even if I wanted to."

"Why do you say so?" He asked as he pulled away.

"We don't even have enough money to pay the pending rent and you are talking about adopting a child." Now Dina was curious to know what her father would say next.

"Well, let's say there will be a change before you know it." Andres was smiling secretly.

"Father, don't tell me you want to gamble with the little we have." She said with a questioning look on her face.

Andres laughed out loud with his hands on his stomach. "HELL NO, I think I learned my lesson the last time I tried that."

"So what then?" Dina folded her hands against her chest, with a suspicious look on her face.

"Just you wait and see." He said as he diverted back to his food.

After dinner, Dina cleaned up the table and went to do the dishes. While doing the dishes she remembered her mother, she remembered how the three of them would sit around the table eating; enjoying the delicious meal her mother would make them, how she would read her bedtime stories at night and bathe her in the morning. She missed all the times when her parents fought about who would drop her off at school and who would brush her hair. Even though she is all grown up now and can do all that by herself, she still wished her mom could do stuff like that for her again.

"Mother, I miss you so very much, I wish you were here," Dina said with sadness written all over her face.

"Mother, I am confused right now... I have no idea what to do about Chris." She complained while doing the dishes.


Two days later, Dina had already found the perfect solution to the problem concerning Chris, and the solution to it is MRS. Wright, a wealthy woman who lives not too far away from the orphanage.

"Mrs. Wright, thank you so much, I appreciate what you are about to do for him." Dina thanked Mrs. Wright, wholeheartedly.

"It's my pleasure dear, I have no problem helping Chris." She replied sweetly.

After thinking seriously about how to help Chris, Dina finally got to the conclusion that she would visit Mrs. Wright to ask for help. Mrs. Wright was one of the most renowned women in the country, her husband died 6 years ago in a car accident, and ever since then, she was always alone in the house. All her children were all grown up and in their respective homes, and because of that, she decided to adopt a child one year after her husband's death. She adopted a child from the orphanage Dina worked and ever since then she had not seen her. Dina was very happy when Mrs. Wright accepted help with Chris's medications and even his surgery.

"Please can I bring Chris over, to thank you personally?" Dina was hoping she would say yes to her request.

"Sure, I would love to meet him." Replied Mrs. Wright.

"He would also love that; I am sure of it."

"Why don't you and Chris come for dinner tonight." Mrs. Wright suggested to Dina.

"Tonight will do." Dina got up and hugged Mrs. Wright lightly then bid her goodbye.

Dina went back to the orphanage to inform the management about Mrs. Wright wanting to take responsibility for Chris's medication and pending surgery. She then took permission from the management to take Chris to her to thank her for her support. They agreed to Dina's request in a heartbeat and even congratulated her on her job well done and she went along to give Chris and Molly the good news.

"Wow!! I can't believe she agreed, she must be really rich, to be able to pay for his surgery and medication." Molly said with a smile on her face but it was obvious that she was still surprised.

"Yes, she is, but she didn't do that because she is rich. She did that because she is a nice person" It was Chris who talked this time.

"Yes, only a nice person can do such a good deed to someone she barely knows," Dina said to Chris.

"I would love to see her and thank her for what she did for me," Chris told Dina.

"OH, yeah I forgot to tell you, she invited us for dinner at her house tonight." She said as she tapped her forehead lightly.

"That's not fair, you two will be out tonight while I will be stuck here with the kids all night," Molly said with her lips pouting in the air.

"Why would you be here all night?" Asked Dina.

"Well, since Lora is going to be gone for two days, I have to be here to take care of the kids till she is back." She explained.

"Ohh okay, good luck on your part-time job." Dina laughed out after speaking and walked away.